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District Council for Cunliffe.

Friday 31 October 1879, Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922) Trove

A public meeting to take into consideration the advisability of forming a District Council for Cunliffe, was held on the Reserve, near Mr. Morgan's section, Penang, on Monday afternoon, at four o'clock. The attendance was not so large as could be wished and I think there was a mistake made in the time of the meeting so early in the afternoon, as there were many that could not make it convenient to leave their work, to attend the meeting. Mr. W. T. Andrewartha, took minutes of meeting, and Mr. H. Jolly, was voted to the chair. After stating the object of the meeting, he called on

Mr. CORNER who said that he was decidedly in favor of a District Council. Personally he was not acquainted with tbe working of a Council, but he thought it would be of great benefit to the neighborhood, and if they did not go in for it themselves. Clinton District would, as they were trying to get a large quantity of our land in their district. He knew there would be an objection to the assessment and the rates, but when they came to consider that they would have good roads, &c. he thought they would fall in with him, and say it would be a boon to the neighborhood. He, accordingly moved " That this meeting is in favor of forming itself into a District Council."

Mr. T. ALLEN seconded, and the resolution was supported by Mr. Haywood and Mr. Rawling, who made an amusing speech and created a considerable amount of laughter.

Mr. WEARNE, of Agery, wished to know whether they knew positively that Clinton District intended to come in as far as it had been stated.

Mr. CORNER said that he had it from one of the Councillors of Clinton District.

Mr. WEARNE continued, and said that he could not say possitively whether he should support the motion or not, as we had to conside the rates, which he thought would come very heavy upon us, considering the bad crops which we have had the last three years. Here a little discussion took place with reference to the boundary of the Clinton District, after which Mr. Wearne proposed that the meeting be adjourned until Saturday evening, to see what Clinton District did in the matter, but as there was no seconder it fell through. At this stage of the meeting two or three motions were moved, but as there was no seconder for any they fell through.

The CHAIRMAN then put Mr. Corner's motion to the meeting and declared it carried, only one hand being held up against it.

Mr. W. T. ANDREWARTHA then proposed and Mr. W. T, CORNISH seconded, that a Committee be appointed to draft a memorial and get signatures to the same, after which the following gentlemen were appointed as a Committee Messrs. Corner, Cornish, Rawling, Allen, and Andrewartha.

The following gentlemen were nominated as Councillors. Mr. Christopher Mathews, Boor's Plains ; Mr. Thomas Berriman, Bald Hills; Mr. William Wearne, Agery ; Mr. John Staples, Penang; and Mr. Henry Jolly, Open Timber.

Mr. CORNISH here read an apology that he had received from Mr. Berriman who expressed his regret at not being able to attend the meeting.

After a vote of thanks was moved to the Chairman, and Mr. W. T. Andrewartha a very orderly meeting was brought to a close.


Tuesday 15 March 1881, Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922) Trove

March 7. As your Penang correspondent does not seem to acknowledge this place, perhaps you heve no objections to a few lines from " Old Concord."

Our township is going ahead by degrees, like the lawyer going to heaven. We have two huts which the proprietor are pleased to call dwelling houses, blacksmith's shop and chapel to correspond with the place. I am rather surprised somebody does not erect a pub ; fine opening for a suitable man.

The other evening a monster meeting was held at the sanctuary to see what should be done by Finlay. Some said one thing, some another, some nothing at all. At last Longfellow said he thought he had been as good to him as a lot of dairy cows and he considered that was very well, so did I, and then we came away. But by the bye somebody said " tar' en."

The Temperance Society is wound up like a good many thought it would, the weather being too hot upon water. The Bad Cooks Society is not so prosperous as its promoters could desire, however, Mr Goggels has been successful to a certain extent with his lectures on immigration and cheap labor, and has succeeded in reducing the wages from 30s. to 25s, per week. Just fancy yourself, Mr. Editor, with five picaninies and lubra upon 25s per week. If those who want free immigration are like this gentleman then I hope they will never get it.

A nasty accident occured to Mr. Albert J, Hayward last week. It appears he was in the act of cutting wood when by some means the axe struck his leg instead of the tree, making a nasty gash, which he will remember for some time.

Mr. J. Carter of this place had the misfortune of losing a valuable horse on Sunday last. It appeared perfectly sound in the morning but by dinner time he looked hasy, and at 5 o'clock be stopped drawing breath.

Hanurford's mine is like himself, wants to he tried before proved.


Friday 26 August 1881, Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922) Trove

August 22 —An accident occurred here yesterday, Sunday. While the Rev. J. W. Williams, Primitive Methodist minister, was preaching to his flock, something startled his horse which was tied to a tree at the church door, and it bolted through the scrub and broke both shafts off the cart, which was unfortunately a borrowed one. We are to have a post-office here which is to be opened on the first of September. This will be of benefit to our little township. The crops are looking splendidly and we are having some beautiful weather for them. We are badly in want of a Public School for this place, and it hoped that the Road Board will soon grub the road through the township as it is impassible at present.


Tuesday 3 April 1883, Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922) Trove

March 29. —The weather continues dry making farming operations very slow, so much water carting is really sickening. The season is passing, and but very little ploughing has as yet been done. When the rain comes we shall be very much like a man who has just passed through a strong fever, namely, feeling the prostration and weakness of our condition which the present excitement in procuring water keeps out of sight. But a moment's reflection must present the painful fact to our minds that with our cattle worn out with the long journey, water carting, and our cash spent in paying for water, we have insufficient time to put in a payable quantity, or even to do justice to the soil by properly cultivating. Now, the only remedy for this evil is in securing a permanent supply from a distance, if it be practicable, and with a good supply for drinking purposes, the dry weather would be more of a help than hindrance: owing to the slimy, cloggy nature of the soil, it is more easy to work in dry weather.

Last Sunday and Monday being Easter was characterised by an unusual excitement in our small township, it being the Primitive Methodist Church Anniversary in this place. The trustees, expecting a large number of visitors, hit upon a very novel expedient for a temporary enlargement of the building, it being of weather-board with match board lining. A portion of the front each side of the door was taken down, and a large booth of equal width with the building erected, thus giving nearly double the accommodation of the original building. Nor was it all unnecessary, for the place was literally crowded and numbers unable togain admission. Another feature the unusual absence of the was clericals on this occasion, the pastor Rev. J. H. Williams having to attend anniversary services at Greens Plains East on the same days. The preacher on the Sabbath was Mr W.. Wellington, of Yelta, who gave two excellent addresses in the afternoon and evening, which were highly appreciated by the audience. The singing services were performed by the East Moonta Primitive Methodist choir under the able leadership of Mr. R. Rose senr. Mr. W. C. B. Clarke, presided at the harmonium. On the Monday at about o'clock visitors began to pour in and a busy time for the ladies at the teatables ensued, which lasted about two hours, by which time nearly all the provisions were consumed and a whole barrel of water had passed the teapot, when the tables were cleared and the public meeting commenced. Mr. S. J. Corner was elected Chairman. Mr. J. A. Hayward read the financial statement which certainly exhibited something wonderful, church out of debt. Able addresses,, were delivered by Messrs. Daddow, Rose, : and Clarke, the East Moonta choir enlivening the meeting with several choice selections of sacred music rendered in a very creditable manner. The singing of the doxology brought to a close one of the most pleasant and successful anniversaries ever held in this part, all the visitors expressing a wish that a similar occasaion to the above will open the way for another visit to Cunliffe.


Saturday 24 November 1883, Wallaroo Times (Port Wallaroo, SA : 1882 - 1888) Trove

The foundation stone of this new church was laid on Wednesday, Nov. 21, by J. J. Christmas, Esq., J.P. The Revs. J. Lloyd, T. Kyte and J. H. Williams, (the pastor), also took part in the ceremony. Notwithstanding the bad state of the weather there was a good gathering of people.

Mr Christmas on laying the stone said it gave him great pleasure to perform that duty, and he thanked the friends for the honor they had conferred upon him, he congratulated them on the prospect of being enabled to worship God in what would undoubtedly be a neat and comfortable church. He was glad to bear that their subscription list had already assumed considerable proportions; and had pleasure in contributing his mite towards the cost of the undertaking. The Rev. J. H. Williams made a statement which in consequence of the state of the weather was necessarily short, nevertheless interesting. He said the congregation had greatly increased of late, and the membership had more than trebled within the past six months. A new church to them was an absolute necessity, and he was thankful that this new work had taken place during his term of office on the circuit. The bottle placed beneath the stone contained the latest issue of the Christian Colonist, the Primitive Methodist Record, the Wallaroo Times and a document containing the following statements :—

Primitive Methodist Church, Cunliffe.

This stone was laid on the 21st day of Nov, in the year of Our Lord 1883, by J. J. Christmas, Esq., J.P., of Kadina, being in the forty-seventh year of the reign of Her Most Gracious Majesty, Queen Victoria. The Governor of the Province being Sir W. F. Robinson K.C. M. G. The President of the English Primitive Methodist Conference— Rev W. Cutts, Chairman of the Adelaide District—Rev John Gibbon Wright; Superintendent of the Kadina Circuit—Rev J. H. Williams ; The Trustees of the Church—S. J. Corner, Walter Hayward, Joseph Brooks, William Smith, Robert Staples,: Henry Lostroh and J. Staples. The Building Committee—Messrs S. J. Corner, W. Hayward, S. Scoble, E. Milkins, G. Weidenbach, and William Corner; Architect—T. Jones, Esq., of Moonta: Builder. T. Hague, of Moonta

Mr Williams said they had not found for Mr Christmas a silver trowel, or a gold handled spade with which to do his work, but as an acknowledgement of his kindness the trustees had the pleasure in making him a present of a most handsome copy of "The History of the Primitive Methodist Connexion.'' Mr Christmas suitably acknowledged the gift.

The tea meeting was well attended and he meeting which followed was most enthusiastic. The Rev. J.H. Williams took the Chair and excellent addresses were delivered by Revs. John Lloyd and T. Kyle - and Mr Christmas, Mr H, Scoble presided at the harmonium and the singing was really good.

Mr S, J. Corner moved a comprehensive vote of thanks to the ladies, bachelors, ministers, Mr Christmas and all others who had helped to make the services a success.

This was seconded by Mr Williams and carried by acclamation.

It is calculated that the church will be completed by Christmas, when a fall account will be given. Proceeds in cash and promises about £50.


Friday 11 July 1884, Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922) Trove

July 8.—The second entertainment and public meeting in connection with the Cunliffe Band of Hope and Temperance Society was held in the Primitive Methodist Church on Saturday evening This new and commodious building was crowded to excess, there must have been fully 150 present, whilst some were unable to gain admission. Representatives from Agery, Penang, Bald Hills, Cross Roads, and Moonta Mines were in attendance. The chair was filled by Mr S J Corner. A good programme was got up by our energetic secretary, Miss Twige, which consisted first of an address by Mr W B Clarke, senr, on Temperance, which was very forcible and instructive. Next a drama " The wife's mistake" by the Misses Rowling,' Lawry and Miss E Scoble, and Mr J and P Andrewartha, which did great credit to the party, and was well received. Next a recitation "Ship on fire," by Mr Vincent, was given with much pathos and appreciated, Miss Scoble followed with a solo " He wipes the tears from every eye," this was sweetly sung and the young lady's fine voice elicted general admiration, the accompaniment on the harmonium was played by Mr W B Clarke junr. Messrs W J Haywood and R Symons next gave a dialogue, which was well carried out, especially as it was the first time that one of them had been on the platform. An instrumental duet by Messrs W B and J Clarke on the harmonium and flute followed; a second being given shortly after, spoke well for the proficiency of the performers. A. recitation by Mr Baldock "The woman of mind," was very good. Messrs G and F Weidenbach gave a dialogue "The right road," which was very amusing, and also a Dutch recitation by the latter gentleman. Mrs W J Rcwling and Miss Scoble sang a duet '' Yield not to temptation," very effectively. To attempt making distinctions between the different performers would be useless as it was a brilliant all round success. After votes of thanks to Messrs Clarke Bros, for the good music rendered, and to the Penang Band of Hope for their kind help, a very enjoyable meeting was brought to a close by singing the National Anthem.

After the meeting a rather disagreeable affair took place, through the ignorance of the chairman, who foolishly contrasted the music on that occasion given by Mr Clarke with that which they usually had, calling the first sweet music and the latter plenty of noise with but little harmony. The usual organist happened to be present and after the meeting waited at the door until the president came out, when he assailed that gentleman in very strong terms, using very unbecoming language, some of the words began with a D but did not mean dear. The whole of the misunderstanding seems to have arisen from the fact that the irate gentleman played the organ with pedal accompaniment or we might call it the reverse, as the pedals made more noise than the keys emitted sound, making a noise like the Moonta Mines Stamps, or some mangle, or winnowing machine at work. Both players may be equally good, but they get their music from opposite ends of the instrument.


Thursday 16 October 1884, South Australian Advertiser (Adelaide, SA : 1858 - 1889) Trove

On Wednesday morning Messrs. L. T. Furner and H. A. Grainger, M.P.'s, waited on the Minister of Justice and Education Hon. B. C. Baker, and presented a petition from the reaidents in the hundred of Kadina urging the immediate erection on section 263 of the school already applied for. The Minister said that the district inspector had reported favorably on the application, but before giving a definite reply to the deputation he would require to consult the Inspector-General of Schools.


Wednesday 15 September 1886, Wallaroo Times (Port Wallaroo, SA : 1882 - 1888) Trove

Sept- 8, A meeting well attended from the township and the surrounding neighbourhood was held this evenig at Mr Pybus', to take into consideration the necessity of having two additional mails to in this locality, making three mails a week. Mr B. Penrose was elected chairman. The Chairman in opening the meeting stated that one mail was not sufficient for the place, and he had been put to gtreat inconvenience and disadvantage. In urgent cases letters had to be posted either at Moonta or Kadina, a distance of 10 miles. Mr D. Brady said he was of very much the same opinion as the chairman, as it had been a great inconvenience for him; it took him five weeks corresponding with a merchant before he could sell his wheat, and he felt sure that additional mails were needed by all present, (hear, hear,) and that a memorial be drawn: out for signatures. Mr G. ,Weidenbach then proposed that a memorial be drawn out asking to have three mails a week; Seconded by Mr D. Brady, and carried. The Chairman moved that a proposition should be made as to what days would be mail days. Mr D. Brady proposed that the most proper days would be Thusday, Thursday and Saturday. Mr. Corner, sen., seconded, end it was carried. A vote of thanks to the Chairman, and to Mr. Pybus for accommodating the public, brought the meeting to a close. Twenty-five signed the petition.


Jan. 29. 1891.

