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A public meeting was held at Paterson's Hotel, Mundoora, on Saturday, September 17, to consider the question of a water supply for the district. About persons were present, representing an area of about 70,000 acres of agricultural country, and although the speakers were few the meetingb was unanimous, and great interest was manifested in the proceedings. The chair was occupied by Mr. Blake (president of the Mnndoora branch of the Farmers' Mutual Association). Mr. Watt said they were all agreed that it was important to consider what the Government should do to provide them with better supply of water than they had at present. He proposed that they should apply to the Government either by memorial or deputation, to make provision for a greater supply of water by excavating a tank or reservoir near the present dam. The present supply was not large enough to meet the wants of the settlers, and it was necessary to secure a greater supply for the use of teams when carting wheat to the township. He really did not know what they were to do, for things did not look very cheering at present. Whatever they did they should be united, and should join in asking the Government to give them a permanent supply of water either by tank or reservoir. The element should also be supplied at a more reasonable cost than at present — (hear, bear)—and not at 8s. per 400 gallons—(hear, hear)— and 2d. per head for hones and cattle was too much. (Hear, bear.; He did not mean to say that 8s. per 400 gallons was too mush if they got good water for their money. (A Voice—"lt is too much.") The Commissioner of Crown Lands knew very well how badly off they were for water, as he had to pay 1s. for a bagful of water come time ago. (laughter.) Mt.Harris seconded, and said he thoroughly concurred with Mr. Watt's remarks. It was a difficult matter to get water in this locality, for whatever they did they could not get sufficient to last through a dry summer. If the Government were to make a reservoir in some Suitable place there would be no difficulty in filling ; it if they bad rains like last year, but all should try and make provision for themselves, and then fall back upon ttie Government if their own supply failed them. He considered that In asking the Government to make provision for a supply of water they were not asking too much. (Hear, bear.) He met Mr. Jones at Keilli some time ago, and they bored at different places for water. Mr. Jones considered a earn could be made, and that the Government ought to do it. (Hear, hear.) Mr. Hull thought it would be advisable to dam the creek. Mr. Habbu thought it would be better to leave the matter in the hands of the Government, for he could ccc it was a great mistake to interfere with the Government; £600 had aleady been spent on a tank at Ketlli, but it was not Urge enough to supply one small farm. They should leave the site and the best way of storing the water to be determined by the Government. The motion was carried unanimously. Mr. Watt thought it would be better to leave the matter in the hands of the Government, for be had always found that no good bad ever been done by dictating to the Government. They had forty mttes of country between there and the Brooghton. They bad very little surface water. The water from the river Brooghton was totally unfit for domestic purposes, and cattle and bones would scarcely drink it. He would therefore prapose—"That the following gentlemen be appointed a committee to act in the matter, with power to add to their number:-Messrs. Blake, Harris, Mildren.F. G. DoJjb, Watt Aitcbisoa, Gibson, Gardner, Blight, A. McDonald, and Wall." Mr. Dauby seconded the motion, which was carried unanimously.


Mundoora. March V.

A large gathering met at the laying of the foundation stone of the Mundoora Institute to-day, and a successful day, marked by good weather, and an overflowing concert in the evening, rewarded the prompters. Mr. E. Harris, chairman of the building committee, gave a resume of the work done in connection with the institute from the public meeting held some two years back, at which it was decided to build, and Messrs. R. Harris, J. Blake, J. Stringer, J. Loveridge. W. Aitchisons W. Mitchell,' and W. J. Shearer were appointed trustees. Mr. H. F, P. Aitchison made a free gift of the ground (about half an acre in a convenient position), and several concerts, were held in the railway goods-shed. The proceeds of these, together with the surplus funds of the annual sports held on NewYear's Day, and subscriptions, gave a nestegg of about £90 to begin with. Mr. J. Miller, ex-M.P. for Stanley, performed the ceremony of laying the stone, and in a happy speech pointed out the many advantages of an institute to the town; Mr Watt, one of the oldest residents, gave a witty speech, and the Port Broughtos Brass Band 'enlivened the proceedings with music. Praise is doe to the secretary, Mr. F. J. Mildren, who has taken the matter up an real earnest, and, besides the work entailed in connection with the institute, is acting as clerk of works at the building. The building, which is of stone, will be 60 f t. by-38 ft. outside, and when completed will be an ornament to the town. The plans nnd specifications were prepared by Mr. B. P. B. Bayley, of Sedhill. Mr. N Souten, of Adelaide, the contractor, is getting the work well in hand, and the walls will be up. within a fortnight. After the stone had been laid and decorated, an adjournment was made to the goods-shed, where tea was provided. In the evening a successful concert was given by the Port Broughton Christy, troupe, and other performers. The day concluded with a supper and dance. As the result of the proceedings over £48 T,vas raised, and this will substantially augment the funds.


