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Express and Telegraph (Adelaide, SA : 1867 - 1922), Monday 11 December 1882, page 2

GRIGGS.—JOHNSON.—On the 9th December, at Prospect Hill, by special licence, by the Rev. P. C. Thomas, William Henry, youngest son of the late William Griggs, Prospect Hill, to Harriet, eldest daughter of Henry Johnson, of Wintanerta.

Christian Colonist (SA : 1878 - 1894), Friday 12 October 1883, page 3

The anniversary services in connection with the Wintanerta Wesleyan Church were held on Sunday, Sept. 30. The Rev. W. G. Clark officiated in the afternoon, and Rev. C. T. Newman in the evening. The congregations were large and deeply interested. On Wednesday there was a good attendance at the tea. This was followed by a public meeting, presided over by Mr. T. Anthony, J.P. The financial statement read showed a debt of about £80 on the church. Addresses were delivered by the Revs. J. Lloyd, of Wallaroo, C. T. Newman, and Mr. F. Gray. The financial results were satisfactory.

Wintanerta Anniversary.—

Wallaroo Times (Port Wallaroo, SA : 1882 - 1888), Saturday 8 October 1887, page 2

The anniversary of tho Weslyan Church at Wintanerta was celebrated on Sunday last. The Rev. W. A. Langsford conducted the services. The incessant, rain prevented a large attendance. On Monday tho weather was more ituitable and the gathering was more encouraging. A most sumptuous tea had been provided by the ladies, and as the air was bracing and appetir-ing luli justice was done. At the public meeting the Rev. W. A. Langsford presided. Addresses were also delivered by the Bevs. F. Bullock and A. Hodge. Notwithstanding the removals f-.om the district, the church membership, owing to aduitions during the year, showed the same number as last year. The debt remaining on the church was £90, towards which there was about £15 in hand. With the prospect of a good harvest at least half of the debt ought to ba defrayed. The meeting was a very cheerful one.


TANK— JOHNSON.— On the 15th February, 1888 at the residence of the bride's parents, Wintanerta, by the Rer. W. A. Lanesford, Thomas Henry Tank, of BaUaroofc, Victoria, to Margaret Maria, daughter of Mr, Henry Johnson, of Wintanerta.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 22 September 1888, page 3

I Sept. 19, 1888.

On Tuesday, the 18th instant, the members of our Mutual Improvement Society gave another of their interesting and instructive entertainments. The meeting was presided over by Mr Thos. Beare, who opened the meeting with a few appropriate remarks. Mr S. Beare in response to the Chairman gave a recitation entitled "The Twins." M'ibb E. ©ray i followed with " Beantifnl Snow." " The Trials ' of a Patient Woman" was, then rehearsed by four ladies, and three gentle men. Mr A. Patland gave The road to Heaven; or Waterloo Bridge." Then followed the duet . Say a Kind Word" by ; Mrs W. Beare, andMisB E. Gray, the; andience takingnp the chorus;- The ; next was a reading " What is Woman*'by< Mr T.Hill. A dialogue foliowed" Ad»iee jGratis" ty the following memters Mr; A. Putland as Mike,' the transport from j ^p Emerald Isle jMr E. Putland as the ©oetor ; Mr: P. . Ash, i . !tlie! Perplexed Husband. I think that for innocent amasement this piece would be difficult to surpass. Mr J..Beare fjjjfjeipk of theCypriao." The recitation Miihw suitabl^i&narfcs'iim the heroism ol the gallast captiiqt introduced the piece. "The Actor and his Child'' was well given by Master W. Johnson, as was " Two Heads better than One" by Mr F. Ash. After some more singing Mr S. Beare gave a reading " A Mountain Marriage." " The sorrow of Mr Snooks, or the Trials of a Bachelor'' was represented by a large company. Mr A. Putland then gave a reading " In want of a Fiy ; er, the Perplexed Frenchman," which brought (be meeting to a dose. We feel that our young friends deserve the best thanks for the way in which they have endeavoured to entertain the neighborhood. And without doubt if the weather was depressing, the meeting was refreshing.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 23 December 1893, page 2

On Wednesday afternoon Miss tine Taylor, the teacher of the above school, invited tbe Chairman of the Board of Advice, and the Revs. I. Perry and A. Hodge to award and distribute the prizes. On the arrival of the party they were welcomed by the teacher aod parents and then ushered into the schoolroom, which was tastefully decorated with kindergarten work, maps, and paintings in oil by Miss Ethel Cowley ; the finest of these was an Alpine scene after Menpes, which evinced artistic taste of a high order. On tables at each side of the schoolroom the children's books were placed for examination, the Rev. Messrs Perry and Hodge acting; as judges. In some sections it was difficult to decide as to the award. The writing and drawing considering the age of the children were good, while the sewing and fancy work of the girls called forth complimentary remarks from the visitors. At 4.80 p.m. the parents and viritors were invited to partake of tea and cake, after which the children were reaaled in like manner. At 5.30 the parents and children reassembled iu the church, when Mr Mai-colm complimented Aliss Taylor on the progress the children bad made since she took charge of the school, and the excellence of the children's work exhibited that afternoon. He also expressed the pleasure be felt at so many of parents being present which indicated not only tbe interest they took in the children, but also their desire to encourage Miss Taylor in her work. He complimented the children on the number of trees planted on arboar day that had struck, tbe percentage was remarkably good. Master R. Johnson then gave a recitation which was followed by Miss A. Sands rendering with excellent taste "The Little Hero.'' Wins M_ rVuvlev rnnited " Ttirt?an on the Rhine." The Rev. A. Hodge addressed a few practical remarks to the children taking his cae from Master Johnson's recitation describing the fight of two kittens over a mouse. A recitation by blaster Thos. Cowley was followed by a few kindly remarks to parents, teachers, and children from the Rev. I. Ferry in the coarse of which he observed that thay were making history for Wintanerta. They bad successfully established an arbor day and tbey were now met to establish an exhibition day. After a recitation from Miss Cowley Mr Malcolm presented each scholar with a prize Miss Beare followed with a recitation.

Miss Taylor thanked Mr Malcolm, the visitors and the parents for their presence which bad so greatly helped to make the gathering a success. Mr Cowley moved a vote ot thanks to the visitors which was seconded by Mr J. Cowley and responded to. The recitations given by the children were a good index of the care and attention bestowed os their training by the teacher.



Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 24 March 1894, page 3

The anniversary services were held oo Sunday tbe 18th inst., and were conducted by tbe Rev. I, Perry. The Church was oicely decorated and presented a pleasing appearance. Witt: Miss Bear presiding at the organ th»children sang selected hymns io a most creditable manner. The usual tea and pablio meetings were held on Wednesday 21st. Owing to the business places no. being closed there were not so many Kadina people as usnal. Still the attendance was very fair, and the spread came op to tbe high standard of excellence which our Wintanerta friends have set up for themselves io the matter of catering. The Superintendent of tht school, Mr Jas. Cow ley, presided over the public meeting, and oo behalf of tbo school bespoke tbe prayers and help of the parents present. Mr Jno. Dix presented the report of the sohooi, which was not without features of interest and encouragement. Appropriate addresser were delivered by Bevs. A. Hodge and I. Perry, and Messrs T. Bearne and F. Jansoo. The Rev. Jno. Lloyd, of Wa1laroo, who has been present at each past anniversary celebration, and wboae preenee is always welcome, was absent hrough distance from home. Apologies were received from Revs. T. Allen and Jno. Collings. The singing of the ebildren was a very pleasing feature of the meeting. The services of all who had assisted is tbe anniversary mere suitably acknowledged in a resolution proposed b» Mr K. Correll and seconded by Mr B. X>ee.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Wednesday 26 December 1894, page 2

The annual ^xhibitfpn -«ft work done by $be scholars attending the ibow school jduring the past year Wft*hel<i ^>n Wednesday lifsf. By inTkati&n.-the'Re>ai'i4.-: Hodge and I. Perry acted as. judge's, and' Mr. J. Malcolm (Ghairman of the Board of Ad vice) opened the show. The workwas tastefully arranged and gave the judges the .least possible trouble. After the awards were made the trees planted cn Arbor Day were inspected, Which," notwithstanding the atony character oftbe soil, ha«e made rapid growth, particularly those in front of the school.' At1 4.30 Mr. Malcolm formerly opened the -exhibition. The dioplay ,of. Wattle, crewel," fiibscale, and kindergarten work reflected credit on both teacher... and children, while- the writiog, drawing, and plain sewing were equal to that done ,» larger bcIiooIs. The parents and visitor*, alter1 spending half an hour in inspecting, the'-exhibits, adjourned to the church near by wbt-re light - refreshment was', provided. Mr Malcolm apologized for Mr. T. M: Rendell, who was absent owing to ill-beaUb. Ho ealled upon'the . Re*. H«dge to address tbe gathering.