Mr John Scoble died yesterday at the residence of his son, near Cunliffe. Mr Scoble was one of the first settlers on Green's Plains, where, for a number of years, he engaged in farming pursuits. He was the inventor of a grubbing machine, which bears his name; and some eight months ago invented a machine to compete for the bonus offered by the Government for a stone gathering machine, It was while on his way to Adelaide to apply for a patent for his machine that be was struck down with paralysis, in which state he lingered until yesterday The remains of the deceased gentleman were interred this afternoon in the Green's Plains cemetery and were followed thither by a large number of relatives and friends.


On Friday afternoon a large gathering of residents assembled at the Cunliffe State School, to bid farewell to Miss K. M. Considine who has had charge of the school for the past two years. Mr C. Donaldson (member of the Moonta School Board of Advice) presided over the gathering and was supported on the platform by Mr T. Whetstone and others, the Chairman said they were all deeply sorry that Miss. Considine was severing her connection with the department. The Cunliffe people had ample evidence of their guest's sterling worth as a teacher, and socially she had endeared herself to everyone. He had only recently learned unofficially from an officer of the Education department that Miss Considine was considered one of the best teachers of the service and could hold a much higher position if she wished, but preferred the country to city life, and Cunliffe was fortunate that this was so. Inspector Gartrell's report just given spoke very highly of the improvement in the school while under Miss Considine's control. The inspector was specialty peased with the reading of the juniors and the intelligent manner in which the fifth class boys attacked their geography and history showed careful training. New problems did not daunt them, while the connected statements they applied were most commendable. Concluding, Mr Gartrell said the teacher had won the goodwill of her charges, who were, courteous, interested and full of vigor. These remarks were endorsed by the parents generally, and it was a pity they were being deprived of Miss Considine services Mr T. Whetstone supported and spoke enthusiastically of the marked improvement in the school during Miss Considine's term. Mr P. D. Vidal in a few well chosen words handed Miss Considine a handsome silver tea service on behalf of the parents, and a beautifully engraved silver urn from the scholars as tokens of esteem and appreciation, amid cheers. Miss Considine in responding feelingly thanked the scholars and parents for their handsome gifts. She would always look back with pleasure to the happy two years spent at Cuniiffe, and felt sure her successor would receive the same kindness and assistance as had been meted out to her. She was specially grateful to the parents for the zealous manner they had helped her in her work, to the scholars for prompt obedience and industry constantly - shown which had made her duties ever so much lighter, and to the residents generally; whose increasing kindness produced for her one of the happiest periods experienced whilst in the Education Department. She was sorry to leave so many staunch friends, the memory of whom would, always be green to her. The proceedings were interspersed with action songs and recitations by the scholars who acquitted themselves admirably and the rest of the afternoon was devoted to games. A sumptuous tea, to which about 100 sat down, was provided and afterwards a musical programme was carried out under the direction of Mr S. Russell contributed to by Mesdames A. Russell, Whetstone, and Lithgow, and Messrs T. Whetstone, A. Russell, C. Donaldson and S. Russell. Supper terminated one of the most pleasant gatherings held at Cuniiffe.

The Cunliffe Church.

Friday 31 July 1914, Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922) Trove

After being closed for a period of not less than 14 years, the above-named church was opened on Sunday last in the presence of good congregations presided over by Rev A. J. Finch. On Wednesday afternoon a public tea was held followed by a meeting in the evening which was largely attended. The chairman, Mr W. Lee, in his opening remarks said that the re-opening services were no doubt instigated by the closing of the Penang church which afforded them a splendid opportunity for working up a good church and Sunday school. He was very pleased indeed to see the church in a good financial position.

Rev Finch in addressing the meeting said he preached the last sermon in the church when closed in 1900, but was profoundly glad to be present to conduct the divine services immediately on its resuscitation. He congratulated them in forming a choir whose services would be a great portion in the praise work. He thought that there were some probability of the circuit being divided in three parts, but however, if it were his portion to have control of the church he would provide a minister every alternate Sunday afternoon. They had every possibility of doing well and when they had settled down he would came out and form the nucleus of a Christian church, and the tabulation of those who ardently desired to become members. He was not in pursuit of their money, or with the object of making Cunliffe the hunting-ground of finance, but with the intention of bettering the souls of men and women.

The Rev Moyle after asserting that all Methodists were pleased to see the church open once again gave short talks on the following :—The Church stands for " Fidelity to the Oraclea of God "," Patriotism", " Irresistible -Magnetism", and 'The Enunciation of Christ's Teaching".

At the close Mr G. Lamshed moved a vote thanks to all those who assisted in making the opening a success which was supported by Mr T. Lawry.

During the evening the following items were rendered :—Duet, Rev Moyle and Mrs Moyle ; song, Mr P D. Leartnond ; Violin solo, Mr J. Prisk ; cornet solo, Mr G. N. White; and anthems the choir.


Australia Day was celebrated at Cunliffe on Friday. Mr. J. Scoble, in a stirring address, declared the meeting open. The proceedings began with a procession consisting of patriotic '"turnouts," comical displays, decorated vehicles, and motor cars. This was followed by a fancy dress football match by the scholars of Cunliffe School, and maypole dancing. Afternoon tea was provided by the ladies. The public meeting was held in the local church. The programme included songs bv the school (under the leadership of Miss M. Maroney), Miss E. Jantke, Miss Rose, and Mr. G. R. Donaldson; recitations by Mis V. Lamshed, Miss E. Bensen, Miss E. Jantke, Messrs. A. Lamshed, A. Russell, and L. Bensen. Mr. C. Donaldson occupied the chair. Financially the gathering was a complete success, nearly £100 being netted. Details:—Collected by Mrs. j. Scoble, £65 0/7; M. Yelland, £12 0/7; others, £2 9/9; tea, supper and collections, £G 10/6; sale of orange on Bugler system, £1 15/. The principle donations were:—Mr. and Mrs. O. Bensen, £10; E. Donaldeon and Son, £10; Mr, G. F. Staples, jun., £10; Mr. G. Staples, sen. £10; Mrs. 2. Scoble, £6 5/; Mr. J. Scoble, £5 6/; Mr. G. K. Donaldson, £5. Mrs. N. S. Yelland presented a bed to the wounded soldiers hospital.


On Thursday evening last, 7th inst., at the Cunliffe Church, a highly successful and enjoyable concert was given by the local school children under the direction of the teacher (Miss F. H. Moroney), in aid of the S.A. Wounded Soldier's Fund. The beautiful moonlight night tempted people to come out, and the result was that the building was crowded, many people being unable to gain admission. This was all taken in a good-humored manner, and did not mar the enjoyment of those that stood expectantly at the outer door." Cr C. Donaldson, who occupied the chair, briefly explained the objects of the effort, and asked all to do their best towards the fand at a later stage. An excellent programme had been arranged, and was carried ont in a thoroughly capable manner. An appeal for funds was also made, and met with generous response from the audience. Donations were received as follow :—Messrs Allen £1 Is, 6. F. Staples £5, E. Donaldson & Son £5, P. Vidal £1, W. Donaldson £1. W. Pearson 7s, W. Boolton 5s, Miss Macenerny 2s. Gifts were also received which were auctioneered by Cr C. Donaldson, and brought the following sapas: —Mr W. Lithgow, a pig (£1) ; Mr. G Smith, a chair (6b) ; Miss B. Whetstone, parcel of Freesias (4s 6d), Mr J. Donaldson, oats (5s). A song by Miss H. Staples (The Plea of a Red Gross Nurse) bIbo brought in 14s ljd. A tableau, entitled " Peace," was effectively staged, and brought the programme to a close. Credit must be given the children for their commendable efforts, and also to Miss F. H. Moroney, and Mesdames Fusa and Whetstone. At the conclusion of the concert the chairman cordially thanked all those who had taken part. A sapper followed. The total proceeds amounted to £30 10s. Details of the concert are as under :—Overture, Mrs J. D. Donaldson ; Bong, " Summer," girls ; recitation, Master B. Lithgow ; dialogue, " How Uncle Mose Counted the Eggs," Miss'V. Lamshed and Master E. Donaldson ; song, "The Waggoners." boys; recitation, "Lost," Míss W. Fusa; song, " Where are you going to my pretty maid ?" Miss W. Staples and Master B. Lamshed ; recitation, Miss V. Lamshed ; song, " Ten Little Mothers," girls, recitation, Miss Winnie Staples ; dialogue, " A Scene from Uncle Tom's Cabin," Miss Ida Lawry and Masters Fred and Claude Benson ; song, " Wax and Wooden Dolls," Misses T. Lamshed and W. Fuss ; recitation, " The Plea of a Bed Gross iNurse," Miss H. Staples; dialogue, "Red Riding Hood" ; song, " The Butterflies," girls and boys ; recitation, Mr L Benson; song, " Three Old Maids of Lee," Misses F. Lamshed, W. Fuss and H. Staples; song, Mr D. Learmond ; song, " Return of the Three Old Maids" ; song, " The Tin Soldiers," boys ; recitation, Miss Bullen ; song, 11 The Skylark" (choras) ; sont;, " The Cuckoo," four girls ; tableau, " Peace."


Saturday 28 April 1917, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

On Monday evening last, Mr and Mrs C. Benton, who are leaving the district after a residence of forty years to reside in Adelaide, were entertained at a farewell social in the Cunliffe Methodist Church. The church was crowded, and many were unable to gain admittance. The chair was occupied by the pastor, the Rev Melton Tresise, who spoke of the sterling worth of the guests, and of the respect in which they were held by the members of the church and the residents generally. On behalf of the church, the Rev. M. Tresise handed to Mr and Mrs Benson a beautiful travelling rug, and on behalf of Miss Olive Williams' class he presented to Master Claude Benson a silver ink-stand.

Messrs G. Lamshed, H. J. Beck, and H. Daddow also spoke in highest terms of the worth of the departing guests, and of the esteem and affection in which they were held by the people of Cunliffe and the district.

Besides two items excellently rendered by the choir, the following contributions to the programme were well given and appreciatively received :- Recitals, Miss V. Lamshed; songs (2), Miss Ethel Qaeale; duet, Misses Qaeale; and a recitation by Mr A. Russell. Mrs Lawry acted as organist, and Mr Whetstone as conductor. A supper supplied by the ladies of tbe church brought to a close a very enthusiastic social.


Wednesday 5 September 1917, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Repatriation Day was celebrated at Cunliffe on Saturday, August 25th, The day being such a beautiful one, Cunliffe was the scene of a bright and happy crowd. Sports, a sale of gifts, and tea were indulged in during the afternoon, and much excitment was caused by the Queen Carnival, in which the "Queen of Children" was the winner by over 500 votes. Four little girls of the Cunliffe school were the chosen queens, They were as follows:—

Lily Vidal, Queen of Children, 1,082 votes.

Maris Stamm, Queen of Australia, 524 votes.

Ida Lawry, Queen of the. 48th Battalion, 456 votes.

Hannah Staples, Queen of Flowers, 331 votes.

Much credit is due to these little girls and their helpers, as they worked hard for the cause, and were able to hand in altogether £21 0/2.5 at the close of the Queen Carnival. The people of Cunliffe deserve much praise for the willing way in which they all helped to make the day a success, and particularly the ladies of Cunliffe who prepared such an appetising tea and supper.

A very enjoyable concert, in which the Cunliffe school children, assisted by the Moonta Male Voice Choir and others took part, was held in the evening. Supper brought the day to a close, and the net proceeds of the day's efforts amounted to £48 5/, which was handed over to the Australian Soldiers' Repatriation Fund. Credit is due to Miss F. H. Moroney, who had the school children trained to the minute, the sports committee, and the various helpers who did everything possible to make the day a success.


Wednesday 25 September 1918, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Australia day was celebrated at Cunliffe on Saturday, August 31st. Adverse weather conditions threatened to spoil the proceedings, but shortly after midday the weather cleared, and though cold and windy a large crowd quickly gathered, and the day gave promise of being a success. The Hon. J. Verran in the course of a vigorous speech declared the fair open, after which he was presented with a. buttonhole by one of the school children, Miss Jean Vidal. A hearty vote of thanks, moved by Mr W. H. Donaldson and seconded by Mr H. D. Daddow was accorded the speaker.

The various gayly decorated stalls experienced a very busy time and quickly disposed of their goods, some lines being in great demand. A feature of the afternoon was a "Queen" competition, six little tots filling the role of queens. Keen rivalry was evinced by their various supporters, almost every coat showing a badge of one of the Queens, and many indeed wearing all six. The final results: were:—Queen of Australia (Miss Edna Vidal), 3,431 votes; Queen of 32nd Battalion, (Miss Zena Mahar), 2,071 votes; Queen of Soldiers (Miss Laurel Russell), 1,976 votes; Queen of Children (Miss Marjory Smith), 1,779. votes; Queen of Flowers (Miss Madge Leighton), 1744 votes; Queen of Harvest (Miss Nancy Allen), 1,592 votes. Tea was served in the Methodist church and was partaken of by over 200 people, who commented freely on the excellence of the catering.

Towards evening a Paddy's market was conducted by Mr A. S. Window, who proved himself the right man in the right place, disposing of everything brought forward in record time. A puppy presented by Mr W. Mahar, and sold on the bugler system, realised £3, and was finally secured by Mr T. Hosking, of Moonta. During the afternoon s programme of sports was carried out.

In the evening a concert was held in the Church building which proved unable to hold more than half the crowd that sought admittance. An excellent programme was presented by Mr Bert Rowe's concert party, assisted-—by the school children and others, every item being well received by an appreciative audience. The chairman of the school committee (Mr C. Donaldson) presided and at the close of the meeting cordially thanked all who had assisted towards the success of the day. A supper brought a highly enjoyable and remunerative day to a close. The proceeds, which were in aid of the Y.M.C.A., totalled £125 6/.

The officials responsible for the success of the undertaking were—Mr C. Donaldson (chairman) Miss F. Morohey (Secretary), Mr. Geo. F. Staples (assistant secretary), Mr W. H. Russell (treasurer), and Messrs P. Vidal, G. Smith, F. Leighton, W. Mahar, R. Allen, T. Lawry, The ladies of the district supplied the provender for the tea and supper, and are to be highly commended both for its excellence and also the manner in which the tables were waited on. A detailed balance sheet is appended £ s d

Queen competitions .. 52 9 8, Flower stall (Miss O. Williams) : 11 3 6, Fruit and lollies (Misses E. Polmear & B. Whetstone) - 10 12 5, Produce (Miss R. Russell) 3 18 4, Cakes - (Miss V. Lamshed) 6 15 0, Fancy (Miss F. Lamshed) 3 10 7, Fish pond (Messrs N. Donaldson and H. Burnell) - 8 5 0, Paddy's market (Messrs W. Mahar and F. Leighton) 3 7 0 Afternoon tea 11 4 6, Supper -5 12 6, Concert 6 18 0, Donation by C. & S. Scoble 1 0 0,

Total - £125 6 0


Wednesday 3 March 1920, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

The Cuniiffe Sunday school celebrated its annual anniversary services on Sunday, February 22. There was a good attendance at both services, which were conducted by the Rev. T. P. Willason, who delivered two fine addresses. The singing under the leadership of Mr Bert Rowe, of Moonta, assisted by several ladies of the East Moonta choir, was a credit to the leader. On Wednesday evening a public meeting and supper were held. Although there was no public tea, the children and sholars spent a day at Moonta Bay some time back. A gloom was cast over the meeting through the sudden death of Mr W. H. Russell which came as a big shock to most of the people. The superintendent (Mr G. Lamshed) presided over a fair gathering. The singing was again appreciated by all. The Sunday school secretary (Miss V. Lamshed) read the annual report, which proved a success. The school had a visit from Mr H. Lipson Hancock during the year and it was decided to form a kindergarten school, which proved a great benefit to the young scholars. The treasurer (Mr E. Staples) also read a very satisfactory report. The circuit minister delivered an address, after which Mr T. M. Lomman moved a vote of thanks to all who helped to make the affair a success. Mr H. Lomman seconded the motion, which was carried.