A large crowd gathered at Mundoora on Wednesday, September 17, when the opening services of the new church and kindergarten were held. The building is modern and up-to-date, with all the latest equipment, such as electric light, lead-light windows, etc. The church lias a seating accommodation for 140, and the kindergarten provides ample room for that department of the Sunday-school. The cost of the building is £1,100 3 of which over £1,000 ha® been raised. The architect is Rev. T. G. White, and the contractor, Mr. D. Leyson. The ministers present at the opening ceremony were: Rev. J. G. Mitchell (who was in the circuit when the building was commenced), Rev. A. W. Wellington (chairman of district), Revs. R. L. H. Tilbrook, G. S. Wellington, G. E, Howland, and the circuit minister, Rev. A. Hemmings. After the singing of the doxology, Rev. J. G. Mitchell led the assembly in prayer. Mr. O. E. Dalling, in a splendid speech, presented. the key to Mrs. Richards (president of the Ladies' Guild), who declared the church open for public worship. The seating accommodation was inadequate for the numbers who sought admission to the service, which was in the hands of the circuit minister. After the singing of the hymn, "0 God, Our Help in Ages Past." Rev. G. S. Wellington offered prayer. Rev. R. L. H. Tilbrook read the Scripture lesson, and Rev. A. W. Wellington preached a powerful sermon. Revs. J. G. Mitchell and G. E. Howland also took part in the service. After the service the folk partook of tea (well arranged by the ladies in the Institute). The church was again crowded at 7 p.m., when community singing was conducted by Rev. G. S. Wellington, Mrs. Wellington presiding at the organ. Revs. Tilbrook and G. S. Wellington sang solos at the above service. Rev. A. W. Wellington in his characteristic manner presided over the public meeting at night. Prayer was offered by Rev. G. E. Howland, and addresses were given by Revs. J. G. Mitchell and R. L. H. Tilbrook. Mrs. Tilbrook delighted the gathering with the pianoforte selections, and songs were rendered by Misses Illman, Wellington, Bottrill, Mr. E. March, and Rev. A. Hemmings. The.meeting closed in good time, and supper wgs partaken of at the close. Thus a memorable and inspiring day in the history of Mundoora was brought to a close. On the following Sunday, September 21, two services were conducted by the Rev. A. Hemmings. The church was well filled on the two occasions. At the close of the evening service, the sacrament of the Lord's Supper was administered. At this service five adults registered their decisions for Christ and His Church. We trust that this is but a beginning'of a grand and noble history in connection with these new building and the cause of Christ.


Foundation Stone Laying.

Wednesday, January 23, was a red letter day in the history of our Church at Mundoora, for on that day the Foundation Stone' of the new church was;. laid by R. D. Nicholls, Esq., the member for the Stanley district, and also a member of the Methodist Church. The old church, built on a block of fend given in 1880, by Mr. John Blake,. now of Murray Bridge, was weather worn and ant eaten. Towards, the close of the Rev. H. C. Hill's, pastorate, the ladies, led by Mrs. JL Richards, began their efforts to obtain money, by collecting Donations and organizing "special efforts," for the erection of a new church. A new Trust was formed by the present minister which superseded the former Trust, and also that of Block 10, on which the present church is being built. The Rev. T, G. White, of Broken Hill, was requested to prepare the plans and specifications of a church and kindergarten, which he kindly did. The church, when finished, will be an ornament to the town, and will reflect credit on the architect. Tenders were invited, and that of Mr. D. Ley son, of Blyth, for £797 18s., was accepted. To this must be added £36 for the enlargement of the kindergarten room, from 18 ft. x 16 ft. to 21 ft. x 18 ft. The trustees to supply stone, bricks, cement, lime, sand, and water. Interest in the scheme was aroused, and intensified as time went on, so that when the day arrived on which the stone was to be laid Mundoora rose en masse, their numbers being augmented from the surrounding district. After the opening hymn the Rev. A. Hammings, of Port Broughton, led in prayer. The Rev. J. A. H. Andrews, of Solomontown, read the lesson, and the Rev. A. W. Wellington, of Port Pirie, the chairman of the district, gave a short address. The secretary of the Trust, Mr. S. R. Carman, gave a resume of the scheme from its inception to the present time. The treasurer, Mr. O. R. Arbon, read the financial statement, which showed that £650 had been raised to date. The pastor handed to Mr. Nicholls a silver trowel, suitably, inscribed, who carefully laid the stone in its place, declared it well and truly laid to the glory of God, gave a short address, and placed the first cheque on the tray. The Sunday-school teachers and officers sang hymn 679, whilst the crowd pressed forward to place their offerings on the tray; these were found to be a little over £100, which was increased by subsequent donations to £110. A sumptuous banquet was provided by the ladies, and realized about £26. The Institute was crowded for the evening meeting. The Revs. Wellington and Andrews gave practical and stirring addresses. Several musical and elocutionary items were rendered. Collection £5. The supper that followed realized another £6. The total amount raised being nearly £150. The Mundoora folk are determined that there shall be no debt on their church. The Clement's Gap folk have over £700 in hand, and will soon be taking the preliminary steps for the building of their church, which they mean to have opened free of debt. The Red Hill Trust have over £200 in hand towards a Memorial School Hall. The kindergarten has recently been renovated at a cost of £20. The circuit balancesheet has a few pounds to credit, which is expected to be substantially increased by the harvest thanksgiving appeal.