The Re». Hodge said it didrnot see® twelve mon'bs since they had met before; .He was pleased with the work.d^ne and progress made. Their,work had..,just been examined and showed si juarked improvement on' that of last yea*". H®' would remind them that education was one of the great works of the day.- It was the great factor to the solution of tbe social problem. It was their duty to foster and promote it Jn every way, so that its influence as one of the great forces affecting Siciety may show results for good. Their aim ought to be to; encourage tbe education of the young, so that the next generation would be-better than the present. When examining the work the judges were followed by the toucher (Miss Taylor) to put the names oftbe successful competitors on the exhibits, and they found thit Ruby Cowley was getting most of the prizes. On enquiry they learned that it was through regular attendance. Mis* R. I'Anson here recited " Tbe little trout." .Mr. Malcolm congratulated the teacher^and.children on/the. high percentage a'tained at. last examination. Tbe Wintanerta school was second in the district with 78 59, and that was a position to be proudof. . It ^as.oo more than be expected, for he had been associated with Miss Taylor as a teacher of children for many years, and she was always successful for the reason that she took a deep interest in her work.- Te'fching waa to her a labour of love, and by her kindly manner she won the affections of those placed under lier charge. He always considered Miss Taylor a born teacher. It did not follow because a person took first honors at the college that they made the best teachers.. They had an example of that in this district. A gentlemen with the best college credentials was sent to take charge of one of their schools, but he proved a complete failure in imparting instruction. When Miss Taylor took tbe Wintanerta school she was to have had the Boors Plains; school, but Mr Hartley forgot' having promised that one to Miss Op>e. When sbe took the school it was disheartening, as the number on the roll wis smajJ.

Now that number hsd increased so that it was the largest provincial school in the, district, and as he had stated bad .the highest percentage. He appealed to the parents to strive to fend the children, regularly, so tbat the school might also have the highest: average attendance. Tbe teacher had done her part, and ii rested with tbe parents to do tbeir's. They expended money on reproductive works, and he considered that the money expended on education was reproductive,, as every generation was wiser in knowledge tbat the pieeeeding one, and women now were, taking a foremost position at the University examinations. He congratulated the parents on having securedsuch a teacher as Miss Tajlor, and wished the children the compliments of tbe season. He trusted they -woiifd enjoy their holidays and return to the school with the determination to excel! their efforts of the past year. Tbey bad bad a visit from a gentleman who was a member of the London School Board, and stated that their educational system was superior to that in London. M'ss Ethel Cowley then recited " Chatter, chatter."

The Ber. I. Pebbt said be was indeed pleased at the excellent result of Miss Taylor's examination. It w#s: a. position of which she might well be pround. Hewas satisfied that she had done real hard work. .The work they had examined that day showed the progress the children had made since last year, and it was excellent considering the ages of the children. Education was the means of drawing out the powers of the children. to acquire knowledge. He was sutfo that Miss Taylor loved children and instructed those in her charge in that spirit. He thought, with the other speakers, that the success of little Ruby Cowley should be an insentive to the parent to send their children regularly to school, as that was one of the aids towards success. He wished them all a happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year. M^ss Mable Beare then rendered "The dead doll." Mr Taimh addressed a few words of thanks to the parents for their generous i support in seconding the teacher'* efforts. Mr Johnson, replied oh behalf of the parents, "and thanked those who had come from Ks<tina to assist them =ob that occasion. , ' He was pleased with the Revs. Hodges and Perry's remarks as well as Mr Malsolm's. He hoped it would he encouragement "for them m the future^ seeing jlhe interest that yas taken ih the education of the -children. W. and. Emily Cowley and Albert Beare then favoured tbe company with7 a recitation eacb in good taste. The following children were then presented with prizes by Mr Malcolm : — Fourth class—Writing, Nellie Trainor; drawing and carving,, Tom Cowley. Third claw — Writing, drawing, and carvina, .Ruby Cowley. Second class — Writing and drawing, Andrew McKay. Miscelaneous—Pillow ease, Buby Cowley j garments (12 and, under), Emily... Oowley; garments (10 years andunder), Mable. Beare; apron, Emily Cowley; wool caps, . .Nellie ^ Trainor ; slippers, Ethel Cowley ; handkerchief, Rebecca I'Anson 1st, Edie" Cowley 2nd ; outlining on canvass, Mary Beard ; fretwork, Andrew McKay i'''-' ■



Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 21 December 1895, page 2

The annual inspect ion in connection «itil this school vra* Mpld on Wednesday list at 4 o'clock. The sehf'olrtiom »a nicely decorated. The tattles on which. *ere placed the ehild'ec'n »ork occupied rti«ee sidea of itie room. The judges had S'Hisiderable difficulty in awarding t!i<» pr'Zes. The work as a whole was well executed. One girl att.-nding the school t>as taken §is pr'zes at each exh«biti'i -n for the pa-t three years, iIiq award* btjiti! made by different judges". In in sneak* well for the care and close application of the girl, After the inspection of the children's work by the parents and visitors all were assemble 1 in the church, Alien Mr Malcolm (Cha:rman of the Board) presided, T«at gentienjau spoke in »ery complimentary te*-ms o' the geaeriii progress made by the children during the time tbey had been under Miss Tayior's clmge, Some parents had told l>iii ihey thought of taking their children fi-.Jiy 9 provisional school and putting the.n to the la*ce public school, as it was believed that the children would make greater proves", B<Jt he was sore that the children could not make any greater progress a', the large school thin was made at Miss Taylor's. The B.e*s. S. Kelly a'ld T, Allan and Mr B. Crosby ia«e short address Recitet'ons were siren by M<-ses H. l'Ans-m, Ethel Cowley, M Beare, Emily Co «ley, and Master It. Jj'in»ton. At the cluse a rote of th*nk-» to the Chairman aivl vi»iio-s ivgs carrie-J with cheers. The company was then regaled with a good tea provided by the parents.

Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 21 September 1901, page 2


Wintanerta METHODIST CHURCH. The twenty-first anniversary of that church was celebrated oil Sunday and Wednesday last. The preachers were the Revs. A. J. Finch, and T. G. White, and the services wsre much enjoyed by large congregations. The tea and public meeting were held on Wednesday, and though numerous attractions elsewhere interfered with the attendance, the gathering was a very pleasant one. Mr John Mitchell; who presided. expressed ... the pleasure - he felt in beinsr present on the occasion of the church having attained its majority. He remembered its birth, and recalled many interestesting reminiscences mf its early days. Most of those who took an active part in its origin had gone, some to their reward in - heaven, and others had removed oat of the dsitrict, but to those present there came the' call *'standfast in thyifaifh," and lie hoped that when they had finished life's history, they would be able to say, " I have kept the faith, and enter into rest." The Rev. T. G. White also addressrd the meeting upon some of the essentials of success in church life and work. - ______


Register (Adelaide, SA : 1901 - 1929), Tuesday 16 February 1904, page 7

KADINA. Febmnrv 15.

A sudden death occurred this antornooa at a farm near Wintanerta. Mr. Henry Johnstone, an old and respected farmer, 71 years of age, died while engaged in stubble burning. The deceased, with others,, had lit a big, stubble paddock, and a gusty wind ovused the fire to temporarily swtrvc and get beyond control. VY';?h

ff'Jiiera Mr. Johnstonc hurried around, and it is thought tliat the severe litat of the lire, accelerated by the high icnipcratuic, caiiM-d heart failure. The Bon noticed \:\a father drop, and,' rushing ucrosj to see what was the matter, found him dead. The cin-uniskances urc jKiculiarly jxiiniui. He has left an aged widow, who is blind. The matter was reported to a justice of the peace, who considered an inquest unnecessary. The deceased was an early settler, well known, and highly respected.


Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 20 February 1904, page 31

Kadina. February 16.

Tne late Mr. Henry Johnstone. who expired so suddenly while stubble-burning yesterday, was one of South Aus.tralia'9 early colonists, aDd one of' the pioneers M the agricultural industry in this State. iGjr ,. experiences were many and varied, and dor^ ing the early portion of his career as a faiV mer he met with frequent rebuffs. One memorable season, when at Brighton, J» hud the unique but unprofitable experience of buying seed wheat at 21/ per bushel, the products only realising at the rate of 2/6 per bushel. Born in Surrey in 1831, he left the old country for Australia in tM ship Early Hannah in 1840, one of Ms fel* ow-passengers being the late - Lady Colton. He began his farming experiences at Brighton, whei'e his -effiorifl were not at all successful. Later he took up land at Willunga, where he Btayed'seveh years. He was at Clarendon for., three, years, then in the Adelaide district for a term of seven, and. in 1880 came to Kadinal and settled at Wintanerta, where he had remained since, and where .success rewarded^., his perseverance.