Work at the Cunliffe mine is progressing, and the engine and pumps are doing satisfactory work.


A very pretty, wedding took place at the Cunliffe Methodist Church on Wednesday, March 30, the contracting parties being Miss Bernice Marion Whetstone, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. R. Whetstone of Cunliffe, and Mr Alpheus Will Rose, son of the late Mr Benjamin Rose, and Mrs Rose of Kadina. The church was prettily decorated. The bride was given away by her father, and the Rev. J. C. Hughes was the officiating minister. The bridesmaids were Miss Dulcie Jantke and Miss Phyllis Martin. Two little attendant bridesmaids, Dulcie Goldsworthy and Mildred Birmingham, from Broken Hill, preceded the wedding party. Mr Clem. Lamshed was best man and Mr Gordon Whetstone groomsman. The bride was gowned in ivory crepe de chene and georgette and wore the usual veil and orange blossom. The bridesmaids were dressed, in creme net over silk and old gold velvet sashes and black hats trimmed with gold. The bridegroom's present to the bride was a beautiful aquamarine brooch, whilst the bride gave the bridesmaids and the little girls brooches with similar stones. Miss Hannah Staples played the wedding march. The reception was held in the schoolroom and about 150 guests sat down to a sumptuous repast. The Rev. J. C. Hughes proposed the toast of the bride and bride groom, to which the bridegroom responded in suitable terms. Mr Harry Lomman was entrusted with the toast of the bridesmaids, Mr Clem Lamshed responding, whilst Mr D. Bald proposed the parents of the bride and bridegroom, Mr Whetstone, and Mr A. Rose (for his mother) responding. A very enjoyable evening of song and story was spent by the guests, Mr B Rowe being in charge. The presents were numerous and costly.

Local and General

Yorke's Peninsula Advertiser (SA : 1878 - 1922), Friday 30 June 1922, page 2

The Penang Methodist Church, which has been closed for about eight years and has fallen iato disrepair, will shortly disappear. By advertisement in another column tenders ai'e called for tbe purchase of the building, which is to oe demolished. This church was built more than forty years ago by the Bible Christinn denomination, and for a long period was a flourishing cause ajd the centre of considerable Christian life and activity. As, however, there seems no prospect of Dopulation increasing in the immediate locality the trustees have decided to sell the buildings.


Saturday 27 January 1923, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

The harvest festival in connection with the Cunliffe and Boors' Plains Methodist churches, was held on Sunday, two services were conducted by Mr Stephen Golly, of Mopnia, when appreciative congregations assembled.

The celebration on Monday took the form of what was advertised as "a grand countryside concert". This was held at Mr P. Vidal's farm, his machinery shed. Enthusiastic workers had done everything to make visitors welcome and comfortable. The concert was a great success, and would have done credit to any of our large towns. The chief attraction was the singing of Miss Ada Wordie, A. M. U. A. Her items were well received and imperatively encored. Her duet with Mr W. A. Dobble, "The Keys of Heaven" greatly appealed to the large audience. The remainder of the program was carried out by leading singers and performers from Moonta, Kadina and Wallaroo Mines, and every item was excellently rendered. Those who took part, were:—Vocal solos, Misses Ada Wordie, V. Narroway, Messrs W. Dobbie, B. and A. Rowe, P. D. Learmond; recitals, Miss Dulcie Goldsworthy, Miss Peart Smith. Community singing by the audience was a feature of the eyening, and led by the performers was greatly enjoyed.

After the concert an excellent supper was provided in Mr Vidals commodious sheds. The lighting was in the capable hand of MrTreloar. The circuit funds will materially benefit as a result of the celebrations.


Wednesday 30 September 1925, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Our Cunliffe correspondent writes:- Cunliffe is keeping well up to the times, or is being kept up to the tidies by some even't happening or taking place in or around the town. We have just recently broken all records (including gramaphone 1914, and the record sprint to the nearest pub), for having the worst drought, according to the oldest inhabitant (and he is no chicken). We also have an animal, or it is thought to be an animal, if it is not something which would be different. But few have had the opportunity of having a close-up look at it. It is about the size of a dog, but people who have seen it, say that it is not a dog, as it is not registered, but lives in a wombat's burrow and it looks like a cat.

This place has always been notorious for its variety of agents, all kinds and species of them: long and short, thick and thin, single and double. They are mostly used for making pot holes in the roads with motors. If they are not found straying on the roads, they may be discovered trying to stalk a farmer on his farm. The insurance variety, up to recently, has always been considered to be the most tenacious we had, but he has been totally eclipsed by the wireless species. What he lacks in wire is made up in cheek and persistence. There is much difficulty in keeping them out of the house, and if once they get in there is equal difficulty in getting them out again, unless you buy. The aeroplane agent has not attacked us yet, but we understand that he is coming this way.


Wednesday 12 May 1926, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

A surprise birthday party was celebrated at the residence of Mr Will. Lamshed, Cunliffe, on Sunday, May, 9. Mrs Lamshed completely took her husband by surprise, and upon his return from church over 60 guests had assembled to wish him happy birthday greetings. Tea was arranged in the commodious breakfast room at the homestead, and everybody was loud in their praises of the dainty manner in which the spread and decorations had been carried out. After tea everybody assembled in the dining room, where songs, recitations and community singing was indulged in. The musical program wa contributed by Mrs Lloyd Benson, Mrs Cross, Miss M. Prisk, Doreen Cross, and Little Joyce Lamshed, while Mrs Ern Trezise, and Mr Bert Ward delighted the audience with violin and piano forte selections. On behalf of Mrs Lamshed and family, Mr Chas. Donaldson presented Mr W. Lamshed with a beautiful framed photograph of the four generations, and spoke of the fine characteristics of the Lamshed family during their long residence in the district. The chairman's remarks were ably supported by Mr H. Coote. The musical program was excellent, and the elaborate catering arrangements re flected credit on Mrs Lamshed, who made a charming hostess. The social feeling throughout the evening left nothing to be desired.

Those present were :--Mr and Mrs Chas. Donaldson, Mr and Mrs Harry Coote, Miss Coote, Mr and Mrs Nor man Donaldson, Mrs Will. Donaldson, Mr and Mrs P. Vidal, Mr and Mrs Fred. Benson, Mr and Mrs Lloyd Ben son, Mrs Prisk, sen., Miss M. Prisk, Mr T. C. Prisk, Miss Yvonne Prisk, Mrs J. Luscombe, Mr and Mrs Morris Williams, Mr and Mrs Roy Lamshed, Mrs E. Williams, Mr and Mrs Bert Ward, Mr and Mrs Wayman Cross, Miss Nancy Allen, Mr and Mrs Jim Phillips, Mr and Mrs Ern. Trezise, Miss Maroney, Mr D. R. Morris, Miss Doreen Cross, Master D. Trezise.


Wednesday 21 July 1926, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Cunliffe is still full of excitement. On Tuesday evening last at Mr. H. Coote's stadium, boxing contests took place! There were several good preliminaries. The main bout was between Bandy Coote and Plugger Mills. Both lads stepped into the ring; at about 9 o'clock, in the green of condition, and turned the scale at 12 stone 5 lbs. Coote was the first to lead off, but Mills always retaliated. The latter has a real, good left-hand punch, and in the second round he knocked Bandy's wind out, but instead of following up this advantage, he gave him a chance to regain it. Plugger had the best of the first three rounds, but Bandy got his second and third wind. The fight after that was fairly even, some good exchanges being made and taken in a good spirit. Mr P. D. Vidal should have been referee, but was not present, so Fat Allen was selected, but felt very much out of place. Mr. Williams was time-keeper. The fight lasted six one-and-a-half minute rounds, and Bandy received the belt (presented by the referee), which, we understand, he is prepared to defend. The best preliminary for the night was between H. Coote, senr., and Vic. Rechner, L.L.B. H. Coote, with a pair of bow-yangs, waded in from the start and was doing excellent work and drove his man right back to the corner. Being over-anxious to secure a knockout, he didn't notice his opponent stick out a dirty left and he ran into it. He was then seen going backwards on his heels and seemed to be seeing some strange things in the roof. One of his seconds, however, just put out a hand and saved him from falling. The curtain was then rung down.

When on their way home some of the party on Lizzie Lawry went past us, and on striking the end of a piece of metal Lizzie lost her bonnet, and Jack o' Lantern fell off, luckily with out serious results. Needless to say it had a steadying effect.



A pleasant gathering took place at 'Holme Park,' near Cunliffe, the residence, of Mr. Charles Donaldson (Penang), on August 12, on the occasion of the 87th birthday of Mr. E. Donaldson, sen. The children gathered at the homestead of the old gentleman as a surprise. The following were present:— Messrs. Chas. Donaldson (Penang), William Henry (West Coast), James D, (Kadina), George R, (Moonta). and Mesdames J. W. Ingram (Moonta), and J. R. Whetstone (Cunliffe), grandchildren. Congratulations were extended to the old gentleman. Mr. Donaldson is remarkably active for his age, and with the exception of occasional twinges of rhematism in his knees, is hale and hearty. Sight, hearing, and memory are excellent. He still takes an active interest in the farm, which is worked in conjunction, with, his son (Mr. Chas. Donaldson) and is one of the best in the district. Mr. Donaldson is the only one of the family left. Two sisters (Mesdames Shirley and Carson) died last year. Mr. Donaldson's father went from Scotland to the County of Waterford, in Ireland, to take charge of the estate of Mr. Uniack, who had married a sister, of the Marquis of Waterford. Mr. Donaldson was a professor of agriculture, and was with Mr. Uniack for 23 years. He then took charge of the estate of the Hon. Bows-Daly for three years, and then of the estate of Mr. John Carden, a greatuncle of Dr. H. C. Carden, of Kadina. This This was a big property, employing over 300 men. The call of the new world, however, was heard by Mr. Donaldson, and he came to Australia with his brother and son in 1853, Mrs. Donaldson following about three years after. They landed in November from the clipper-built vessel 'The Julia,' after a rough voyage lasting exactly 100 days. The ship could not cross the bar at the Port River, and the passengers, of whom there were only fourteen were taken ashore in boats. The subject of this article was then fourteen years old, and he well remembers setting out per foot for the Gawler River, leaving Port Adelaide in the morning and breaking the journey at Smithfield (named after a Mr. Smith, who then kept an hotel there). The next day they arrived at Gawler, at the station of Mr. John McCord, an uncle by marriage. Land was rented from Mr. McCord along the river, and the party got busy with summer fallowing, putting in a crop, the same season. The discovery of gold in New Zealand induced young Donaldson, with six other South Australians of about the same age, to try their luck over the water, though the Maori War wag still in progress. Many hardships were experienced, especially on the Campbell's Creek field, which was starved out three times. Provisions had to be obtained by packhorse from Dunstone, a town 27 miles away, and as the rumor spread that the Adelaide party was doing wonderfully well, a rush , took place. Four hundred men set out for Campbell's Creek, but it snowed for eight days and nights, and the majority perished from the cold. Life was strenuous, and on one occasion, when the food had given out, several of the party walked to Dunstone, performing the seemingly impossible task within twentyfour hours, or their claims could have been jumped. The distance was 54 miles, carrying two 50-lb. bags of flour each. The chief trouble on the field was the prevalence of rats, who made serious inroads upon the food of the miners. After twelve months of roughing it the party left again for Australia, arriving at Melbourne when the Yarra was in high flood. When, the river subsided a host of craft were left high and dry on the banks. Three weeks later they got away from Melbourne, and young Donaldson arrived home on Christmas Eve. He subsequently took up land at Barossa, wheat farming, the cereal being carted to Adeaide in bullock drays. The city road-ways had to be carefully negotiated because of the frequent gum stumps that had been left ungrubbed in the streets. Merchants in those days used to come out to Dry Creek to meet the farmers, and bargain for the wheat. Mr. Donaldson recollects that wheat in 1855 was 22/ a bushel, but this did not last long and it hovered for a time between ,10/ and 5/- a bushel, ultimately coming down to /6. The chief wheat-dealing firm in Glawler at that time was that of Duffield. Hand-sowing was the order of the day, and the reaping hook was the one har-vesting impleinent. Harvest wages aver-aged 15/ a week. Mr. Donaldson believed that the first reaping machines to be used in South Australia were those of Ridley and Marshall, but these came into use many years later. At Barossa he married a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Russell. He next took up land at South Hummocks, about ten miles from what is now Port Wakefield. His first crop averaged 16 bushels, but other seasons were not bo good. Moving to Barunga Gap, where he farmed for ten years, he did fairly well, though the water scarcity was a serious drawback. The wheat from here was carted to Kadina, and Mr. Donaldson relates how he had frequently camped in what is now Victoria-square. The mill at Kadina at that time was owned by Mr. Kimber. Another move made by the pioneer was to Wokurna, where he cleared 1,700 acres. Many hardships were experienced, here, and water carting for long distances made farming very arduous and precarious. On one occasion a son was away for five days, and the family had to subsist upon meagre portions of milk, pending the arrival of the water. A severe drought about 1895-6 urged Mr. Donaldson to leave Wokurna, especially as he had lost most of his horses, and he came to Penang, near Cunliffe, where he finaliy settled in 1896. The first, crop proved a bad failure, the harvest yielding eight bags less than the seed wheat put in. But the turn in the tide came at length, and for the past 30 years Mr E. Donaldson has been farming with pleasing success with his son, Mr, Charles Donaldson, 'Holme Park' being, a model holding. The old gentleman is a mine of information about the early days, and be speaks with a twinkle in his eyes of the time when he was a volunteer, the Smithfield and Virginia companies being great rivals. Bad roads, water at l a bucket, pests of various kinds, all made pioneering hard work indeed. Mr. Donaldson smiles retrospectively when he speaks of farming methods now and this contrast with 73 years ago. A sturdy, and highly respected pioneer, his many friends sincerely hope that his declining years will be blessed by health and the merited enjoyment of past labors.