Australian Christian Commonwealth (SA : 1901 - 1940), Friday 3 June 1904, page 10

was born in the County of Surrey, England, in the year 1831, so that at his decease, on February 15, 1904, he had passed the allotted span of three score years and ten. When about seven years of age he left England with his parents and came to South Australia, where the rest of his life was spent. His conversion to God took place when about fifteen years of age, and his first "class tickets" bear the signatures of the earliest ministers of the Wesleyan Church in the colony. From the commencement of his religious career he identified himself with all the characteristics of Methodist teaching and practice, and his life was spent in closest association with these. Rather more than twenty years ago he settled at Wintanerta, and from his arrival there till the day of his death he was an active and earnest member of our Church. In company with others he assisted in the erection of the Church, and watched its rise and progress with increasing interest and delight. In the earlier days of its history the Church enjoyed many seasons of revival, and to promote these and consolidate the results of them was his highest joy. One of his greatest regrets was the absence of these periods of revival in the later days. Though he listened well to every preacher of the Word, he gave special attention to those whose message was decidedly evangelistic, and he delighted in the proclamation of a full, free, and present salvation for all. It would be impossible to over-estimate his appreciation of the "means of grace," and his love for the class meeting was intense. In some respects, "being a Christian" and "meeting in class" were almost synonymous terms with him, for it appeared to him to be almost impossible to "grow in grace" without the "communion of saints." Throughout his long career he nobly maintained a reputation for uprightness and integrity, and the widespread and sincere respect in which he was held was amply testified by the large concourse of mourners which gathered around his grave. The end was startling in its suddenness. In the morning he appeared to be in his usual health, and after dinner he proceeded a little distance away from the house to do some work, when, unexpectedly, the summons came, and immediately he "was not," for "God had taken him." The Rev. H. H. Smith conducted an "in memoriam" service in Wintanerta Church on Sunday, February 21, when the accommodation was taxed to its utmost, and the proceedings were very impressive.—

T. G. W.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 25 August 1906, page 2

On; Friday, 17th August, arbor day was celebrated at Wintanerta school. Mr Jae. Malcolm (Chairman of the Board of Advice) and Miu Hunter (teaoher). addreued the scholars on the object of -arbor day. Miss Hunter also thanked the parents lor the iotereit 'they wets manifesting intha schodli After tome goodsinging by the children a number of (ran were plantedbjrthe eoholan ttndef the direction of ,Beare and <V,

Cowley. - Games of various kinds j^ere. then ett?aged;inj ^erv1rbl^iMb--^ildreceived Vbfrjf containing an orange, apple> and cone s#eetaand ante;' "This was followed by some.. racing and jdmping, The . friend* provided & splendid tew to which all were invited. A vote of thanks Was accorded the the parents, and also-Mis* Hanter.


Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 10 October 1908, page 56

On Wednesday, September 9. the Wintanerta Methodist Church was crowded with relatives and friends to witness the marriage of Misa Ethel Blanche Beard, second daughter of Mrs. G. E. Beard, of Wintanerta, to Mr. B; F. Chapman, second kon of Mr. William Chapman of Sausburv, The Eev. F. L. Rooney officiated. Tiie bride, who was given away by her uncle (Mr. A. J. Dix) was prettily gowned in cream silk voile with the customary wreath anr- veil and was at+.pnHr»^ hv line sisters, the Misses Jessie and Daisy Beard, -as bridesmaids, both daintily dressed^in pale blue muslin. They all carried lovely bouquets of white flowers and ferns tied with white streamers. Mr. A. G. Dix acted as best man, while Mr. G. R. Tester performed the duties of groomsman. Aiter'the ceremony a large number of relatives and friends assembled at the residence of the bride's mother, where appetising refreshments were partaken of, after which games and various amusements were indulged in and a very pleasant ' evening was spent. , Mr. and Sirs. Chapman Jeft next day for their future home at Salisbury. The bride's going-away dress was of pale green voile, with hat to match. The young couple were the recipients of a large number of useful and handsome presents. An interesting wedding took place in the Methodist Church, Terowie. on September 30, when Miss IPojlie. Abbott, young :et daughter of Mr. E. Abbott, of Terowie, was married to Mr. Henry J. Hokin, eldest son of Mr. James Hokin of Quorn. The ceremony was performed by the Rev. R. H. Lee. The bride was tastefully dressed, in. ci-eam silk, and was attended by two bridesmaids, Miss Lucy Abbott, who was frocked in green silk, and Miss F. Hokin (sister of the bridegroom), who was robed in cream silk voile. A sumptuous breakfast was subsequently partaksn oi, alter wnicn .Mr. ana Mrs. Hokin left for their future home in Adelaide. A number of useful and handsome gifts were received.

Mary Johnson

Australian Christian Commonwealth (SA : 1901 - 1940), Friday 12 February 1909, page 6

was born in North of Ireland, May, 1833, and early in life came to reside in South Australia. Her conversion took place when she was about twenty years of age, for a class, ticket, dated September 19, 1854, signed by Thomas Williams, preacher, admitted her "on " trial" in Bro. Edwards class, in the then constituted South Adelaide circuit. Thirty years ago she came to reside at Wintanerta, and was one of the first teachers in the newly-opened Sunday-school. About five years ago her partner in life died. Going out to work apparently well and strong, he was brought home a corpse, "God's finger touched him and he slept." Some few months ago Mrs. Johnson came to reside in Kadina, and immediately fell in with God s people, and proved a source of strength by her prayers and presence at the weeknight meetings, oh, how she longed, the last few weeks of her earthly career, to attend chapel once more, she loved God's house, and God's ministers, and God's people—they were precious memories to her. In the last few years of her earthly life she was shadowed by a great affliction— failing eyesight; but it was borne with Christian fortitude and resignation, She never complained, but trusted in the all-wise providence of a loving father. Our sainted mother in Israel has gone, but the fragrance of her beautiful Christian life and character remains. Many are the richer for her life and testimony. We would not have her return. We will not grieve. We would have her enjoy to the full the joys of reunion and the blessings.of her heavenly home. The in memoriam service was conducted by the Rev. F. L. Rooney in the Wintanerta church, and was largely attended.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 25 July 1914, page 2


Mr Alhi rt George Dix, of Wintanertn, and Uiaa Bather lEUen Rrtee, second

daughter of the late Mr Benjamin Bote «nd.)lnJto3e of Kadin», were united in -matrimony at the "Vicioria Square Methodist Church on Tuesday last. The' function, which took place at 6 a.m., waa of a deliberately quiet and unostentatious character. The frosty atmosphere insisted in keeping down temperatures. The Be*. A. J. Finch performed the ceremony. The bride, who waB given .way by her brother, Mr S. J, Rose, was n»ai]y attired.' Miss Eunice Kobb «i|d in »he capacity of bridesmaid, ,and Mr Allan Dix accompanied .the bridegroom. ' Afteithe ceremony an adjourn, inent-was" made to.the tefrevhment room of the fcride'amuther, In Taylor street, where a good Dumber eat down to-the wedding breakfast; At the.conclusion .of the. breakfast several : congratulatory speeehes were made, to whioti the bride? {Kiom -replied. -The yonog couple, then left by the 'Adelaide train. After the hiuirynioon they will make their borne at Wfoiaoerta.

Farewell social at Wintanerta.

Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 23 March 1918, page 2

At the Wintanerta Methodist Church, on Monday evening, a farewell social was teiideied to Mr and Mrs J.ibn Be arc, who are about to change tbe<r residence Dto Kadi .a. Mr Joseph Cowley pres ded, »Ld stated how long, and faithfully their guests had served tbe Church from its inception. He trusted that they would enjoy a long and golden eventide. Mr Kennett, sear., a former resident in the district, mentioned some interesting remin acences in connection with tbe es'ablishment of the Church and Snnday 3choil. Rev. V. Roberts paid a tribute t3 the work done and influence exerted by the Wintanerta Church, in which their gaeBts had been potent factors. He asked Mr and Mrs Beare to accept from the congregation the gift of & handsome mantel clock, as an expret&ion of the*r good wishes Mr Beare very feelingly • eplied, and stated that though removing from that part ha and his wife wouldj still have a large- interest in the Char hT A bright musical and elocutionary programme was rei de.'ed by Mrs A Cowley. Miss Cowley, M>&s Amy Beare, and Mr Len. Beare. Refreshments and aocial cbat brought, an interesting evening to a close.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Wednesday 10 July 1918, page 3


On Friday, 28th June, some 80 guests assembled by invitation at the residence of Mr and Mrs S. H. Beare, Wintanerta, the occasion being the silver wedding of the host and hostess After the reception in the home an adjournment was made to a big barn where everything ha<I been made snug and comfortable as the result of much willing labor. The long table loaded with good things, graced in the centre by a real wedding cake and decorated with a canopy of colored ribbons gave the appearance of true wedding festivity. Much praise was bestowed upon the viands, the cookery having been in the hands of the daughter of the house who iproved herself an adept in the culinary art. After the cutting and the passing of the wedding cake the sentiment of the bride and bridegroom was proposed by Rev. Vivian Roberts who stated that twenty-five years ago an old college friend of the speaker, namely the late Rev. Isaiah Percy, had officiated at the wedding of Mr and Mrs Beare. Their host and hostess had resided at Wallaroo 11 years* Reynella seven years, Burnside and Dublin two years* and at Wintanerta " for five years. From their personal appearance they looked promising for another 25 years and he hoped many present would be asked to felicitate them on ■ their golden wedding. This sentiment was supported by Messrs A. Rodda, W. Cowr ley, and S. H. Crosby. The remainder of the evening was spent in social chat and parlor games and the time passed all too swiftly. Supper con eluded a very bright and happy time at the witching hour of midnight the party was concluded. Mr and Mrs Beare were the recipients of numerous valuable and useful presents as well as of sincere congratulations and good wishes from their guests.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Wednesday 4 May 1921, page 2


A very pretty double wedding took place at the residence of Mr J. A. Cowley, Wintanerta on Anzac Day, April 25, this" being specially appropriate, as both bridegrooms had seen service in the great war. The contracting parties in the one instance were Mr Leonard S. Driscoll, son the late Mr H. J. Driscoll, and Miss Gertrude Hilda Cowley, daughter o'f Mr J. A. Cowley. The bride was attired in a nicely fitting costume of mole yloth, and wore a white velvet hat. The other nuptial pair were Mr Charles J. R. Hiscock, 5icm of Mr J. Hiscock, and Miss Barbara Nell Pengelley .daughter of the late Mr John PengelLey. ■ The bride was gowned, in a navy blue braided travelling dress, gild wore a chic white velvet hat. The officiating minister was the Rev. J. C. Hughes. The wedding- breakfast .took place at Millican's cafe, where tfye guests sat down to a dainty repast. The Rev. J. C. Hughes proposed the health o'f the happty^couples, both bridegroojns making suitable responses.— A pleasant and interesting evening was spent by the guests, the -newly wedded pairs departing to Adelaide for their" honeymoon.


Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Thursday 14 August 1930, page 20

The death of Mr. E. Dix, at the age of 66, removes one of the oldest residents of Kadina. Mr. Dix was born in Clarendon, and went with his parents to Wintanerta, in the vicinity of Ka-dina. in 1883. After a period of farming, Mr. Dix removed to Kadina. He was an active member of the Methodist Church and Rechabite Lodge. He mar-ried Miss E. Johnson, a daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Henry Johnson, of Wintanerta, in 1892. The widow, one son (Mr. Les. Dix), and one daughter (Miss Elsie Dix) survive, and there are two grandchildren.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Wednesday 6 August 1930, page 2

The death of Mr E. Dix, at th; age of 66 years, which took place recently, removed an old' resident of Kadina. The end came rather suddenly, and there had been no previous indications of any serious illness. A tragic touch was added by the fact that it took place on the day of his daughter's prospective marriage. Mr Dix was born at Clarendon, in February, 1864, and came with his parents to Wintanerta about 1883. After a period of farming, he came to Kadina about .31 years ago, ■ where he engaged in various work. He was married in 1892 (at Winta-nerta) to Miss E. Johnson, a daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Henry Johnson, of Wintanerta. Mr Dix, who was greatly esteemed by many friends, was an ardent worker in the Methodist church, and also a Rechabite of many years, standing. He leaves a widow one son (Mr Les. Dix, TCroydon) and one daughter (Miss Elsie Dix, Kadina). There are two grandchildren. There are three brothers (Messes John Dix, 'Kadina East; Bert and Allan Dix, Wintanerta), and three sisters' (Mesdames G. Baird, Salisbury, J. Paterson, Newtown; and W. Crosby, W.A.) The funeral -was largely attended b- church and. lodge members, and the Rev. W. J. Walker officiated at the graveside.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Wednesday 8 October 1930, page 2

The jubilee celebrations of the Wintanerta Methodist church were held on Sunday and»Mondsy, September 28th and 29th, and in every way proved' to toe a great success. The present secretary of the Church Trust (Mr W. G. Beare) assisted by members of the church, spared no effort to make it an outstanding event in the history of Wintanerta, and the way in which people all over the State responded to the invitations extended to them to be present at the services was very gratifying.

"Memorial to Pioneers."

The ministers of the Kadina circuit, to which Wintanerta belongs, conducted the services on Sunday. The Rev. W. J. Walker in the afteroon, and Rev. F. W. Brasher at night preached to crowded congregations, and' stressed the sanctity of the church building, as being a visible form of the religion of its congregations, and a memorial to those pioneers who "paved the way"and built a church to the honour and glory of God, which ever since, to an immeasurable extent, had exerted an influence for good.

The church choir contributed its share of the success of these services by rendering several anthems, and Mrs J. Gilding, of Auburn, and Mrs J. K. Nicholls, of Kadina, kindly assisted by singing solos which were very much appreciated, as was also the duet given by Mrs Nicholls and Mr A. Beare.

Grand Re-Union.

On Monday, September 29, a further stage in the celebrations was reached when at 5 o'clock a grand re-union high tea commenced, and about 300 people enjoyed themselves to the full A large marquee had been erected alongside the church specially for the occasion, and the satisfactory arrangements generally reflected niche credit on those who had charge.

The Public Meeting.

The services came to a climax when at 8 o'clock a public meeting was held, and reminiscences formed most of the program. Mr J. T. Beare, who was present at the service when the church was opened fifty years ago, was chairman, and delighted the large gathering with his stories of the old days. The secretary of the church trust read a large number of apologies and greetings which had been received from invited guests Who were unable to attend. Mr J. Gray, of Adelaide, who owing to ill health was unable to attend, prepared an outline of the early history of the church, and his daughter. Miss Gray, read this at the meeting. Messrs J. A. Cowley, W. J. Cowley, D. .Bald, J. Glasson and A. Brice also spoke, and were heartily applauded. Elocutionary and musical items were rendered during the meeting and were well received.

History of the Church.

The following information in connection with the history of the church will be of interest. The meeting at which it was decided to build1 was held in July, 1680. and the Rev. J. Haslam was the superintendent of the circuit at the time. Land upon which to erect the church was given by Mr Thos. Butsori, and stone and! other necessary material for the walls were placed on the ground free of cost by the trustees.- The contractor was Mr Baums. The original trustees were Messrs Francis Gray, R. W. Nicholls, J. J. Tank, W. Putland, G. E. M. Putland, HI Johnson, T. Beare, T. Roberts, R. Williams and T. Butson.

Church Opened in 1880.

The Church was opened for public worship on Sunday, October 24, 1880. The Rev. J. Haslam conducted the morning -and evening services, and the Rev. J. Rock the afternoon. A tea and public meetings were held on the Wednesday following. The Taylor Street Kadina, church choir provided special music on Sunday, and at the public meeting. It was decided to have service every Sunday afternoon, and also a week evening meeting.

Past and Present.

The original officers of the church were Messrs F. Gray (treasurer), and R. W. Nicholls (secretary and church steward). None of the original trustees remain. The following; appointments were made in 1918:—Messrs A. J. Cowley, A. G. Dix, J. A: Poulish, S. D. Crosby, J. A. Cowley; C. E. Beare, and W, G. Beare, the last named being the present secretary and treasurer. Other office bearers of the church are Messrs L. C. Beare (organist), A. J. Cowley. A. G. Dix and S. D, Crosby, stewards. The present superintendent of the Sunday-school (Mr J. A. Cowley) has, held the position for forty years'.

The church has continued its work unbroken since-its inception; and itsinflu^nce vthrjjughout the years, and at the present time, is ample evidence of the value of such churches to the comrnwiit in which they stand and bear their witness to the feighest things in life.

Wintanerta Church Jubilee.

Australian Christian Commonwealth (SA : 1901 - 1940), Friday 17 October 1930, page 15

The jubilee celebrations , of the Wintanerta Church—Kadina Circuit— - were held on Sunday and Monday, September 28 and 29. The response to invitations issued to friends previously connected with the church, but now living elsewhere, was very gratifying. The. ministers of the circuit (Revs. W. J. Walker and F. W. Brasher) conducted the Sunday services, and delivered messages appropriate for the occasion to congregations which crowded the building, The church choir, assisted by Mrs. J. K. Nicholls, of Kadina, and Mrs. J. Gilding, of Auburn, rendered anthems at both services. Mrs. Nicholls and Mrs. Gilding also rendered solos, and Mrs. Nicholls and Mr. A. Beare a duet. On Monday, the 29th, a re-union, high tea and public meeting were held Some 300 people being present At 8 o'clock the church was packed for the final gathering. The programme included musical and elocutionary items,, but was chiefly .devoted to reminiscences. Mr. J. T. Beare, now of Eyre Peninsula, who was present at the opening services SO years ago, occupied the chair, and delighted the audience with stories of the old days and of the early pioneers, who were men and women <9i the sterling type who have opened up many districts of the State, and laid the foundation of many churches. Mr. J. Gray,, of Adelaide, one of the foundation members of the church and an. original trustee, who was unfortunately, owing, to illness, unable to attend, prepared an outline of the early history of the church, which was read by his daughter, Miss Gray. ' . . Messrs. J. A. Cowley, D. Bald, J. Glasson, W. J. Cowley and A. Brice also spoke, reminiscently. The following, from the history' of the church was amongst the information supplied. The meeting at which it was decided to build the church, was held in July, 1880. The Rev. J. Haslam was the superintendent of the circuit at the time. Land was given by Mr. Thomas Butson. Stone and other necessary material were placed' on the ground free of cost by the trustees. The contract was then let to Mr. Baums. The original trustees were: Messrs. F. Gray, R. W. Nicholls, J. J. Tank, W. Buttand, H. Johnson, J. Beare, T. Roberts, G. E. M. Putland, R. Williams and T.JButson. The church was opened for public worship on Sunday,, October 24, 1880. The Rev. J. H&slam conducted morning and evening services, the Rev. J. Rock afternoon A tea and public meeting were held on the Wednesday following. The Taylor Street Church Choir provided special music, both on. Sunday and Wednesdays Regular Sunday, afternoon ser- , vjces were resolved: upoji, and also , a week evening meeting, a preaching service and; prayer < meeting to be held alternately. The original officers of the church were,: Messrs. R. W. Nicholls, secretory and church steward, and F. Gray, treasurer? None of the; original trustees* are, now' connected with the church but the: following appointments wei-et made, in r 19|8: ; Messps. A- Jfc-Cowley, A. G. Dix, J. A, Foulish, S. p, Crosby, J. A. Cowley, C. E, Beare and W. G. lieare, the last named being the present trust secretary and treasurer. The present Sunday school superintendent, Mr. J. A. Cowley, has held that position for forty years. During the years three outstanding family names connected with church leadership have been Beare, Cowley and Crosby.' The church has, throughout, been noted for its spiritual tone, and the same still" applies It is a place to which preachers are always glad to go. Nobody could listen to the reminiscences given at the jubilee gathering, or to the messages read from absent friends without being impressed by the type of religious pioneer who founded the church, and also by the evidence forthcoming today of the fact that the same spirit has persisted through the years and still lives in the hearts and lives o! many who have passed through the church and received its touch upon them. It is one evidence amongst many, of the incalculable value of small country, chutch.es. It is-impossible to estimate what they count for in the life of Australia, standing as they do in their quiet modesty, reminding all who pass by of the eternal things by which the souls of men live. In the great day when the final harvest is gathered in, it will be found that crowds have been born for glory by the ministry and witness of such churches as this one, the jubilee of which we chronicle today.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 22 April 1933, page 3