.. The village has been all of a stir this past week. We have had what you might call.a busy B, and it is surprising what a lot of B's get busy, specially home. We have erected a picket fence around the church and school grounds, and it improves the place very much. One B worked like two B's.

There are also some busy B's putting down.a couple of asphalt courts, and it puts any one in mind of the stockade in full swing. The town council finished up yesterday, deciding to put a new fence around the "zoo," when things are a bit more promising.

Some of the farmers are looking for rain, and some say they are not quite ready yet. One man is talking of going to see the doctor today, as he thinks he has strained his eye-sight looking for rain. Some are living in hopes that it will rain when the Duke arrives.

The village blacksmith, repairing a trailer last Thursday had the misfortune to make a big gash in his arm, and had to go to the doctor at Moonta, as the doctor at Cunliffe is away.

We also had a visit the other day from a very old resident of the district, and he was in a very old buggy, and had to seek help from the blacksmith.

The old man has always managed to mend it other times with fencing wire; it must have beep one of the first buggies made. One man offered him another old buggy lit place of it, but the veteran said, "I'll stick to it a bit longer, and we will both go out together." It's a job to say which one will hit the road first.

This last week has been the coldest week on record for April, according to "Cunliffe."


Wednesday 10 August 1927, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

On Sunday, July , 24, the Cunliffe Methodist Church held its church anniversary. The preachers were, afternoon, Rev. A. T. Strange, evening, Rev. J. H. Pointon. Mrs Lloyd Benson gave a solo at each service which was greatly appreciated.

On Saturday, July 30, the annual fair was held, and the well laden stalls were prettily decorated with flowers and streamers. . The Rev. W. Wiltshire introduced Mrs Wiltshire, who, in a neat speech, complimented the stallholders on their efforts and declared the lair open. Little Joyce Lamshed presented her with a posy of sweets, and a buttonhole was given to the Rev. Wiltshire by Miss IMcie Allen.

A concert followed, in which items were given as under;—Overture, Misses E. and M. Freeman; brass, rods and Swedish drill, etc., by the members of the Wallaroo Mines Girls Club; songs (humorous) Miss M. Freeman, Miss.D. Venner, and Mrs Mashford; recitation, Master-Lloyd Trezise; choriis, by the club; piano duet, Misses Venner and Allen. Miss E. Freeman presided at the piano, and the Rev. W. Wiltshire was chairman. Mr W. Lamshed proposed a vote of thanks to the performers, and this was seconded by Mr T. Rodda and carried by acclamation.

The stallholders and amounts were as follows:—Produce, Mrs W. Lamshed, Mrs W. Polmear,. Miss. N. Polmear, £9 0/3. Cake, Mrs P. Vidal and Miss L. Vidal, £5 3/6. Plain and fancy, Mrs G. Smith, Miss Zena Mahar and Miss Marjorie Smith, £12 14/2.

Sweets-, Misses V. and G. Reed, N. Allen and E. and J. Vidal, £9 13/10. Afternoon tea, Mesdames R." Dayman, W. Rose, M. Williams, G. Andnewartha, F. Hales, L. and F. Benson, J. Whetstone and Miss M. Smith, £4 19/. Football collection, 14/3; collection at concert, £3 17/9; donation 10/.

The Cross Roads and Cunliffe teams had a football match on the recreation grounds, Cunliffe being the winners.


Our Cunliffe correspondent writes under date of October 17. There have been a few people lately wanting to know what has become of Cunliffe;

Well, it has been too dry lately to write much about anything, in fact it is that dry the postmaster has been advising some people that they will have to pin the stamps on letters.

Feed is very scarce. I have seen some sheep that are looking very narrow-minded; some look to be just the right width to put between two dabs of bread for a sandwich.

There is one blessing farmers will approve of, that it means a scarcity of agents. There is a bit of talk about an agent going around saying he has found a wonderful wheat that will grow without rain. There was a farmer here last year who said his crop last year turned out very well. He had a thousand and one bags, and a bushel and a jam tin full. I think this year he be lucky if he gets the jam tin full.

One farmer the other day, not feeling too well, went to the doctor here to see what was wrong with him and was told he had every symptom of Dry Bible.

Cunliffe, Boor's Plains, Green's Plains and Sunnyvale held a combined school picnic here on Eight Hours Day, and it was a great success. Mr Stan. Chynoweth gave an oak shield which has to be won three times by the same school, and it went to Cunliffe this year.

Some of the farmers were amusing themselves telling "dry" yarns. Mr. George Sawley won long jump, and received great applause. "Fat" Allen was asked to join in, but decided that in case he broke a fetlock there was no policeman there to shoot him.

There was nearly a call-out for the fire brigade once: a farmer with a fair brake of whiskers in attempting to light a cigarette set fire to them, and but for the crop being a bit green, it would have been burnt right out.


Wednesday 13 June 1928, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Our Cunliffe correspondent writes: —Cunliffe started football again on Saturday last. The match was versus, several Cross Roads, and an exciting game it was full of thrills from start to finish. Several players showed great form after a short spelL The first quarter had just got going when two players came to grief. They both jumped into the air, looked at each other and then introduced each other by the way of fists; Lewis versus Dreyfus. This seemed to put a lot of energy into the game. Slim Allen, playing his first game for Cunliffe in the ruck, got in some wonderful knock-outs; several seemed very close to fatal. He appeared to swing at times right from the differential. One of Cross Roads players who showed up at times was Jimmer Nettle, especially when he came an awful buster once, right in front of the ladies' stand, with his guernsey up around his neck: he looked like an enlarged photo'. The Cross Roads had the lead in the third quarter' and the last quarter all they played for was to keep the ball out of bounds and the wind (which was blowing strongly) was a great help to them. So they won by 2 goals 4 behinds. Cunliffes' next match will be at Weetulta and everybody is looking forward to an enjoyable time.

We are still having some nice showers here, and the season up to late looks good.


Saturday 1 September 1928, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Our Cunliffe correspondent writes :- It is keeping very dry here, and when it does rain, it's like medicine, very small doses. One fellow says that he's that dry himself that he couldn't spit enough to baptise a frog. There has also been a lot of dry arguments.

Two lads of the village, belonging to a large family, thought that they would like a change of food. They took a rifle last night in the bright moonlight, and went out in search of a wombat. When they were about a mile from home they thought they saw a "womby," when suddenly some strange animal set up a mournful howl. They said it wasn't a fox, nor was it a dog, but they both felt their hats begin to rise, and away they went. One of them just about bashed the back of his head in with the heels of his boots ;and the other nearly cut his throat with a nail sticking out of the toe of his boot. The mile was done in 1 min. 40 secs. There is only one man I know who has got anything on these two, and that's "Skippy" (tin hare.)

Everybody is going in for breeding fowls and bringing out chickens by the hundreds; so I think before long Cunliffe will be full of foul language and hen's fruit. One farmer, who keeps just a few has only one rooster and the poor bird in trying to crow every time he hears another rooster crow, is laid aside for a time suffering severely from a sore throat, and has to have his neck in splints.

Another poor farmer, who has not been too well; was ordered by the doctor away for a change of air. Not being able to afford it, he had a horse that died ; so he put it in an old tank underground nearby ; and he's got the change of air alright.

Football is over and the tennis club getting into form again ; and cricket will not be long.


Wednesday 21 November 1928, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Cunliffe, movember 15.

Harvest time has come at last, every man, boy and beast are up and at it. Some are reaping barley which is turning out fair, and a very good sample. Others are reaping wheat which is inclined to be a bit pinched, but they say if will yield somewhere around 18 bushels, which is very good for a dry Season. That old fellow, so well known by the name of Red Rust, has tried to spoil the sample, but we haven't heard of his old friend Take-all. I think he felt a bit sorry for the farmer, and one trouble is enough any time. One farmer, busy reaping barley, "had two young Aussies carting in the hay, oats which were a bit short, the first trouble was to keep the stack together, and they were seen one day backing a horse into it, and pushing it back again. When they thought they saw the last load in sight, they made a big attempt to put it on the trolly. The old saying is that the last straw broke the camels back ; but this was the last sheave broke the hay frame. They started off for home very quietly and hadn't gone far when she fif a side roll, they managed to get home with some, but their trouble didn't end there, one of them made a dash for the bathroom, stripped off, and turned the tap to find there was no water. The next we saw, was the same fellow wearing the same dress that Adam used to wear, making for the dam, and mud. He came away feeling very refreshed after the excitement and heat of the day.


Wednesday 26 October 1932, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Our Cunliffe correspondent, under date October 20, writes;- Cunliffe is looking wonderfully well, and there are some very nice crops, also a few very dirty ones. There is a fellow :knocking about" by the name of "red rust" but owing to the cool weather we are hoping he won't do too much damage.

There has been a fair number of snakes killed, and the grass is so plentiful it is difficult to see them.

Mr. Vidal is returning home feeling much better after his operation, and looking much improved. Mr. Sam Allen is also in Kadina Hospital for a similar operation, and we hope he will soon be on the mend again.

Cunliffe and Boor's Plains held a combined picnic on thursday, and it was a very pleasant time. Every man woman and child seemed to enjoy themselves. They had all sort of sports for everyone. The man who one the egg and spoon race with some chewing-gum added, was nearly disqualified. After the sports were half over an orange and a bag of sweets were handed to everyone, the ladies had a most beautiful spread set out and everyone sat down to do duty to it. Some who walked in with afirm step, appeared to be staggering a bit as they left. One man said that he had to go home and have tea with his wife, and hardly knew how.


Saturday 17 June 1933, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Our Cunliffe correspondent writes:— Most farriers "have" just finished seeding, and some are very close to it. They would like to see a drop more rain.

The worst of the mice plague seems to be over. Apparently a disease has broken out amongst them, which some people have caught as well.

Cunliffe had its first game of football for the season on its own ground on Saturday, played between Moonta and Sunny Vale. It was a fairly even game. Moonta won the toss, and had the wind the first quarter, which died down at the finish, but I think it was used up amongst the players by the sound of some of them. Sunny Vale has a lot of young players and some showed up well. One lad in particular, A. A. Reid, who was the best on the ground, seemed to be there more than anywhere else.

One farmer thought he heard a horse coming up the road the other night, but found it to be one of the footballers, out doing a bit of training. The umpire from Moonta seemed pretty, fair and kept the game, well in hand. Moontas won by nine points.

One enthusiast went in to Kadina on Friday and brought home a cart load of boots so there should be some kicking done for a while.

Next Saturday's match will be played here between Wallaroo Swimmers and Sunny Vales, and if these Vale boys could only train they would give a good account of themselves. Some of the players can't get off yet on account of seeding.

Cunliffe is an ideal ground, the, best on the Peninsula. One a fine day it is a good outing for the townspeople.

So come along.


Cunliffe Church

Great preparations /are in progress in connection with the

"Back to Cunliffe Methodist Church Jubilee Celebrations," and the organises are sparing no effort to make the various functions and the celebrations as a whole, a success.

A grand Jubilee Fair and Sports to be opened by Cr. A. Rodda, will take place on Saturday next, September 2, with a high tea at 4 p.m., and a concert in the evening. On Sunday, September 3, Jubilee Services are to be held in the Cunliffe Methodist Church at 3pm and 7 p.m., when the Rev A. W. Wellington will be the officiating minister.

Monday afternoon, September 4, will be given over to a fancy dress football match, and a "Back to School," and at 7.30pm. there will be a big public meeting, at which Cr. A. Rodda (chairman of District Council of Kadina), will preside. There are to be speeches, and musical and elocutionary items, with a supper to follow.

So far as the history of the church is concerned, the then Primitive Methodist Church building was built during 1883, the contractor being Mr T. Hague. Cunliffe residents assisted materially, and the stone, sand and lime, etc., were carted to the spot free of charge, labor also being given free. The money to finance the erection of the church, was borrowed from Messrs J. Peters and C. K. Benson. The late Rev. J. H. Williams was the officiating minister at the opening of the church. The original trustees were Messrs Walter Hayward, John Staples, Robert Staples, John Scoble, H. Lustroh, and Ralph Pybus. Among some of the early local preachers were Messrs Robert Herbert (familiarly known as "Fidler Bob"), Alfred Rodda, John Hancock, Ben Rose, and James Garner. The church was closed in 1900 by the Rev. A. J. Finch, and re-opened by Wm in 1914, while in charge of the Kadina circuit.


Saturday 9 September 1933, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Successful three days festival. Large attendances at all the functions:

Glorious weather conditions aided largely in malting the fiftieth jubilee festival of the Cunliffe Methodist Church a gratifyingm success. Inaugurated in 1883, the church has pasted the fiftieth mile stone of its history and, recently renovated, looks staunch enough to stand the stress of another half century. As staunch as the building, is the love and loyalty of the adherents of the church towards it, and this was fully evinced on Saturday, Sunday and Monday last, September 2, 3 and 4, when the large gatherings of folk far exceeded all expectations.

Well Organised Festival.

Organised as a "Back to Cunliffe" festival the trustees of the church soon perceived the wider application of the Jubilee, and Messrs P. D. Vidal, W. E. Lamshed, M. Williams, G. Whetstone, G. Smith, R. C. Dayman T. Rodda, and R. W. Allen, with Mr T, Rodda as secretary, were soon busy in formulating an attractive festival program. An invitation committee consisting of Messrs P. D. Vidal, M. Williams, and T. Rodda (secretary) at once became active, and the task of ascertaining the whereabouts of many past residents was undertaken with good results. Many old folk of former days came back, while apologies were received from those who found it impossible to attend. A sports committee (Messrs M. Willams, R. W. Allen and M. D. Wright) also formulated a good program of various events, and these were carried out in good style. On the ladies, of course, fell perhaps the major portion of the work, the task of feeding "the multitude," and in this direction; no praise is high enough for the convenor of the High Tea (Mrs P. D. Vidal) and her many willing helpers, the stallholders of the fair, and those who prepared and served the tea on the Monday with several sittings in every instance, the ladies were kept exceedingly busy.

A Wonderful Saturday.

The opening day, Saturday, September 2, proved, a really wonderful function. Good weather was experienced, and the vicinity of the church was literally packed with cars, each crowded with participants in the jubilee. In the absence of the Mayor of Moonta (Mr R. C. Kitto) who was detained in New South Wales, Cr. A. Rodda (chairman of District Council of Kadina), was entrusted with the honor of opening the festivities. He did so in a most appropriate speech, in which he briefly touched on the history of the church and of Cunliffe itself, and expressed, the hope that the festival would be all that could be desired.