The anniversary services of the Wintanerta Methodist Sunday School were held on Sunday, April 9th. Two services were conducted by the Rev. H. P. Lambert in the: presence of very good congregations. Mr L. Beare presided at the organ, and under the conductorship of Mr A. Beare the scholars of the school, assisted by friends, rendered special music at each service in splendid style, for which great credit is due to the conductor.

On Wednesday, April 12, a public tea was held, at which there was a very good gathering. This was followed by the public meeting in the evening, presided, over by the veteran superintendent, Mr J. A. Cowley, who has held that office for 41 years.

During the evening a number of hymns were again rendered by the school, and recitations by Claire and Edith. Crosby. The secretary and treasurer's report, presented by Mr Ii. Kennett, revealed a most satisfactory, state of affairs, both so far as the attendance and working of the school were concerned, and also its finances.

Addresses were delivered by the Rev. A E. Cowly, of Strathalbyn (a past scholar cif the school), Mr J. Trengove of Bute (conference Sunday school representative), and Revs. E. Arnold and H. P. Lambert.

The awards won during the year were also presented to the scholars. Altogether the anniversary was a marked success, and the officers and teachers enter upon the new year of work with "great " hope and enthusiasm.

Wintanerta Anniversary.

Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 30 September 1933, page 2

The anniversary in connection with the Wintanerta Methodist church was held last Sunday. Good congregations gathered and the services were very helpful. The afternoon preacher was the Rev. Edgar Arnold, and the evening service was conducted by the Rev. H. P. Lambert. The choir rendered anthems and the soloist was Mr. Arthur Beare. Mr Len Beare was the organist.

On Wednesday the annual tea and church meeting was held. The ladies provided a sumptuous repast. The chairman at the meeting was Mr W. J. White, and the address was given by the Rev. Edgar Arnold. Mr Lea Beare presided at the organ, and a recitation was given by Miss Kith Powell.

A satisfactory balance sheet was presented by Mr Wilfred Beare, the church treasurer. The ladies provided supper; Mr T. Cowley proposed a comprehensive vote of thanks to all who had helped, which was seconded by Mr Albion Cowley.


Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Thursday 28 June 1934, page 58

WEDDING Bagshaw — Crosby

In the Wintanerta Methodist Church, which was decorated by friends of the bride in pink, blue, and white, on Saturday, June 2, Kenneth, eldest son of Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Bagshaw, of McLaren Flat, and Olive, eldest daughter of Mr. and the late Mrs. T. O. Crosby, of Campbelltown, late of Kadina. were married by the Rev. H. P. Lambert.

The bride who entered the church on the arm of her father, wore a lace frock, with a tulle veil held in place with a coronet of orange blossom and pearls. Her train (lent by a friend) was underlined with pink to match her shoes, and heavily embroidered and edged with silver lace. She carried a slicaf of palest blue delphiniums, pale pink jarnatious, and rosebuds tied with white satin ribbon The bride's sister (Doris) was bridesmaid, and Edith Crosby was train-bearer. Mr. Keith Bagshaw was best man.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 14 April 1934, page 3

The Wintanerta Mefhociist Sunday school celebrated its anniversary services on Sunday, April 8, when two services were conducted by the Rev. H. P. Lambert in the presence of exceedingly good congregations. The members of the school, under the conductorship of Mr Arthur Beare. with Mr L. E. Beave at the organ, rendered the hymns very effectively.

T'he celebrations were continued pa Tuesday, April 10. In the afternoon a public tea was held in the schoolroom, The ladies had provided a sumptuous repast, to which ample justice was done by the goodly number j of friends who had assembled.

In the evening the public meeting took place in the church. The superintendent of the school (Mr J. A. Cowley) presided over a fine gathering. Mr Cowley has been superintendent for 44 years, He is very keenly interested in young people, and ( is alive to the importance and value of spiritual work in their interest. He is greatly beloved by all the teachers and scholars of the school. During evening a number of hymns was sung by the scholars, and recitations were given by Claire and Edith Crosby, also a contented recitation by the members of the Junior Department.

The secretary of the school (Mr Cyril Kenfiett) presented his report, which revealed the fact that the attendance of both teachers and scholars had .been good throughout the year, and effective work. -had. been done. He also presented "the "treasurer's report. which showed that the school was in a sound financial position. Addresses were, delivered by the chairman, Messrs J. Trengove (Bute), and H. j.. Karrafl (Kadina), and Rev. H. P. Lambert. The whole anniversary was a great success, and very encouraging to all connected with the school.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 5 May 1934, page 2

The opening O.E. meeting was held in the Wintanerta Methodist church on Thursday evening. Rev. Eric Tresilgra's was ill the chair, and Rev. H. P. Lambert - (president of C.E. Union) delivered an interesting address. Miss Ruth Powell officiated at the organ. At the close of the meeting the following officers were elected for the ensuing year:—President, Rev. Eric Tre

gilgasj vice-presidents, Messrs A. J. ' Cowley and S. D. Crosby; recording -secretary, Mr Lloyd Cowley; corresponding secretary. Miss Ruth Powell; treasurer, Miss Valda Dix; organist, Miss Rhonda Dix; assistant organist, Misses Iris Crosby and Phyllis CowIc-y; Union delegates, Messrs L. C. Beare and S. D. Crosby; prayer meeting committee, Mr L. Beare (convener); look-out committee, Mr S. D. Crosby (convener); missionary committee, Miss Marjory Cro'sby (convener) ; social committee, Miss Phyllis Cowley (convener)"; musical committee, Misses R. Dix, I. Crosby and P. Cowley.

It was decided to hold, the annual meeting on July 3. At a trustee meeting of the Methodist Church the anniversary was fixed for September 30th and October 3rd. Mr W. G. Beare was re-elected treasurer of the trust. A message of .sympathy was forwarded to Mr A. G. Dix, and a letter of thanks to the ladies of the church.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 16 June 1934, page 4


The Wintanerta Methodist church, which was beautifully decorated by friend's of the bride, in pink, blue and white, was the scene of a pretty wedding on Saturday, June 2, between Olive (eldest daughter of Mr and the late Mrs T. O. Crosby, of Campbelltown, late of Kadina) and Kenneth, eldest son of Mr and Mrs E. S. Bagshaw, of McLaren Flat. Rev. H. P. Lambert was the officiating minister. The bride., who entered the church on the arm of her father, made a charming figure in a lace frock, and wore a tulle veil held in place with, a coronet of orange blossom and pearls. Her lovely train (kindly lent by a friend) was underlined' with pink to match her shoes, and heavily embroidered and edged with silver lace. She carried a beautiful sheaf of palest blue delphiniums, pale pink carnations and rosebuds tied with white satin ribbon.

The bride's sister (Doris) was bridesmaid, frocked in turquoise blue georgette and lace, with head-dress, shoes and gloves to match, and carried a sheaf of blue delphiniums tied with pink ribbon. Edith Crosby (cousin of bride) was a dainty little trainbearer, dressed in an ankle length frock the same shade as the bridesmaid, with shoes, mittens and headdress to match. She had a dainty posy of pink and blue flowers tied on her wrist with pink ribbon. Both she and the bridesmaid wore, dainty cut crystal necklets, the gifts of the bridegroom. The bridegroom was supported by his brother, Keith. Mr L. C. Beare presided at the organ, and during the signing of the register Miss Ellie Lush sang "My Prayer." A reception was held at "Lincoln Farm," the home of Mr and Mrs R. Crosby (aunt and uncle of the bride) who with the bride's father and bridegroom's parents received the guests. Mrs Crosby was frocked in a rust shade ensemble, with hat to tone. Mrs ; Bagshaw wore a brown frock with hat to match, and both carried lovely posies of autumn tinted flowers. These, with the bridal sheaves, were made by Mesdames E. White and T. Allen, of Willamulka. About 60 guests partook of a sumptuou-s breakfast served n the diningroom, which was beautifully decorated with autumn tinted flowers and foliage. The usual speeches were honored, and telegrams read, after which the bride cut the cake, made by Mrs R. Crosby and iced by Mi-ss Jean Crosby. The happy ccuple left by car for their home at McLaren Flat, the bride travelling in a navy frock, with hat, coat and bag held in grey.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 8 September 1934, page 4

The Wintanerta Methodist Church was crowded for a concert on Saturday-night, September 1. Rev. Eric Tre--. gilgas presided. Mr Albion Cowley and Mr Dix moved and seconded a vote of thanks to the artists for their splendid program. The accompaniments were played by Mrs M. Barclay, Miss E. Finch, A.M.U.A., Miss Elsie Rough, L.A.B., L.T.C.L., Miss Crosby, Miss Lush, and Mr L. C. Beare.

The first half of the evening was as follows:—Pianoforte selection, Miss E. Finch, A.M.U.A.; song, Miss JE. Pannan ; recital, Miss Elsie Tregilgas; vocal duet, Messrs Arthur and Edgar Beare; song, Mr D. Karran; recital, Miss V. "Kissell; pianoforte duet, Misses Phyllis Cowley and Iris Crosby; humorous duet, Misses M. Karran and V. Mason; .song, Miss Irene Crosby; monologue, Miss Elsie Tregilgas; vocal duet, Miss E. Lush and' Mr A. Beare; song Miss D. Veitch; recital, Miss V. Kissell; song, Mr A. Beare. The latter part of the entertainment consisted of a drama, the characters of which were:—Mr E. Powell (Sir Harry), Miss Ruth PoweH (Miss Angelina), Mr Cyril Kennett (Mr Cottongoods), Miss Rhonda Dix (housekeeper), Mr Edgar Beare (Butler), Miss Valda Dix (housemaid), Miss Phyllis Cpwley (cook), Mr Jack Powell and' Mr Douglas Kennett.(ghosts), Mr Lloyd Cowiey (page boy). The proceeds were in aid of the Port Adelaide Central Methodist Mission.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 28 September 1935, page 2

Successful Church Anniversairy Services were held at the Wintanerta Methodist Churcli on Sunday last, September 22, when the Rev. E. G. King, L.TJi., and Rev. L. R. Barker, L.T'h., preached eloquent and helpful sermons. Mr L. C. Beare presided at the Srgari, and well rendered; anthems and male quartettes were given by the younger members of the congregation. Mr R. Bosisto contributed 'pleasing solo's in the afternoon.

On Monday the annual tea was held, folIwed by the public meeting. Mr S. D. Crosby was chairman. The address was given by Rev. E. G. King, who spoke on "Depression, Ec6noiui:cally and Spiritually." Rev. Eri^ Tre. gilgas gave the pastor's report, and Mr.W. G. Beare. the treasurer's report, which showed a credit balance of over £3. The minister mentioned that the church had contributed £59 2/6 to circuit. funds during the year, £19 5/10 to Overseas Missions and £12 3/ to Home Missions. Other societies and funds had also received liberal support. A message of sympathy was sent to Mi" i A. J. Cowley, Mr A. Beare and Mr C. i Simmonds.

Besides anthems by the choir, and a male quartette, Miss R. Powell recited, and Rev. E. G. King sang. The accompanists were Mr L. Beare and Mrs King. The ladies were thanked for the cleaning, and for decorating the church week by week with flowers. A vote of thanks was moved bv Mr W. G. Beare and seconded by Mr A. G. Dix.. Supper was served at the close.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 15 August 1936, page 1

Underneath this word from time to time we find the names of men and women of all ages, . and all lands. Some are •among' our best, and dearest friends; b.ut. death is no repecter of ^persons, it h^s no. mercy and 90 iavw-. ites. . I'would Jike to refer to Mr C. E. Beare, who passed away last week. Mr Beare was ..well known, and V? should say here wellrliked. ' The connection of the Beare family with the district is a very strong one, and extends over a long period^ I got to know Mr Beare through him .driving me to my ap- < pointments at Wintanerta on a Sunday afternoon. I rather enjoyed my ride, for Mr Beare made the trip worth while by his pleasant manner, and the range of interest in his conversation. At Wintanerta he entered into the worship' with others: twath due reyer- 1 ence; and I noticed also how, fond he was of tliSb chance to see "the children -i and"gBMyhildren when-at the churth.[ fa Tiie yffifc&Pge -of'this. weekly greeting: : Jgy«is-^^^^elcomef; .Men of this type feiu^nlwe about with the /shduf of" pu^>ficity,-^ut_ with a most congenial; chiara£hfeiS*hey* make friendships, that stE^'^^mugh time and " eternity


Australian Christian Commonwealth (SA : 1901 - 1940), Friday 18 September 1936, page 16

Preaching at Wintarierta recently, Rev. E. Tregilgas said, "This is a unique Service of Remembrance. Three brothers (Messrs. William, Thomas and Charles Beare) have been called home within a few weeks of each other, and today we are gathered here to give God thanks for their worthy and Christian lives. All three brothers came out from Cornwall with their father and mother and other members of the family in 1877. The family disembarked, at Port Adelaide and after living at Reynella for a few years came to Wintanerta. Mr. William and Mr. Thomas Beare, who went ahead of their other brothers, were among those to assist in the building of this church, which was built during the ministry of the Rev. James Haslam. While young, both had joined the fellowship of the Church, and were zealous in the cultivation of the Christian graces. To the end of their days they and tiieir brother Charle^ retained the Methodist love for God and His House, and today we thank God that their, lives were spent so freely and willingly in the servce of Christ. "Mr. William Beare was a trustee of and a steward at the Taylor Street Church for many years. He was a lover of the prayer meeting. At the Holder Memorial Church, where he worshipped in his latter years, he was a steward, always carrying out his duties in an efficient manner and in a way helpful to his minister. "Mr. Thomas Beare early became a local preacher, and continued his gracious ministry in that capacity till over 70 years oi age. He was widely read a'nd a fluent speaker. Some years ago he returned for the jubilee of this Church, and was honoured with the chairmanship of ^the public meeting on that occassion. At Dixon, where he resided for many years, he was a trustee and a church steward.. At one time he was superintendent of the Wallaroo Sunday School. He was also a member of the Rechabite Lodge and a temperance worker. "But in this service of remembrance we more especially think 6f the late Mr. Charles Beare, who throughout his life was a member of this Church. He was of a retiring disposition, but an earnest and loyal member. In early manhood he was the secretary of <the Sunday^ school, arid later became a trustee of the church in which today we worship. He was a man of true Christian sympathy, and. the ^misters found in him one to encourage them in the work to which God had -;cpled them;. During the later years,; Brother Beare lightened the burden of the circuit ministers" by conveying 4o and from this church, on Sundays and on week-nights, local preachers, various deputationists, as well as -visiting and local ministers. This work was always willingly done, though at times inconvenient to him. He felt that this was a task which the Master had given into his hands, and he did it as unto the Lord. We shall miss Charles Beare for his work's sake. We shall miss him in the pew of this and of the Victoria Square Church, where he regularly attended the evening service. He was a good listener of the preached Word. He was the kind of listener who brings the best out • of the preacher. His last sickness came suddenly, but he was not afraid.. He bore his pain with Christian fortitude, and at the end his trust was still in God. He has taken leave of his friends for a while. But we forrow not as those who have no hope. He is with Christ, which for him is far better. " 'O God, to whom the faithful dead Still live, united to their Head; Their Lord and ours the same; For these Thy saints, to memory dear • Departer in Thy faith and fear, We bless Thy holy name.' "

CHURCH NEWS Wintanerta.

Australian Christian Commonwealth (SA : 1901 - 1940), Friday 8 April 1938, page 13

4 .: A : farewell afternoon was recently : ^ tendered, Mr., '.^Mrsj and Miss . "Ruth V^J Powell. 1 A large attendance was preient Rev. Eri?/Tregilgas (minister of '[Church) was in the chair and spoke of ; 3-tiie ^service rendered the church and^ .' district by the departing guests. Presents were handed to Mrs. Powell bjfK IMfS/ fc. Crosby, Miss Ru^ Powell by l Mr. J. A. Cowley, Mr. Powell by Mr. . The gifts ,'were sub-; :icribejd by the. church ladies; "the' Sun- i , day ,school and,the tennis club., .Mr,,,• ;. Mrs. and Miss Ruth Powell each fe&- ^ ipgly Replied


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 21 May 1938, page 2


0n Thursday night, at Wintanerta Methodist churchy social was given to Mr Joseph Cowley and Miss M. Cowley, in recognition of their long association with the church and Sunday School, and the very faithful service rendered of the same in many ways.

The Rev. A. E. Jones presided over a good attendance and voiced the church's appreciation of the fact that for 47 years Mr Cowley had occupied the position of superintendent of the Wintanerta Methodist Sunday school. This term of service, in that capacity, would, without doubt constitute a record for the State.