A fair was well patronised by the assemblage, and the business done proved most satisfactory. The stallholders were:—Jumble, Mesdames M. Williams, M. D. Wright and T. Rodda; cakes, Mrs M. Yelland, and Miss M. Reid; sweets. Misses E., G. and N. Vidal, and H. Polmear.

Sports for the younger folk were held on the church grounds, and were much enjoyed by them. The results were as follows:—

Rooster Chase, Jack Allen; Boys Race (under 12), Glen Dayman, Roy Reid; Boys Race (under 10), Hughie Bensen, Allen Yelland; Boys' Race (under 8), Ross Leigh ton, Ronnie Rodda.; Girls' Race (under 12), Bettie Hawke. Elaine Russell; Girls Race (under 10), Gwen Stock, Daphne Dayman; Girls Race (under 8), Melva Adams, Jean Donaldson; Pickaback Race (boysr), Allen Yelland and Hughie Bensen; (girls), Daphne Dayman and Lola Rose; Football Kick, Adams 1st, Ivor Polmear 2nd.

The High Tea spread, to which the huge assemblage did ample justice. The food, both for quality and quantity was a credit to the ladies of Cunliffe. Subsequently, a concert was held in the church hall (with Mr Jos. Rodda chairman), when the place proved far too small to accommodate all that desired admission. About 100 had a free feast of music listening in from outside. The program was given by the following artists :—Overture, Miss K. Davey; quartette, Excelsior Quartette; solo, Miss E. Pannan; duet, R. Lamshed and S. Jackson; solo, Mrs C. White; recitation, -Mrs K. Rhodes; solo, Mr P. D. Learmond; Quartette, Excelsior Quartette ; solo,. Mr S. Jackson; recitation,. Shirley Rodda; solo. Mr R. Lamshed; recitation, Mrs Rhodes; solo, Miss E. -Pannari; solo, Reg Lamshed; quartette, Excelsior Quartette; solo, Stan Jackson.

Church Jubilee Services.

To the Rev. A. W. Wellington, one of the first ministers of the church, and ex-president of the Methodist conference, fell the task of conducting the Jubilee Services in the afternoon and evening, when again the church was unable to hold more than a portion of the big gatherings. Mr Wellington gave inspiring addresses on each occasion, speaking eloquently of the needs and claims of the church and of the great cause for thankfulness, at the progress the church had made during recent years. The church was a living factor in the lives of all, and just as it had a duty towards its members, so these had a duty towards the church. With a renovated church building, and a stable congregation, they had much cause for rejoicing, and the jubilee should indeed be a time of gladness.— The services were capably assisted throughout by the Kadina Male Voice Quartette (Messrs F. Watson; V, Hollands, N. Bartle, and R. Bosisto).

Back to School on Monday.

No Jubilee seems complete without a "Back to School" function, an event that always causes a good deal of fun. The "schoolroom" on Monday was more than crowded, even the windows being packed with spectators, when Mrs, Bert Ward (nee Miss Moroney, an, ex-teacher of Cunliffe) called the roll of old scholars. Lessons commenced, and then the fun began. Despite the assurance that they had all been, good boys and girls. the years seemed to have had a deteriorating effect on their behaviour, and the cane had to be used frequently. Reading, mental arithmetic and singing lessons gave opportunity for bucolic wit and much laughter, and the interested audience, crowded to the doors, enoyed the spectacle immensely. At the conclusion of lessons the "teacher" was presented with two bouquets, and the. ex-chairman of the school committee, Mr. Chas. Donaldson, in a happy little speech congratulted teacher and pupils, referred aptly to the occasion of the jubilee, and granted the customary half holiday, which was received with cheers.

The roll call included the following old scholars:—Eldrick Yelland. Colin Yelland, Reg Lamshed, Eby Donaldson, Merv. Yelland, Fred Bensen, Norman Donaldson, Robert Syraons, Gordon Whetstone, George Donaldson, Roy Russell, Lloyd Bensen, Percy Vidal, Ken Vidal, Ivor Polmear, Rex Allen, Jim Allen, Lorna Scoble, Jean Vidal, Winnie Staples, Lily Vidal, Irene Staples, Thelina Lamshed. Bernice Whetstone, Grace Carter, Emily Nankivell, Hayward, Selma Milkens, Drossie- Cartaw, Nancy Allen, Edna Vidal, Bessie Vidal, Glen Lamshed, H. Lawry.

Fancy Dress Football Match.

The main part of the afternoon was taken up by a fancy dress football match between members of the Cunliffe and East Moonta clubs, which took place at the prettily situated oval closle handy, and which was attended by a good crowd. The players in most instances wore comical costumes, and this made it rather difficult to place the sides. Jacob's coat of many colors was "not in it" for variety of colors worn by the contestants, and it appeared as if the hues of a crazy rainbow were represented. "Dad Wayback," a baker's boy, Indian fakirs, and other weird figures seemingly clothed only in shirts that threatened every moment to part wjth their wearers, went dashing about the ground pursued by a Red Indian and other grotesque beings. It was all very funny, and on the whole the match did not seem to be taken, seriously. Tumbles were frequent on the short and succulent grass, while a smiling umpire (Mr Fred Champion) blew his whistle only when a breach of the rules was most glaringly committed. The game, however, was evenly contested, and appeared to be as much enjoyed by the players as the onlookers. When the tooting of a motor horn signalled the finish of the game, the scores were:—Cunliffe, 7 goals 7 behinds; East Moonta, 7 goals 6 behinds.

Splendid Pubilc Meeting.

The church was almost uncomfortably crowded in the evening, after a substantial tea had been eaten by the hundreds that were present. More and more seating accommodation was brought in until there was indeed scarcely room to turn round. However, a public meeting at Cunliffe is an unusual matter, and no one seemed to mind the close atmosphere or minor discomfort.

When things got under way a little after 7.30, the Rev. A. Hemmings again introduced the chairman (Cr. A. Rodda) and said that the Church Trust with one voice chose Cr. Rodda when Mr Kitto was found unavailable. They esteemed the chairman's worth and friendship, and knew him for a sane, cautious, and conscientious man.

Cr. Rodda said he appreciated the honor of being asked, but also the great responsibility. At the opening of the church, in 1885, it had been full, the occasion being under the ministry of the late Rev. J. H. Williams. Cunliffe at that period had been thickly populated. A survey had been made, and with the price of copper very low, many of the miners of Kadina and Moonta had bought land to try and make a living. But the sections had been made smaller than they should have been, as experience proved, and the families had struggled on from season to season. Most of them had lived by carting wood to the mines at 5/ a ton, wheat growing being a secondary consideration. Thousands and thousands of tons had been taken to Kadina and Moonta in this way, but the few pounds received by each settler had not been enough, and many had had to give up a large number going to Broken Hill, which then had its boom time. All the little blocks were sold, and between 1890 and 1900 there had been very few folk attending the church. Local preachers came, but all too often there had been no congregation, and in 1900 the church had been closed. As a local-preacher, he had often come to Cunliffe, there being on occasions only Mr Scoble to greet him, and after a rest and chat he had gone back home to Copper Hill. The question then was what was to become of the church? and the quarterly meeting at Kadin decided to close it. After 14 years, it had fallen to the lot of the Rev. A. J. Finch, under, whose pastorate the church had been closed, to open it again, in 1914. Before then, it was dilapidated, with the windows broken and the walls discolored and the quarterly meeting had been inclined to sell the building;- but Messre, Henry Daddow and W. Lee had said: The church shall not be sold! and a strong appeal was made for permission to find the money;, so (the speaker) and the two others went to the residents of the district, and the money to pay the contractors was, successfully coltectedin a wonderful response reaching about £70. They thus had the joy of saving the church. As stated there was a demand for services in 1914, and the Rev. Finch had the pleasure of again declaring the building open for service. Today the church was in a fine condition, and there was none better in the circuit, a benefit that had come to stay. Cunliffe was also here to stay. There were fine memories from the building of the church till the more recent; times, and the names of men like Scoble, Daddow, Lee, Rawling and others would not soon be forgotten. Good wishes for a successful jubilee had also been received from Messrs Cornish, E. Milkens, W. J. Phillips; Jos. Mitchel and; Ellis and the people could always look back upon the celebrations with joy and thankfulness. Everything had played into their hands beautiful weather and great services.

The speaker then read out apologies from ex-residents unable to be present, but conveying congratulations and good wishes, viz., Messrs G. J. Brinkworth, J. Kelly, C. and A. Weidenbach, Geo. Jackson, Mrs H. Lomman, and Miss James.. Lists of local preachers, and of past and present members of the congregation were also presented, as under:—

Local preachers connected with the Cunliffe church:—

Messrs Robert Herbert, (known as "Fidler Bob"), Alfred Rodda, Joseph Rodda, Ben Rose, John Daddow, Henry Daddow, John Hancock, John Verran, Holman, H. Edwards, Win. Lee, Charles Trenberth, S. J. Rose, Allen Ramsey, T. W. Bawden.

Residents of Cunliffe and district up till 1900:—

Mr and Mrs Corner, senr., Mr Henry Rowling, senr., Mr and Mrs Walter Hayward and family, Mr A. Hayward (known as Uncle Abe), Mr and Mrs James Corner and family, Mr and Mrs Wm. Corner and twin sons Will and Jim, Mr and Mrs Ralph Pybus and family (blacksmith and postmaster) Mr and Mrs Milkens and family, Mr Ted Milkens (eldest son of the above), Mr and Mrs John Staples, and daughter, Miss Marion Staples, Mr and Mrs Robert Staples and family, Mr and Mrs George Staples and family, Messers Hugh and John Scoble, Misses Edna and Polly Scoble, Mr and Mrs J. Wrowling and family, Mr Lostroh and family, Mr and Mrs Thomas Cornish and family, Mr and Mrs Weidenbach, senr., and family, Mr and Mrs Alf. Weidenbach and family, Mr and Mrs C. K. Bensen and family. Mr and Mrs James Allen and family, Mr and Mrs Wm. Mapp and son, Charlie, Mr and Mrs James McNab and family, Mr and Mrs S. Hannaford and family, Messrs : John and Wm. Gilbert, Mr and Mrs Wm. Carter and family, Mr and Mrs John Carter and family, Mr and Mrs Wm. Foster and family, Mr and Mrs Wm. Ellis and family (who kept a bucking donkey), Mr Jonathan Ellis, Mr Cornelius Ellis, Mr Joseph Ellis, Mr and Mrs Thomas Phillips, Mr Sam Phillips, Mr Bill Phillips, Mr and Mrs Corin and family, Mr and Mrs Ben Rose and family, Mr Dan Rose, Mr and Mrs Symons and family, Mr and Mrs R. Penrose and family; and Boundy brothers and sisters, Mr and Mrs Ned Moyle, Mr and Mrs Wm. Ward and family, Mr and Mrs Wm. Smith and family (known as Grasshopper Smith), Mr and Mrs W. B. Clark, Mr Nugget Clark, Mr and Mrs John Thomas and family, Mrs Hancock and family, Mr Joe Hall, Mr and the Misses Hull (Mr Hull was the strong man of the district), Mr and Mrs J. T. Harris, Mr G. A. MacNamara, Mr Thomas Vincent, Mrs Bradley and family, Mr Joe Brealey, Mr and Mrs Harry Dangierfield; and family, Mr Thomas Dangerfield, Mr Geprge Baldock, Mr George Mumford, Mr and Mrs Nankeryis. (blacksmith), Messrs Jack and George Stening and sisters, Mr and Mrs A. Dayman, Mr and Mrs H. Dayman, Miss Sarah Twiss and Miss Fanny Twiss (sisters, and both day school teachers of the earty eighties), Mr Alf. King

Members of congregation since the re-opening of church, July 26, 1914:—

Mr and Mrs John Scoble, Mr and Mrs C. K. Bensen, Mr and Mrs Gilbert Lamshed, Mr and Mrs Charles Donaldson, Mr and Mrs Wm Donaldson, Mr and Mrs T. P. La wry, Mr and Mrs G. F. Staples, Mr and Mrs F. Hales, Mr and Mrs Lomman, senr., Mr and Mrs. H. W. Lomman, Mr and Mrs Frank. Lomman,. Mr and Mrs. E. A. Tresize, Mr and Mrs W. N. Cross, Mr and Mrs George Dayman, Mr and Mrs E. Dayman, Mr and Mrs W. H. Russell, Mr and Mrs Hebers J. Beck, Mr and Mrs W. Mahar; Mr Thomas Whetstone, Mr Harry Buroell, Mr Alfred Warren, Miss Margaret Williams, Miss Olive Williams, Miss Ethel Polmear, Miss D. Carlaw (day school teacher), Miss Jamieson, Miss Kath. Gerkins, Miss V. M. Jaincs (day school teacher), Miss Jessie McNab, Mr and. Mrs E. Ellis,. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Mutton, Mr and Mrs J. Phillips, Mr and Mrs F. Leighton,. Mr and Mrs Wm. Lithgow, Miss E. M. Horrocks, Mr G. R. Oats, Mr. and Mrs Stan Harper, Mr Allan Woodrag, Mr David Norris, Mr and Mrs Gordon Whetsitone, Mrs Steveasorf, Mr M. A. Smith (school teacher), Miss Leviss.

After the secretary (Mr T. Rodda) had read a historic report upon Cunliffe and the Cunliffe Methodist Church as compiled by Mr P. D. Vidal, details of which will appear in our next issue, opportunity was given to old residents on visit to say a few words, and brief speeches were made by Messrs. Rowling (a veteran of 2868), John Scoble, Bensen, Jos. Roddaand Mrs J. Rodda.

"1,000 Not Out."

The Rev. A. W. Wellington, in characteristic vein, then gave portion of this noted lecture, "1,000 Not Out and Still Going Strong." This dealt with marriages celebrated by the speaker, which number 1,085 exteading over a period of 60 years. From private weddings to one attended by 9,000 people. His experiences were wide the first of his marriages being celebrated at what was now Morgan. Romace humor and pathes were delightfully, mingled by the raconteur, who also touched upon the changes that had taken place in family life. Viewing marriage from the moral angle, the speaker concluded a most interesting address by saying: Men, show by your speech and actions how divine a thing a woman may be made.

Appreciated items were given during the evening by the Moonta Quartette, Party, Shirley Rodda, Glen Lamshed, and Mrs J. K. Rhodes. A comprehensive vote of thanks, on the motion of the Rev. A. Hemmings and, Mr T. Rodda was carried unanimously and the jubilee terminated with the Doxology. The financial results of the Jubilee are approximately £72 gross.


Wednesday 13 September 1933, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

[Compiled by P. D. Vidal.] During the year 1868, Mr Thomas Hinton, his wife, and stepsons and step-daughter, arrived and settled about 2½ miles south of Cunliffe, and were soon followed by Mr Wm. Mapp and family, Mr John Hancock, Mr. Henry Rowlings, Mr Walter Hayward, Mrs James Corner, and the three brothers, John, Robert and George Staples.

During the early seventies this town was surveyed, and named Cunliffe; but it is unknown to us why the town received this name. We do know, however, that it is one of those good old English names, and it looks very pretty in print. One of our residents, and a local preacher, said he considered Cunliffe a wonderful place. To him it was the centre of the universe, and Moonta, Wallaroo and Kadina were its suburbs.

Soon after the survey of the Cunliffe township, Mr Ralph Pybus arrived and opened a blacksmith's business, and also kept the post office. Mr and Mrs Corner, senr., next came and opened a grocery business, and sold clay pipes and Eureka tobacco as well.

For convenience, the early settlers erected a weatherboard building on the southern end of Mr Henry Rowlings' property, to be used as a day school and church and some time later the Bible Christian folk decided to build the Penang church. So as to be more central, the Primitive Methodist people decided to remove the weatherboard building into the Cunliffe township, and the feat of removal was carried out by Mr Walter Hayward with his team of well disciplined bullocks. This weatherboard building was used as both day school and church until the year 1883, when it was decided by the Primitive Methodists to build a larger church, and by "busy bee" methods, stone, sand, lime, bricks, etc., were carted by residents of the district, labor free, for the erection pf the church to be. The builder of the church was Mr Thomas Hague, and the quality of his workmanship speaks for itself.

On November 18th, 1883, a foundation stone-laying service took place, at which the late Rev. J. H. Williams officiated. The names of the original trustees were put in a bottle, sealed, and built in the wall. One interesting incident which took place during this stone-laying service was the act of Bill Gilbert, by placing a five pound note on the stone, such notes being a very rare sight in those days. The opening services of this church took place on Christmas day, December 25, 1883, and the opening services of the new church were conducted by the Rev. J. H. Williams.

The great success of the Tea Meeting was due to the Bachelors Tray, the convenor being "Uncle" Abe Hayward. Practically everything in connection with this Tray was carried out by the bachelors themselves.

The first persons joined in matrimony were Mr. Alfred Ramsey and Miss Barbary. This ceremony took place before the completion of the church, and planks had to be laid down from the door to the improvised altar, for the bride and bridegroom to walk on.

Soon after the opening of the church the Rev. A. W. Wellington came to the district, but the writer of these lines remembers very little concerning him as a preacher. Yet three other incidents stand out vividly in his memory concerning the Rev. A. W. Wellington; firstly, in that he opened a church at Eudunda which was built by Mr John T. Harris, the writer's uncle; secondly there was the reverend gentleman's ability with the cricket bat. With almost any ball pitched on the player's legs, he would calmly raise one foot in the air, and with a twist of the wrists would crack the ball away under his leg to square or fine leg. This led to us boys christening him the "Cricketing Parson"; and how we used to adore him. Thirdly, was the reverend gentleman's ability to consume jam tarts and cream at these early-day tea meetings.

During 1884, day school was conducted in the church, Miss F. N. Twiss filling the position of head mistress. Shortly after the removal of day school to the Church, Mr Pybus bought the old weatherboard building, which stood at the rear of the present church, and again Mr Walter Hayward undertook the removal of this dual-purpose strufcture from the church block to a place, adjoining the blacksmith's shop, where it was to act as a storeroom. The skilful work of both the driver and these well fed and wonderfully well trained bullocks, will live long in the memory of the school boys who were fortunate enough to witness the removal.

In the early days the population was considerably larger than it is today, because in those times every block contained a family; and good healthy families they were. So it can be understood regarding early day congregations filling the church to overflowing at an ordinary Sunday service.

In those days it was the general practice of residents to live on their blocks, clear the timber, and keep them by carting wood to the mines; receiving about 5/ a ton for it. Wheat growingin those days was only a secondary consideration.

In those days the church anniversary and tea was the great event of the district, and was looked forward to from one year to another. It seemed to be the only occasion during the year when the population could work and enjoy themselves together. These early day tea meetings were something to be long remembered. The tea tables were always set out with genuine home-made eatables, and every variety had a "more-ish" flavor, especially the jam tarts and scalded cream.

During one of these pioneer anniversary services the stewards were amazed by a lady putting a one pound note om the collection plate and when asked later if she really meant to give it, she replied that returns from her poultry were so good at present, that she gave it with pleasure.

One memorable event in this history was the coming to the district of the Rev. J. J. Salmon. We boys named him the "Athletic Parson," because he was very fleet of foot, and also a skilled horseman. Mr Salmon enjoyed riding a horse, and the horse always appeared to enjoy being ridden by him. Mr Salmon was a man amongst men, and a boy amongst the boys. He was one of those who created an atmosphere of friendship wherever he happened to be.

Another minister following Mr Salmon who appealed to us boys, was the Rev. Thomas Allen, and we named him the "Sweating Parson," because during his frequent visits to the farm, nothing seemed to please him more than to be out with the men in the paddock, with his coat off, working like a Trojan, and mopping his manly brow.

Still another very interesting part of this history was that played in it by one of our pioneer local preachers, Mr Robert Herbert, familiarly known as "Fiddler Bob." This amazing man, with his charming personality, was the life of the teamsters' camp at night by entertaining his friends with his singing, reciting, and playing his fiddle. "Fiddler Bob" was one of those persons that believed in overcoming obstacles with prayer. Pioneer woodcarters, when hopelessly bogged in that red, crab-hole soil which stretches , across the old Clinton track, on the Moonta side of where Mr. R. W. Allen is now living, and known to the early woodcarters as the "Devil's Garden," have related regarding the times when teams were bogged, how "Fiddler Bob" would come along and say: "Now, boys put away your whips and cease swearing. We'll try another way." And according to the accounts of past historians, "Fiddler Bob's" prayers never failed in getting them out of their troubles.

During the late eighties, the district suffered a heavy decrease in populalation, when several families departed for Broken Hill, the Victorian mallee, and other parts. Those leaving the district at that time included some the main workers in the church, namely Mr J. W. Rowlings, Mr Robert Staples, Mr James Corner, Mr W. Corner, Mr Ralph Pybus, Mr W. T. Cornish, Mr Alf. Weidenbach, the family of Lostrohs, Mr Wm. Foster, and Mr John Staples (who returned at a later date). From then on, through the nineties, the church attendance gradually dwindled in numbers, until eventually only about three persons would attend an evening service. Mr Joh Scoble was always at staunch supporter of the church and seldom missed a service, until it was decided, during the year 1900, that the church should be closed.

To the Rev. A. J. Finch fell the lot of performing the painful closing ceremony; and at this juncture I would relate one of the most noble parts in connection with this history, and that is the part played by one of the church's staunchest supporters, Mr John Scoble. After witnessing this sad ceremony of closing the church as a place for divine worship, we can imagine in our minds Mr. Scoble's feelings, and can picture him sitting alone, out there on those huge and historic rocks, near the old tee tree, and gazing on the closed doors of the church with a grief stricken heart and sad expression of face, saying to himself:— "I, with others that gathered the material for your construction, grieve in realising that you should be unappreciated, neglected and your doors closed for that purpose of divine worship for which you were dedicated by your people. But I'll never forsake you during your future solitude, for there will be cruel things said and done unto you. But it shall be my duty to care for and protect you, until the eyes of your people are opened, and you are once more esteemed and restored to those of the future."

And so well did Mr Scoble carry out the part of being to our church its faithful guardian, and so grand does his service appear to us, that we feel that we must leave it to our Supreme Judge to appraise and reward.

On one occasion, soon after the closing of the church, a party of shooters from one of Cunliffe's suburbs entered the church and made a shooting gallery of its interior, causing much damage; but Mr Scoble was soon hot on their tracks, and compelled these wrong doers to repair the damage.

During the year 1908, Messrs A. Rodda, Wm. Lee and H. Daddow were appointed by Synod to canvass and collect throughout the circuit, funds to payoff a long-standing debt owing to Mr Langdon; and to the untiring efforts of these three collectors we owe much. Had it not been for the faith ful guardianship of Mr Scoble and the untiring efforts of Messrs Rodda, Lee and Daddow, we shudder to think what might have happened to our church.

During the middle of the year 1914, residents of the district met at the church, and unanimously decided to re-open it. so soon as possible. And so an acting Trust was formed, consist, ing of Mr Thomas Whetstone, Mr. W. H. Russell, Mr. G. Lamshed, Mr. T P. Lawry, Mr G. F. Staples, Mr. R. W. Allen, Mr G H Smith and Mr P D Vidal, to undertake the reopening arrangements and future responsibilties of the Church. The Rev A J Finch officiated: at a very successful reopening service on July 26 and 29, 1914.

Mr Thomas Whetstone formed and conducted the choir, and Mrs T. P. Lawry very ably filled the position of church organist Mr T. P. Lawry was appointed secretary and treasurer of the acting Trust, and very ably carried out this duties as such from 1914 until 1921, when he left the district.

Since the re-opening celebrations, the Cunliffe people; have achieved a great deal in patriotic efforts during the war, and also in additions and improvements to church property. In the year 1918 it was decided to build a day school at the rear of the church. This building cost the Trust £200 approximately, and we much appreciate the financial assistance rendered the Trust by Mr G. F. Staples in this matter. Since the erection of day school a shelter shed has been added, tank and outhouses replaced, church property fenced, Gloria light installed throughout church and school, and the front porch erected.

Church people are considered to consist of three classes, namely, the Workers, the Jerkers and the Shirkers, but we are proud to say that the Cunliffe folk all belong to the first class, the Workers.

One of the ministers said during an address at one of our public meetings, that he had dreamed a wonderful dream during the previous night. He dreamed that he went to Heaven and traversed the golden footpaths, picking out his past congregations, and found all except his Cunliffe congregation, and so he applied to the Clerk of Position as to where they might be found; and the Clerk of Positions said, without looking at Book of Records. "You'll find, your Cunlffe congregation in No. 1 position, nearest the Throne."

We, here on earth, know not what position our congregation occupies in Heaven; but we feel sure that our late friends, Mr W. H. Russell, Mr Thomas Whetstone, Mrs T, P. Lawry, Private Sam Beck, Mrs Charles Donaldson, and many other Cunliffe people, will be there, worthily representing the congregations which they mingled with here on earth.

In concluding this historic description of past events concerning this church and district, the writer feels that he must sincerely apologise to the church and residents for not having retained a more vivid and exact recollection of past events.

The original Trustees were - Messers John S taples, Robert Staples, James Corner and H. Lostroft.


Thursday 14 September 1933, Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954) Trove

The 50th anniversary of the existence of the Cunliffe Methodist Church was celebrated by a Back to Cunliffe movement. The festivities, which extended over three days, were Inaugurated with a fair, which was opened by Councillor A. Rodda (chairman of the Kadina District Council), who gave a brief resume of the history of Cunliffe and the church, which was established in 1883. and opened by the late Rev. J. H. Williams. For years connected with the Kadina circuit, it had now been attached to the Moonta circuit, with the Rev. A. Hemmlngs as pastor. The fair proved a financial success, the stallholders being: — Jumble, Mesdames M. D. Wright, M. Williams and T. Rodda; cakes, Mesdames M. Telland and P. D. Vidal; sweets. Misses G., E. and N. Vldal and N. Polmear; assisted by many lady helpers. Sports were held In the vicinity of the church, the boys' races being won by Glen Dayman Roy Reid, Hugh Bensen, Allen Yelland, Ross Leighton, Ron Rodda; and the girls' events by Bettle Hawke, Elaine Russell, Gwen Stock, Daphne Dayman, Melva Adams, and Jean Donaldson. Other events were won by A. Yelland, H. Bensen J Adams, D. Dayman and L. Rose. A high tea followed Mrs. P. D. Vldal being the convener. The evenings concert was given by the Excelsior quartet party, Misses E Pannan, K. Davey, Shirley Rodda, Mesdames C. White and K. Rhodes, and Messrs R. Lamshed. S. Jackson, P. D. Leannond. Mr. Jos. Rodda was chairman:

Three services were held on the Sunday, when the Kadina male voice quartet assisted. The Rev. A. W. Wellington (an exminister of cunliffe church) took the services. On the Monday, the first item was a back to Cunliffe school function, which was in charge of Mrs. Bert Ward (nee Miss Moroney ex-teacher). Much fun was caused by the dresses worn and the school lessons, the granting of a half-holiday by the chairman of the school committee (Mr. Chas. Donaldson) being greeted with cheers. At the oval a fancy dress football match was played between Cunllffe and East Moonta and was won by Cunliffe, 7 goals 7 behinds to 7 goals 6 behinds. A public meeting was held In the evening, when Councillor A. Rodda again presided. His address was largely reminiscent, and Included the reading of a long list of past and present members of the congregation. He stressed the debt the present generation owed to the pioneers of the past, who had preserved the church property for them when a depression and an exodus of the population took place In 1900.


Saturday 16 September 1933, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

M. Champion writes:—I read with a good deal of interest and pleasure the early history of Cunliffe and district in Mr Percy Vidal's article in Wednesday's "Times," and it stirred up many old memories of long ago. I was working for some years for the late James Allen, near Cunliffe, in the early eighties, and have kind recollections of those times; and while things were hard, and money scarce, I think people were just as happy, or more so,than they are today. I used to call at Percy's uncle's farm every nine days, when Percy was a little chap, and what ever Percy forgot, he never forgot to grow. Percy's uncle, the late J. Harris, was a fine type of man and did his best for Percy, who has made good, and today is looked up to in more ways than one. Mr. Tom Hinton, the oldest settler, came to an untimely end. Burning stubble one hot day, and coming home overheated he asked for a drink of water, which was cold, In five minutes the poor fellow was dead. He was a distinct loss to the district. Cunliffe was named after Lord Cunliffe, an English nobleman. In those early days, there were five churches within a short distance of each other: Copper Hill, Cunliffe, Bald Hills Primitive Methodist, Penang Bible Christian, and Pine Grove (towards East Moonta, Wesleyan) ; and each church had a good following. At that time most people went to church, and you would see seats full of young men at every service. What a difference, today, when such a crowd of our young men's highest ambition seems to be smoking, gambling and loitering about street corners, etc. Mr Vidal spoke of Ministers on horseback. In the early days most of the travelling was done on horseback, both by Ministers and locals. It was much easier to get about that way on the unmade roads, and it was nothing for the Minister or local to travel 30 or 40 miles on Sundays and do three services; and there was no £5 a week, either. Mr A. Rodda, of Kadina, could tell us of those days. Speaking of Bachelors' Trays, they became a great success: The young ladies of the church would buttonhole the young man for 5/ each for a tray, and promise them a supper on the Saturday night after the church tea, which was held on a Wednesday. Of course they had an eye to business. These suppers proved a high old time. It would be held at one of the home-steads on a good moonlight night, and there would be various games before supper, twos and threes, forfeits, and "there was a jolly miller who lived by himself." This way a favorite, and quite a lot of the young fellows thought "jollymiller" could please himself, they were not going to live by themselves; and often at these suppers would commence a courtship that generally had "a fatal ending." Speaking of the "Devil's Garden," it certainly was a brute of a place in wet weather. It was right opposite my bosses farm, "Fiddler Bob," as Mr Herbert was called, wasn't always there to pray for them. It was nothing to see a wagon load of wood or stumps with the bottom resting on the mud. A story is told that one day two farmers' wives, going to Moonta for the week's supplies, pulled up on the edge of the mud. There were two teams trying to get through by double banking the leaders. One of the drivers was using some strong talk to the horses. One of the women said: "I wouldn't swear like that, if I were you!" "You swear like that, Missis? You couldn't if you tried. It's taken me years of hard practice to swear like that."