Mr W. G. Beare, speaking as the secretary and treasurer of theChurch Trust, mentioned that, besides the long term in the Sunday school, Mr Cowley had been a trustee for 46 years, 27 years of which he had been secretary and 20 years treasurer. Mr Cowley's period of membership with the church reached the total, of at least 57 years. Mr Len Beare (organist) paid a tribute to the fidelity of service rendered, by Mr Cowley in his regularity of attendance, his knowledge of the Scriptures and the influence of his life, and also to the faithful service which Miss M. Cowley had rendered, as organist of the church for 17 years.

Mr Len Cowley, speaking on behalf of those who had left the district; referred to the Christian influence still at work in the lives of many who had come under the teaching of Mr J. Cowley in the Sunday school for three generations; and in all parts of the State the result of that good influence could be seen.

Songs were contributed by Mrs Edgar Beare, Mrs J. Gilding (Magill), Miss Iris Crosby, and. Mr Arthur Beare. A recitation was given by Mr Bernnie Symonds.

On behalf of the church and Sunday school Mr Jones presented Mr Cowley with a handsome Morris chair, and to Miss Cowley a radiator. "I hope, said Mr Jones, that Mr Cowley will be able to spend many hours of the eveningtide of his life sitting comfortably in this chair, reading Tyjth pleasure that old Book from whose pages he has given so many lessons during his association with this "i ^urclf/a iu3 Sunday school"

Both, suitably, anti feelingly responded, expressing the great joy service had been to them. Mr Cowley gave reminiscences of the past years which greatly interested the audience, and, then seated in the presented chair on the platform, looked what he really is: the grand bid man of Methodism at Wintanterta.

The function concluded with the singing of the Doxology.

During preparations for supper two competitions were held and won by the ladies. The ladies also provided a magnificient supper for all present.

Mr and; Miss Cowley will now reside in Forster street, Kadina.

Wintanerta Methodist Cburdi Anmrenary.

Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 1 October 1938, page 2

The, Wintanerta Methodist church anniversary services were held 011 Sunday and Tuesday last. The church was filled on each occasion, and Rev. A. E. Jones was the.preacher. * The choir.'under the leadership of Mr Len Beare, rendered special singing, and solos were given by Mrs E. Beare and Mrs A. E. Jones.

On Tuesday, a concert was held and a splendid program submitted. Mr W. J. White (Kadina) presided,- Mr 'W. G. Beare gave the treasurer's report, and Rev. A. E. Jones the Pastor's report. The following contributed to the program:-Misses P, Cowjey, If Crosby, L. Ramsey, Lola, Ramsey, - L. Stanway, Mrs E. H. Beare, Mrs A. E. Jones, Rev. A. E. Jones,, and Messrs A. Beare, J. Ward, Len Beare. A well prepared supper arranged by the ladies of the church concluded a very successful celebration.

Tomorrow, at St. Andrew's Presbyterian church, ^Vallaroo, the customary Sunday school anniversary services are to be held. itev. A. C. Messenger will take the morning service, Rey. E. G. King that of the afternoon "at 2.30, and Rev. Messenger the ? evening- ser\'ice. There is ('lo ' be\ special singing by the scholars. " Sue1 cesstul services are anticipated. On Tuesday evening,' October 4, at 7.45, a special program h' to 1>e~ rendered by the children, and the proceeds of the evening are to go towards. the recently renovated kindergarten.

Mr. A. G. Dix

Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Thursday 20 April 1939, page 47

Mr. Albert George Dix, who died at Kadina recently, had been in failing health for many years. He was the third son of the late Mr. and Mrs. William Dix, and was born at Reynella in 1880. At the age or three he went to Kadina with his parents, who tnnk nn lanri at Wintanerta. where he lived until the time of his death. Mr. Dix was connected with the Wintanerta Methodist Church from his childhood, and took a keen interest in all church work. For seven years he was secretary of the Sunday school, and was an active worker in the Christian Endeavor Society lor many years. At the time of his death he held the positions of trustee and church steward. In 1914 he married Miss Esther Ellen Rose, of Sunny Vale, who, with two daughters, survives.

Mrs. H. M. Beare

Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Thursday 8 February 1940, page 16

Mrs. Harriet M. Beare, 82, who died at her residence at Kadina on January l, was the eldest daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. G. Mason, and was born at Happy Valley on December 20, 1858. She lived in that district until her marriage to Mr. John G. Beare on October 3, 1883, when she went to Wintanerta, near Kadina.

From early girlhood Mrs. Beare was actively interested in church' work, being a member of the Happy Valley Congregational Church before her marriage, and afterwards linking up with the Methodist Church at Wintanerta, and later at Taylor street, Kadina. In 1918 Mr. and Mrs. Beare went to live in Kadina. Mr. Beare predeceased his wife by 16 months. Five sons and two daughters survive. They are—Mrs. R. H. Correll (Kadina), Miss Effie Beare (Kadina), Messrs. Albert (Nantawarra), Edwin (Port Wakefield), Wilfred, Norman, and Arthur Beare (Kadina).

Wooroora Producer (Balaklava, SA : 1909 - 1940), Thursday 1 February 1940, page 1


RS. Harriet M. Beare, who died at the age of 82 at her residence ! at Kadina on January 1, was the i eldest daughter of the late Mr. and i Mrs. G. Mason, and was born at j Happy Valley on December 20, 1858. She lived in that district until her marriage to Mr. John G. Beare on October 3, 1883, when she went to Wintanerta, near Kadina. From early girlhood Mrs. Beare was actively interested in church work, being a member of the Happy Valley Congregational Church before her marriage, and afterwards linking up with the Methodist Church at Wintanerta, and later at Taylor Street, Kadina. In 1918 Mr. and Mrs. Beare went to live at Kadina.

Mr. Beare predeceased his wife by sixteen months. Five sons and two j daughters survive. They are : Mrs. S R. H. Correll and Miss Effie Beare | (Kadina), Messrs. Albert (Nantajwarra), Edwin (Port Wakefield), Wilfred, Norman and Arthur Beare (Kadina).


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 9 March 1940, page 2


Occasion was taken during- a few days leave from Woodside camp, to celebrate the coming of age of Lloyd, eldest son of Mr and Mrs A. J. Cowley, of Wintanerta. Eighty guests | assembled at the Victoria Square ' Methodist hall, on March 2, where a very pleasant evening was enjoyed,,

consisting of games, competitions,. (some causing much merriment), and musical and elocutionary items. Mr A. and Mrs Edgar Beare rendered a. solo each and a duet, Miss E. Finch accompanied them on the piano. MissNorva'Dohnt gave two recitals, one a child study in character, and was wellf received, and Mr Keith Crosby mystified the assemblage for a short whilewith magic tricks.

Supper was served, at. 11 o'clock,, after which Mr S. D. Crosby spoke briefly words, of congratulation and best wishes, and;'"asked Mr Cowley to make the presentation of a key, which was it) the fonn of a tie pin. to his son.

In. response, Lloyd thanked the guests for their good wishes and the pleasant time they had liad together, . and assured1- - rhem that the evening would remain long in his memory. He was the recipient of some beautiful

Jtlr A. Beare made a veryefficient M.C., Miss M. Beinke, of Cootra, was a guest. Private L. Cowley returned to Woodside early in the week.

Wintanerta Whispers.

Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 8 June 1940, page 1

I always regard it as a feast of good things, from the social, mental and spiritual aspects, to go along to Wintanerta. Last Sunday Mr Fred Dix took me out, and the ride was enjoyable indeed. When we dove in sight, we saw the church as it stands on the hill, with the waiting cars parked around. The church is very nice indeed, and the people are homely, and their attention is most marked at the service.

What a band of people one meets here. Mr Beare, the organist, greets one with a good handshake and happy smile, and then proceeds to give the singing a good lead in the way he manages the delightful little organ. I meet the stalwarts of the place in Mr S. D. Crosby and his brother, Bob, who are most regular in their work at the service. Mr Cowley is another who gives his quota to the service as a steward, and also the Dixs and Kennetts. The fine gathering of the sons and daughters is really an inspiration to anyone who goes along to cheer up and help by using the service. One has to go a long way to surpass such homeliness as is found in this little hamlet, which carried on amid its open spaces and dotted farm houses in an atmosphere which is truly the creation of long years of pioneering which now, amid good and bad seasons, is evidently enjoyed. Cheerio, Wintanerta!


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Saturday 21 September 1940, page 3

The diai^aJ.-iuWlee;^Celebrations inconnection with the Wintanerta Methodist church are to be held on September 29 and 30. The church at Wintanerta I$C jthe only" public building" in: the Upjqalitjvand has 5elpri: the; chief ' centre, ofV^inmunaT interest for the past S60years.\v /....

Ten years ago the golSen jubilee. celebrations, were conducted .with great -enthusiasm * and . success, and at this present anniversary while not attempting a coriiplete repetition o£"the juBJ- | 4ee event,; the members of the church I rwill be glad ;td welcome all friends who ' .pan. possibly, attend-the services. \ Ifunable .tc>^attend,] perhaps there are.; .past jmpmbers wlio .would like to send a greeting. The secretary of the Church Trust, Mr W. G. Beare, whose postal address, is box 117,- K§dina, will be pleased to receive correspondence and arrange to have it read at one of the services.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Wednesday 9 October 1940, page 2

On Sunday, September 29, the diamond jubilee of the Wintanerta Methodist "church was celebrated. The day being fine, large congregations ! gathered to meet in worship qn this notable occasion. The. choir, under i the leadership of Mr" A. Beare, with Mr L. Beare at. the organ, proved themselves equal to the task- . Four ^nthems were given, besides which a number of solos and duets was well rendered by members of the choir. . The Rev. O. L; Noske conducted, both services. . The church proved too small to hold the congregations, and a number had to be seated in the porch and schoolroom.