There was a crowd back to Cunliffe, and they came from all over the State. It was great to see the old people smiling, talking, and shaking hands. Didn't they have a feed, a real "blow-out." Some of them ate as if they hadn't eaten anything since they were here last.

The games of "kiss in the ring," and "I spy I" as played in former' days did not seem to have the same attraction to the old lads as in the "Gay Nineties," when they were young, for they left that to the younger generation.

It was all right to hear them telling yarns. They said that they carted wood, water, stones, bricks, fenced the land, looked after the cows, chased the wallabies, worked all the week, and then went to church on Sundays, Those were the good old days.

Some of them were looking around to see who was there, and I listened in. One said, "There is old Dad and Mum, and old Ned, having a yarn," "I see Charley Benson is here also." "Yes," said a friend, "he was a pillar of the church here, one time; a good fellow; he would always say, 'call in any time and have a cup of tea,' and he generally had a bit of fire going to warm one up."

"Oh, yes, that's so," said Mr. Venning. "Do you remember Neddy Moyle. he used to have an opossum come and visit him at the house every night. Neddy said, 'I'll kill that there puzzen,' so he got a grubbing axe handle and waited up for the animal. When it made its appearance Neddy went for him; but the opossum was very lively, and notwithstanding it was in the parlor, Ned made terrific swipes at the intruder, hitting everything but the opossum. Then the light went out, smashed with a long swinging stroke. The Missus, tearing the racket, rushed in with a light. Oh, the wreckage was awful; everything was smashed, but the opossum was up a mallee out at the front"

Then another chipped in, "Do you remember the old chap that used to play 'Silver Streams,' on the flute. Yes, you could see the streams running off the end of it after the first verse."

"Do you remember the concert they were practising for, but that never came off? While they were practicing one evening a chap on the outside blew a blast through the key-hole with a whistle and threw the party into convulsions, while his mate played 'Oh. what must it be to be there,' on the accordeon, then they chuckled as if they remembered something funny."

"Didn't we have some fun at old Jim Corner's Band of Hope. You know old Jim built this chapel. He was everything in it; president of the Band of Hope, the Sunday School, and had to do most of the preaching for no one else would come here to preach for an eighteen-penny collection. Different now, isn't it!"

"You remember the Cunliffe bushrangers, don't you." "Yes," said another. "I suppose they were the only ones that the Peninsula ever had. Old Bill Grasshopper was pretty hard on the lads, and young Bill and his cobber, also the son of a taskmaster, said that they had had enough of it, threw down their axes and took to the bush. Of course they had to have some tucker, so they robbed some settlers' places, and got some food', blankets, guns and a concertina. They did not last long, for the concertina was their undoing. ' One night, at their camp, they were having a singsong, when the police, who were looking for them, were attracted by the melodious strains of 'We don't want to got to bed,' or something, but they had to go to Wallaroo for six months."

"Then there was those two chaps who lived in Cunliffe, and had an egg factory. It's a wonder the poultrymen don't go in for something like that nowadays.

"What was that?" asked someone: "Well, you see these chaps thought out a plan how to make poultry pay. They got about forty common-looking fowls. and a strawberry colored rooster, with very robust constitution. Then they erected a shed: and fittings, a roost was put up at a convenient height, in front of which two men mixed food, and threw it with shovels into a trough, the fowls gobbling it up as fast as it was put in. At the back oft he roost was a gutter, into which the fowls dropped the eggs, the gutter conveying them to the packing room, where they fell into boxes. Six men and one typist were kept busy nailing up the boxes. Of course, bullock wagons did the carting.

"Who's that big fat chap over there, getting around like an unregistered dog?"

"Oh, that's Dick Allen.

"Bit of a humourist, isn't he?. I saw him just now with a leg of wombat or something in one hand and: a plate of cabbage in the other. If that don't faring out the blowflies I don't know what will.


Another old Yorke's Peninsula pioneer was removed by the hand of death on Tuesday morning last, May 23, in the person of Mr Ebenezer Donaldson, of Cunliffe, who was in his 94th year. Until about five years ago, when Mr Donaldson became bed-ridden he enjoyed very fair health, sight, hear-ing and memory also being excellent; and up till about eight years since, worked the farm "Holme Park" in conjunction with his eldest son, Mr Charles Donaldson. The late gentleman was greatly respected and much esteemed by a large circle of friends, though in firmity had not allowed him to get into touch with them recently. His death, although at such a ripe age, is much regretted, and the funeral, which took place at Moonta on Wednesday last, May 24, was largely attended despite the inclement weather.

Mr Donaldson was born at Wood-house, County of Waterford, Ireland, on August 12, 1839, and christened in the English Church at Stradbella, his god-mother being Lady Euneach. The young Donaldson was destined to lead a varied and even adventurous life.

Mr Donaldson's father came from Scotland to the County of Waterford, in Ireland, to take charge of the estate of Mr Euneach, who had married a sister of the Marquis of Waterford. Mr Donaldson was a professor of Agri-culture, and was with Mr Euneach for 23 years. He then took charge of the estate of the Hon. Bows-Daly for three years, and then of the estate of Mr John Carden, a great-uncle of. Dr. H. C. Carden, of Kadina. This was a big property, employing over 300 men. The call of the new world, however, was heard by Mr Donaldson, and he came out to Australia with his brother and son in 1853, Mrs Donaldson following about three years later. They landed in November from the clipper built vessel "The Julia' after a rough voyage lasting exactly 100 days. The ship could not cross the bar at the Port River, and the passengers, of whom there were only fourteen (as the boat had been built for the China tea trade) were taken ashore in boats. Mr Donaldson had celebrated his four-teenth birthday on the ship, and well remembered the setting out per foot for Gawler river, leaving Port Adelaide in the morning and breaking the journey at Smithfield (named after a Mr Smith, who then kept an hotel there). The next day they arrived at the Gawler, at the station of Mr John McCord an uncle by marriage. Land was rented from Mr McCord along the river, and the party got busy at once with summer fallowing, putting in a crop the same season. The discovery of gold in New Zealand induced young Donaldson, with six other South Australians of about the same age, to try their luck over the water, though the Maori War was still in progress. Many hardships were experienced, especially on the Campbell's Creek field, which was starved out three times.

Provisions had to be obtained by packhorse from Dunstone, a town 27 miles away, and as the rumor spread that the Adelaide party was doing wonder-fully well, a rush took place. Four hundred , men set out for Campbell's Creek, but is snowed for eight days and nights and the majority of the men perished from the cold. The life was exceedingly strenuous, and on one occasion, when the food had given out, several of the party walked to Dun-stone and back, performing the seemingly impossible task within twenty four hours, or their claims could have been jumped. And this they did (54 miles). carrying two fifty pound bags of flour each. A feat such as this is indeed remarkable. The chief trouble on the field was the prevalence of rats, who made serious, inroads upon the food of the miners. After twelve months of roughing it, with generally fair success, the party left again for Australia, arriving at Melbourne during a period when the Yarra was in high flood. When the river subsided, a host of craft were left high and dry on the banks. Three weeks later they got away from Melbourne, and young Donaldson arrived home at the farm on Christmas Eve. He subsequently took up land at Barossa, wheat farming, the cereal being carted to Adelaide in bullock drays. The city roadways had to be carefully negotiated because of the frequent gum stumps that had been left ungrubbed in the streets. Mer-chants, in those days, used to come out to Dry Creek to meet the farmers, and bargain for the wheat. Mr Donaldson recollects that wheat, in 1855, was 22/ a bushel, but. this did not last.long, and it hovered for a time between 10/ and 15/ a bushel, ultimately coming down to 4/6. The chief wheat dealing firm in Gawler at that time was that of Duffield. Hand sowing was the order of the day, and the reaping hook was the one harvesting implement. Harvest wages averaged 15/ a week. Mr Donaldson believed that the first reaping machines to be used in South Australia were those of Ridley and Marshall, but these came into use many years later. At Gawler, in April, 1866, he married a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs W. H. Russell. He next took up land at South Hummocks, about ten miles from what is now Port Wakefield. His first crop averaged 16 bushels, but other seasons were not so good. Moving to Barunga Gap, where he farmed for ten years, he did fairly well, though the water scarcity was a serious drawback The wheat from here was carted to Kadina, and Mr Donaldson relates how he had fre-quently camped in what is now Victoria Square. The mill at Kadina, at that time, was owned by Mr Kimber. An other move made by the pioneer was to Wokurna, where he cleared 1,700 acres. Many hardships were experienced here, and water carting for long distances made farming very arduous and precarious. On one occasion a son was away for five days, and the family had to subsist upon meagre portions of milk, pending the arrival of the water.

A severe drought, about 1895-96 urged Mr Donaldson to leave Wokurna, especially as he had lost most of his horses, and he came to Penang, near Cunliffe, where he finally settled in 1896. The first crop proved a bad failure, the harvest yielding eight bags less than the seed wheat put in. But the turn in the tide came at length, and for the following 30 years Mr E. Donaldson had been farming with pleasing success with his son, Mr Chas. Donaldson, "Holme Park" being a model hold-ing. The old gentleman was a mine of information about the early days, and used to speak with a twinkle in his eyes of the time when he was a volun-teer, the Smithfield and Virgina companies being great rivals. Bad roads water at 1/ a bucket, pests of various kinds, all made pioneering hard work indeed, and Mr Donaldson always smiled retrospectively when, he spoke of farming methods now and the con-trast 80 years ago.

The surviving family are four sons (Messrs Charles Donaldson, Penang; William Henry, Kimba; James.D., Edililli; George R., Stokes); and four daughters (Mesdames J. W. Ingram, Prospect; J. R. Whetstone, Cunliffe; H. Bermingham, Broken Hill; and Frederick Goldsworthy, Broken Hill). There are 17 grandchildren and 20 great-grandchildren;. two sisters, Mesdames. Shirley and Carson (of WA. and Alberton respectively} died in 1925.


Our Cunliffe correspondent writes: —The hay cutting is finished, and some are stacking it. Other farmers expect to be reaping in a few days. The hot north winds have made a big difference to the crops, also the frost didn't make things any better. They talk about reducing the acreage, and to grow less wheat; but when these things come to pass it soon reduces the yield.

Mrs A. Adams, of Cunliffe, got a bone of a pigeon stuck in her throat last week, and had to get Dr. Holder to come out and shift it. She is now fully recovered.

Daphne Dayman, at school last week, ran into another little girl, fell back, and cut her head, which bled very freely. She had to receive local attention.

Another chap, who had a 'bit ot a cold, sneezed and blew his false teeth out. His boss saw him looking for something and went to his assistance, when he noticed the teeth stuck' on the heel of 'his boot, none the worse for wear.

A lady from the city, staying here a while ago, gave some good advice about burning egg shells, and said that so long as you burn them you have bad luck. So one chap thought he would try it, and this is what happened the first week. He cooked the eggs and saved the shells. He then went out to milk the cows; and the cow, she was "a cow," fell over the bucket-full and spilt the milk. Next thing, he went out on the binder, and things went alright for a while, but all of a sudden the bolt of the seat broke, and before he could say "woe" he was sitting on the ground, feeling thankful he was not in an aeroplane. He fixed it up and went another round, and bang she went again.

Now if the lady who told the story happens to come along, she would have heard a lot more about egg shells, and lost any faith that she might have had.

We noticed in the "Re-Echoes of Back to Cunliffe" that there was no mention made of Abe and Jack. Now a lot of people noticed they were absent at Back to School; and we were told it's no good of them coming back, because they couldn't eat wombat and over-ripe possum without potato.


Our Cunliffe correspondent writes: —The weather here has been very much like spring-time, and birds have never been known to nest so early. Lizards and snakes went into their holes for the winter sleep, but the lovely weather brought them out again.

One farmer while "stepping out a land" just happened to look as he was going to put his foot on a big brown snake, and he wondered afterwards why the land was wider at one end than the other. Mast of the farmers have finished seeding.

One hears all sorts of weather prophets these times. Some say that when you see the moon, up on her end, it's going to tie wet. Well, naturally one would think that if there was any water in there, it would tip out.

One Moonta prophet said that any farmer who didn't have his crop in by the 22nd of May, would be sorry, for it was going to start raining, and continue so. He has not been heard of since that date.

Now, I am going to relate a mystery. On some nights, from here, we can see the Wallaroo lights over the Bald Hills. One particular night we saw them as plainly as we see Kadina lights. So the next evening we went out again, and got up on the gate post. But no good. So one lad climbed a tree about fiftteen feet, and even then he couldn't see them. So their father advised them to come inside, as he feared we must be tipping up into the Gulf.

I notice that the Loxton people have discovered a "Rain Tree" in the sky, which is supposed to be a sign of extra wet. We had a talk over this, and finished up with the conclusion that it is a good advertisement for bad wine.

Mr J. Morgan, of Penang, used to say that when he could see the Kadina lights on Hayward's Hill, it was a sure sign of rain. But after all is said, what is man? Ask Madame Wu.

We have been too busy to see any football this season. They say there have been some good games up to date, and I think towards the finish there should be some exciting tussles to watch. One thing we notice, that there have been no complaints about the umpires. Another thing that would be much appreciated is, if the Association would! send down to 5C.L. ; station the results of the matches each Saturday.

The citizens of the city of Cunliffe are also very pleased to know that the Aussies won the first Test; and may they win the rest.

The weather forecast for here is fine and mild for the present with some scattered frost outside, a few showers a long way off, and dry and crusty up north.

Cunliffe had a bonfire on Saturday night which attracted a good crowd. There seemed to be a tremendous supply of "ammunition," and I should think it would be impossible to start another war for some time to come. One good thing was, there were no accidents. The foxes reckon it's the worst night they have known in the history of Cunliffe.

Last year was "Back to Cunliffe"; but this year the move seems to be away from it.'' One fellow going home in the early hours of the morning, saw a wombat out on the hole changing his singlet.

After the bonfire there was a snappy little concert by the school children, followed by supper. They raised about two pounds seven shillings collection in aid of school funds, and their teacher (Mr Crabb) was well pleased.


At the pretty Cunliffe Methodist Church, on December 31, 1934, George Neil, eldest son ot Mr. and Mrs. G. Jackson, of Cemorne Street, Unley, was married by the Rev. Hemmings, of Moonta, to Nancve, eldest daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Allen, of Cunliffe.

Beautiful pink gladioli in brass bowls made Aacharming setting for the bride, as she entered the church with her father. Her beautiful gown of white silk angel skin lace, smartly cut, and fitting closely to the figure, had two unusual touches in a Medici collar and double puff sleeves, in which were entwined Lily of the Valley. Instead of the conventional flowers, the bride carried a tulle muff, daintily trimmed with white satin ribbon and Lily of the Valley. A long veil of billowy tulle was worn off the face and arranged on the hair with a crin halo and caught at the side with small sprays of orange blossom. White silk mitfcens and satin shoes completed a very charming toilletfce.

The bridesmaids, Misses Dulcie Allen, Joan Jackson and Barbara McArthur, chose the unusual com bination of pink and black. They were frocked alike in slim fitting frocks ot pink needie-run lace over satin. Frills of pink organdie trim med the lower part of the skirt, which flared from the knees. Nar row black velvet ribbon tied the double puff sleeves, which were also organdie, as were the Medici collars. Dolly Vardon hats of black, and muffs of pink organdie, were trimmed with flowers of pink. Black mittens and shoes finished an uuusual and delightful idea for the hocking of bridesmaids. Mr. Colin Martin was best man and Messrs J. Allen and L. Williams groomsmen.

After the ceremony, a reception was held, at which only relatives were present. The bride's mother wore a smart black marocain, touch ed with white, with hat en suite. A small posy of pink flowers was also carried. The bridegroom's mother wore a charming frock in pastel fconings with a hat of the same ma terial A posy of pastel shaded flowers was carried. A smart little frock of corded silk in an unusual shade of blue, worn with a hat to match, was chosen by the bride for travelling. Grey shoes, stookings, gloves and bas? were dainty accessories to the ensemble.

Mr. and Mrs. G. N. Jackson's future home will be at Mundoora, Mr Jackson being teacher at the Keilli school, a few miles from the town.


Wednesday 29 May 1935, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Out Cunliffe corespondent writes:— This sesaon has opened up extra well, and every man, beast and tractor are hard at it. The fallow has not gone in so well or some time. The feed and rubbish are making great headway, and stock are already beginning to look after themselves.

We notice by the K. & W. Times that our caller, the swagman, has gone to Town for, a change. He has been coming around this way for several

years. It use to be once a year, but as his visits weire getting more frequent, some said he cut down his round. Others reckoned that one leg was better than the; other, and that had caused him to take a smaller circle. It's to be hope that his photo was taken before he left, as he was a dinkum swaggie. He went by the name of ''Whiskers Blake" here. He would ask for some tucker, and tea, also tobacco if he saw any men around. While he waited for supplies he would be humming in more ways than one.

We Cunfiffe people have had several talks about this butter business, and we got an idea that the aim is to drive the farmers to take their cream to the factory slid that's" what it seeing I to be doing. There's most, "likely to be a strike on with cows, cows of all descriptions. When you finish your day's work and then go and look for cow is it's great fun. You shall be paid according to jour labor, but not this way.


Our Cunliffe correspondent writes under date of September 30:—Cunliffe has been experiencing- some very warm feather, which lis bringing the crops out to heatl. The crops are holding very green up to date, and we dbn't think it -vMill be long before some will be haymaking. There are some nice oat crops about.

Cunliffe and Boor's Plains schools held their combined picnic on Wednesday of last week, and the weather was fine. There was a bit of a holdup, for a time; as the Agery folks borrowed the tables from the church for "Back to Agery" and forgot to return them. Mr M. Williams of Cunliffe, came to the rescue and went and got them on his truck, which helped us out nicely.

The sports were, very interesting, and there were some very close finishes. Results were.

Rooster race for boy. Roy Benson; and for girls, Daphne Dayman.

Wheelbarrow race, Jack Allen and Ross March; several wheelbarrows broke down.

High jump, Jim Ward, Jack Allen.

Egg and spoon race (men), G. Oakley ; (women's) Miss V. Ward.

Making paper hats, Mrs A. Trenberth; for men, G. Oa'kley, R. Dayman.

Men's thread the needle race, Mr and Mrs Yell and, on protest. Mr and Mrs Dayman came first and Mr and Mrs R. Symons second, but were disqualified on account of having no cotton in the needles,

High jump for ladies, Mrs M. Ward; who cleared 2ft. 14in. amidst great applause.

The All Comers race was very exciting, and in a very close finish was won by Biiigy Toothache second, and Headache third a nose away.

The sports over, each; one was given an orange and bag of sweets.

Then came the tea which was a swell turn-out, plenty of pasties, and a splendid variety of delicious cakes. It was just as well it came after the sports. Everyone went home feeling as though he had had a really goodtime.

One Old-Timer said that the All Comers Race was the closest he had seen since he left Scotland. The first prize was a nice tobacco pouch given by Mr w. L. Roberts, of Kadina, with zip fastener. Dave had a look at it, and he reckoned there would be a fortune in it if one could breed fowls like that for stuffing.

Our Cunliffe correspondent writes.

Saturday 2 November 1935, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

The farmers are busy haymaking and the cut in sime places is good. Mr. P. Vidal can cut some mulga oats at 35cwt. to the acre. Binders are kept busy in some crops of wheat, kicking out a sheaf to every post in the fence. Men are also busy leaping in the air when someone says ; "Look out! snake!" one man stopped up in air for several seconds, and it was a job to coax him down.

The price of wheat seems to be hurrying down, so as to be ready for the harvest.

Butter is rising in price, and cows are going back. They have gone to - in some farmers' estimation. Some odd ones are going up in the trees and coming down dressed.

Several of the Cunliffe ladies had to represent Cunliffe at the Methodist Synod, at Moonta, on wednesday. It's to be hoped that if they hold one next year, it will be at Cunliffe, so that the men folk can come out and stook some hay.

Mrs A. Crabb, wife of our school teacher, has been very ill, but we are pleased to say is now able to get about again.

The school children at Cunliffe have grow some very good vegetables this year, and it's a good hobby for the boys. They have also made a flower garden, which improves, things very much.


Saturday 23 November 1935, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Our Cunliffe correspondent writes:— Everybody is busy with their harvesting, and so is the weather. It's a pity that it changes so quickly. It hardly gives a man a chance to make up his mind what to do next.

Cunliffe looks like winning the crop competition for Boor's Plains district. There are some nice crops around, and they are turning out as well as they look.

I was thinking today that if some of those people who don't know anything about farm work, had been today on a harvester, they would never want another experience, especially some of these agents who come out and sell you the machine. I fancy they would turn around and give it to you.

Cunliffe is just starting to get ready for the Centenary. One man, Uncle Ab., has engaged a team of wombats to dig the holes for tree planting. A chap coming home late on a bike saw a wombat cross the road with a pick and shovel.

Next Saturday week there's to be a big cricket match at Cunliffe between the local school 'boys and Agery school. The public are cordially invited. Mayor in attendance, tied up to a tree somewhere.


Mr. R. W. Allen and family

Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 25 April 1936, page 2

In the Cunliffe schoolroom, on Saturday evening, April 18, a farewell social was given to Mr and Mrs R.W. Allen and family, who are leaving the district for their new home at, Wynarka. A large representative gathering met to bid them God-speed, and a very pleasant evening was, spent, during which a good program of musical, vocal and elocutionary items was well rendered, by the following :—Miss Madge Leighton (overture), Miss Una Ward (elocutionary items), Mrs N. J. Cross (song, accompanied - by Mrs. M. D. Wright, Daphne Dayjman (recitation), Joyce Allen (songs), Peter Allen (recitation), Irota Rose (violin solo, accompanied by her mother), Jack Allen (song). The pupils of the school also gave several items under the leadership of their teacher, Mr. Crabb.

Those who spoke during the evening were Mil R. C Dayman, (on behalf of the church), Mr N. J, Cross (for the Boor's Plains cricket club), Mr W. E. Lamshed (for the district), Mr Crabb (for the football club), Mr M. D. Wright (for the Sunday school and tennis club); Mr, Milton Ward, on behalf of old comradeship.

Presentations were made to Rex and Hughie Allen from the football club by Mr Crabb, and from the cricket club by Mr N. J. Cross. The chairman (Mr H. D. Wright) on behalf of the church and district presented Mr and Mrs Allen and family with a large travelling case. All the speakers referred to the sterling qualities and usefulness of Mr and Mrs Allen and family in the different spheres of life and sport whilst residing in our district.

Mr Allen responded in characteristic style, and claimed to be the only Cunliffeite to have been born, and to have lived in the same home for 49 years. His motto through life was to help others, and he hoped that he would die doing, someone a good turn.

During the evening Mr D. Bald (father-in-law) feelingly referred to the loss Mrs Bald and he would sustain by the departure of Mr and Mrs Allen and family. We extend our sympathy to Mr and Mrs Bald, senr. because it is with mingled feelings that we see our friends depart but we must console ourselves by knowing that our loss is to be Wynarka's gain. Also present at this function were Mr Fred Symons and Mr Carl Thomas (Moonta) and Mr. B. Cook (West Coast), all old friends of Mr. R. W. Allen's, boyhood days. An excellent supper concluded the proceedings at about midnight;


Wednesday 31 August 1938, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

There was an excellent attendance at the Cunliffe Methodist church fete and concert , on Saturday, August 20, when the function was opened by the Mayoress of Kadina (Mrs H. Measday) at 3 p.m. Mrs Measday was accorded a vote of thanks at the instance of Messrs T. Rodda (secretary of the fete) and R. C. Dayman (senior church steward), and Valmai Rodda handed her a pretty posie. The various stalls and the high tea were well patronised, and the attendance at the concert was also good.

The stall conveners were:-Cakes, Mrs R. Symons; sweets, Mrs F. Bensen; jumble, Mesdames P. D. Vidal and G. Smith; tea, Mesdames T. Rodda and W. E. Lamshed; bran pie, Esma Rodda. An interesting baby contest resulted in the following amounts being raised:-Mrs J, Stenning's daughter, £6 5/11; Mrs M. Yelland's daughter, £5 7/6; Mrs Mason's daughter, £4 1/6. The financial results of the fete and concert were gratifying; -coming to a gross total of £41, net £30 16/4; £20 going to the Circuit funds and the remainder to the Church trust. Those who took part in the concert were: Misses Valda Donaldson, Rhonda Eden, Ward, Verna Hicks, Audrey Rodda, Dulcie Bowden, Beth Donaldson, Dorothy Howlett, Stanway, Mary Bensen, G. Wearn, Abbott, Shirley Rodda, and the Misses Rose; Messrs Ward, H. Mutton, Gardner, and T. Nankivell.


While Mr A. Trueman was digging in his garden at the school house, Cunliffe, he unearthed a human shin bone about six inches below the surface. On making further investigations he came across the full skeleton of an aborigine about a foot down. Buried with its owner were a string of shells, a hammerstone (used to sharpen spears) and decayed boomerang which appeared to be laid across the chest of the deceased aborigine, probably the custom when one of the tribe was buried. Very old residents report that aborigines roamed this district in the early days.


Thursday 1 May 1952, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

Recently a large crowd of people gathered at the Cunliffe Methodists church to bid farewell to Mr and Mrs M. Williams, who were taking up their residence at Kadina, after 30 years as postmaster at Cunliffe. A short concert program, presided over by Rev. F. Albury, of Moonta, was contributed to by artists from Moonta, Kadina, Sunny Vale, Boor's Plains, Peterborough and Cunliffe. The entertainment was thoroughly enjoyed by all present. Apologies were received from a number of friends who were unable to be present, and telegrams and letters of appreciation were read from Mr L. Benson and family, Mr T. Rodda and family and Mr W. Lamshed.

Representing the Church and Sunday School, the superintendent (Mr R. C. Dayman) spoke of the long and regular attendance of the guests at the church services, and of their willing to help so readily given on many occasions. He said their departure from Cunliffe was a blow not only to the church life, but also to the social and business life of the district. They had resided so long in Cunliffe that they were accepted as an integral part of the community's existence. On behalf of the members of the Cunliffe Methodist Church, he wished them all the best for the future and prayed that God's blessing would go with them.

Other speakers were Mr L. B. Lamshed, representing the post and telephone subscribers, supported by Mr O. Schilling; Mr T. Stanway, representing Boor's Plains; Messrs Cliff Rodda and Glen Lamshed; also the chairman, Rev. F. Albury who, in the course of his remarks, said the various references of the willingness of the guests to help other people was a very good example of following the Biblical injunction to "Go the second mile."' Mr Albury then, on behalf of the people of Cunliffe and surrounding districts, presented Mr and Mrs Williams with a beautiful chrome traymobile, as a token of appreciation and esteem.

Mr Williams, in responding, referred to his association with the church, and hoped that the people of the district would do their best to keep it open, if only for the sake of their children. Regarding the telephone, he said it was open 24 hours a day for the benefit of the subscribers and the district generally. To the sporting bodies he said, "I am always willing to assist in all sport, and will support any future events at Cunliffe." On behalf of Mrs Williams and himself, he thanked all present for their good wishes and the beautiful present, also for the splendid evening.

The evening closed with a tasty homemade supper, provided by the district and served in the schoolroom.


Thursday 29 October 1953, Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954) Trove

On the night of Wednesday, 30th September, well over 100 well-wishers gathered to fill the Cunliffe church hall, to take part in rendering a hearty farewell amid expression of impending loss and appreciation of stirling work done in the district, to Mr and Mrs F. G. A. Benson, who have left their farming property at Cunliffe to take up residence in their newly erected home in Kadina.

Alter a non-stop program of items, games and competitions, Messrs G. H. Lamshed, O. Schilling, C. Rodda and R. Dayman expressed on behalf of the various sectional interests their appreciation of the citizenship of the guests of the evening.

Mr Bensen has been chairman of the Cunliffe school committee for 17 years, during which time his unflagging interest, generous support and more than conscientious attention to the duties of his office have been an inspiration to his committee. Further indications of public spiritedness were cited in his being a tireless worker for the district as its representative on the District Council of Kadina and as an active supporter of the Cunliffe Methodist church trust.

Mrs Bensen has always been a staunch supporter of the church, having been at one time superintendent of the kindergarten, and has always made her vocal talent readily available especially at anniversary times.

Mr R. Dayman, on behalf of the residents of the district, made a presentation to the guests of a mantel clock as a small token of remembrance and as art emblem of the esteem in which they are held by those whom they leave behind.

The evening closed with the sharing of a magnificent supper and the singing of Auld Lang Syne.

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