On Monday, September 30, the celebrations were continued, commencing with a high tea. This was a credit to those in charge. Seated around the tables were to be seen many visiting friends who in the past had been associated with Wintanerta church. The program commenced at; 8 p.m. when Mr L. Cowley was welcomed, to the chair. A number of . greetings was read and some given by those who came back, including Mr L. Cowley, Rev. A. Cowley, Mr Taiik, and others. 'The secretary's and treasurer's report was read by Mr W. Beare, who. was pleased to report that during the 60 years services had been held regularly every Sunday in the church, and the present congregation was. proving that the people of Wintanerta still believed in worshipping Christ. The church and schoolroom had been repaired and freshly painted, for the occasion.

The address given by Mr L. Cowley was one, of inspiration and encouragement as was the testimony of others who spoke. An excellent concert program was given by local and visiting artists. Supper was served, and after the close of events it was reported that the trust has a credit balance.

It was good to be in the crowd and to hear and see so many old friends enjoying the fellowship of the church. It was indeed a happy time for all who attended. Thus one must say the celebrations were a wonderful success, and proved again the words of the old saying: What is Worth doing, is worth doing Well.

Obituary—(Mr Cowley.

Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Friday 17 July 1942, page 1

After a .short period of suffering, due to iu accident recently, arid a<:-,i -centuated by his great age, Mr J. A. Cowley .died at a private hospital, Ka-, dina, In ihis passing, a .very highly respected resident has gone to his rest, which, I say, he well earned by his loyalty to Christian, principles.. The Cowley family ixehigthly esteemed throughout , the district, and any -old departed friend is one. of that.-group.

Since meeting him some time ago, and; having chats with him at his home, I now hold very dearly the memory of such occasions. How he told me of his lone association of superintendent at the Sunday school at Wintanerta, where he was residing. It was here he did splendid service for the young" people of the church. Since comingto Kadint, bis home clearly set out; what can be done when the old spirit -f the pioneer cometo the front. At the Local Preachers* meeting?, on Monday, reference was made to his passing, and sympathy was expressed for the family in their' bereavement.' I need not say h^re that we join with all readers in our touch of sympathy for tihose in sorrow.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Friday 23 October 1942, page 2

On October 10, in the Victoria Square school hall, Kadina, the liiiuy friends of Gunner Lloyd Cowley, met to wish him au revoir and Godspeed. Mr Len Beare was. an efficient chairman. He introduced Mr Keith Crosby, M.C., who then took charge of the evening, which was interspersed with games, musical and elocutionary items, until 10.30. On behalf of his Wintaiierta friends Mr Beare voiced the sentiments of the people in wishing- the guest well and presenting him v.'ith a .fountain pen and pencil, . In the absence of the Mayor, Cr, J. A. Robertson spoke on J behalf of the Town and District Council.. and a parcel from tlie Comforts Fund was handed to Lloyd, who responded in a few well chosen words. A very dainty supper, provided by the Wintanerta Mid Boor's Plains friends, terminated a very happy evening.

Those who contributed to the program were Mrs R. Ward, Misses T. Bear^, M. Crosby, L. Stanwav, Ken Cowley, Messrs K. Crosby, A. H. Beare and B. Sinunerids.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Friday 22 June 1945, page 2

The recently formed Welfare Club arranged and carried out a very enjoyable social and pantry evening to Miss Claire Crosby on June 9th, prior to her marriage. The frosty conditions of the weather did not deter the people, as the church was filled to capacity. The evening opened with a short concert program, with Rev. J. C. Oliver in the chair. Miss Ruth Beare played an overture, Mr Arthur Beare and Mrs Edgar Beare rendered solos. Miss Pearl Crosby and Miss L. Stanway elocutionary numbers, and Colin Ayles made his debut as a piano soloist. All the items were much appreciated.

Mr Len Beare spoke in a humorous vein of the esteem and popularity in which the guest of the evening was held and on behalf of her Wintanerta friends, presented her with an Aladdin lamp on a pedestal, and wished her every happiness in her future life. Claire responded briefly. A table full of gifts for the pantry were also received and acknowledged by Mr Cardel March on Claire's behalf.

Mr Oliver then handed the proceedings over to Mr Arthur Beare, who introduced a series of games and competitions, which created a friendly and hillarious atmosphere. Miss Melva Beare and Mr Keith Crosby provided music for the games. A number of men retired to the nicely warmed room adjoining and enjoyed a game of cards. Supper was served by the lady members of the church which terminated a very enjoyable evening.

LAC. Rex Cowley and LAC Ron Crosby are home on seasonal leave.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Friday 21 September 1945, page 1

On September 9 the Wintanerta Methodist Church celebrated its 65th ! Anniversary. Ideal weather condi- ' ticms prevailed, a^d with the couutry carpet<id in green, the setting was right tor successful functions.. Rev. Woolacott, of Adelaide, conducted the afternoon services. The Kadina , Methodist Choir, under the baton of I Mr. A. Beare, and Mr. T. Davies at j the organ, rendered three anthems, and their singing was much appreciated Rev. J. C. Oliver conducted the evening service and gave a very fine oration on "John's vision of a new heaven."' Mr. C. Gardiner rendtred the solo, "My Task." and Messrs ! A. Beare, and Keunetts (3J, a male ; quartette. The following evening a j concert was held with the Senior Circuit Steward, Mr. \Y. I. White, as; chairman. Vocal items were ren1 dered by Mrs. H.-L. Noblett, and i Miss M. Trenberth, Messrs M. j Ramsey, ,C. Gardiner, ^ Beare and J Kennetts (3); elocutionary items, Mr C. Measdav; piano. Misses j. Ward and R. Beare; instrumentalists, Mesdames. Keith and Wilton Crosby, and Cordon Rowan. Misses Edith Crosby, and Melva Beare were the accompanists.

Mr. L. C. Beare, secretary of the trust, submitted a very satisfactory report of the years work, but regretted the diminishing numbers. The financial position is good. A system of electric light was installed during the year, and proves a great boon. Rev Oliver in his short, address, spoke humorously of the first time he took p^rt» in a debate, and of his first church services. His talks are always fraught with sincerety and earnestness, that even the children are caught up in the atmosphere. A vote of thanks to the people contributing to the success of the function was in the hands of Messrs, A. J. Cowley, and C. Kennett. - A dainty strpper served by the ladies of the church was enjoyed by all.

Phil's Letter

Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Thursday 29 October 1953, page 1

Old Memories

The news that the Wintancrta, church is about to end its days as an old landmark close to Kadina brings memories for so many of us who know the place. I was recalling my early days as a lad when I walked over those paddocks in scarch of hares and rabbits. Also Beare's big scrub was generally a good spot to put up one or the other for the dogs to have a chase. I wouldn't mind having a 1/ a mile for how many I walked in this spot. Later, the church came into its own for me as a place of worship, and I have sweet memories of the familiar pulpit and some of the services.

I made many happy contacts with the Beares, Crosbys, Kennetts, Cowleys and Dixs and others and I cherish these in my later years. . I always thought the church had a real atmosphere of worship and even its elevated position overlooking the rich wheat belts and grazing flocks scem's to have added all this to such a place. I venture to say that many will remember the spot, even though the church may go, as the place where they were christened or received as members into the church life. I look upon the spot where the old Army hall used to stand and remember it was the place 51 years ago where I b-jgan my Salvation Army activities. I pen this as a passing tribute to a lovely little church, that for years was a 'city set on high" and I know scores of readers will regret 'that such a step is. necessary, but time marches on despite everything to hold it up. Likewise the Tickera folk will share , the same feeling, on the closing out there, but Alford will lie the 'inecca' for the country Methodists. We say thank you for past loyal service for God and humanity.


Kadina and Wallaroo Times (SA : 1888 - 1954), Thursday 21 October 1954, page 2


A Large White sow, owned by Mr . Lloyd Cowley, of Wintancrta, gave birth to 21 piglets this week, twelve of which . arc still doing well. At a meeting of the Bureau members, it was considered that this number constituted a record.


Victor Harbour Times (SA : 1932 - 1986), Friday 22 January 1960, page 3

Arranged by their family, a social evening was held at the CAV.A. Hall last Saturday night to celebrate the thirtv -fifth wedding anniversary of Air. and Mrs. H. I.. Lush, of Yictor Harbour, wno were marneu on January 15. 1925. in the Wintanerta Methodist Church. More than 7(1 relatives and friends were present, and items | were given by Mrs. Fdgar Bear and Mr. Milton Stephens. Movies and coloured slides oi a recent trip to Brisbane for the wedding of Mr. L. Lush (a son) were shown.

Centenary of the Wintanerta Methodist Church

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