The residents of Port Broughton and the surrounding district mean to have their railway. Parliament refused to give it to them except under the guarantee principle, and they declined at a poll some time ago to accept that condition, and so the matter stands. Then a Bill was introduced authorizing the line without the guarantee principle, but it was practically defeated in the House last Thursday. The Premier, however, obtained the promise of the Opposition to support a proposal for a light Tine from Brinkworth to Port Broughton, to cost £2,000 a mile, provided that scheme was acceptable to the residents. Mr. Ferran placed the matter before the residents on Saturday last, and the answer was an undertaking by the Chairman of the District Council (Mr- J. Barclay) to place a memorial signed by nearly every taxpayer in the district in the hands of the Government this week. The support of this memorial so far has been practically unanimous, for, as the Premier said, once they got a leg in half the fight was moil, and if the settlers took this light railway now and made it a success, as unquestionably they would, then they would be in a better position to ask for something more later on.

—Why a Railway Should be Made.—

Tlie claims for the railway are many and strong. The wheat harvest about Redhill will run from 18 to 30 bushels to the acre, with an average of about 20. The grazing industry is fettered and hampered by the fact that tlie droving is so trying that the value of each sheep depreciates to the extent of 1/ on the journey. Sheep have to leave Port Broughton oh Sunday night or early Monday morning in order to reach the city for the Thursday market, so that they are practically four days without food and with very little water. A railway would cut half that out. There is a big timber supply in the district waiting to he made available by a railway. Some 3,000 dozen eggs are sent away every week, together with butter, cheese, and all manner of products of the land, and 2,500 tons of superphosphates are received there every year. Then last, but not least, is the recently established fibre industry. Of course this is still in the experimental stage, but it is not an experiment conducted in the cause of science. It is one from which the investors and the State alike may well expect to derive a handsome profit. Already a company of London financiers have spent upwards of £50,000 on merely testing the adaptability and value of the material, and should the results prove as satisfactory as they now give e'very indication of being upward of £100.000 will be spent in additional plant, and about 200 men will find employment in the works at Port Broughton. Another company, this time composed of Sydney men, has also secured options in the vicinity of the township, and anticipates an initial expenditure of many thousands. Surely, it is claimed, the investment of £200,000 or more in one industry in a township is sufficient warrant for Parliament to give the place transport facilities. At present one of the most serious difficulties that confront them is the probable shortage of labour, and Port Broughton is so completely isolated through the absence of railway communication that 200 men will be exceedingly difficult to get out there under the present conditions of the labour market.

—A Trying Journey.—

One cannot fully appreciate the completeness of the isolation until one has travelled from the city over the recognised route. At Brinkworth, after over five hours in the train, the traveller is asked to transfer himself and his luggage to a coach. The sun is shining down with a heat of 140 deg., as it was on Friday last; the roads are dusty, and the buinps frequent. The air quivers visibly over the surface of the parched-looking land, making one's eyes sore and weak. Far ahead an immense cloud of dust heralds the approach of a motor, and for several seconds after it has passed the coach is enveloped In a cloud of red dust, that gets into one's eyes, nose, and mouth, while everything becomes dirty and gritty. The lips are dry and parched, and breathing is difficult. Every time the traveller moistens his lips with his tongue he swallows a liberal coating of dust. For five hours this lasts, with occasional stoppings at hotels to rinse parched throats out with "something long, please." One passenger expressed the devout hope that he would never he the victim of anything worse than that coach drive, and the reply he got was that if he lived a godly life in this world he probably would not.

—The "Pie-Cart."

At Mundoora, with stiff, cramped limbs, after five hours in the coach—the portion from Redhill, by the way, having been negotiated in a double-seated trap of sorts, with feet tucked away just wherever there was room between and beneath the luggage—the passenger drags himself painfully into the local tram. Let those who complain of the high steps of the Adelaide cars take a trip on this—if the can climb up into a seat. Once seated he hardly finds the reward in comfort adequate recompense for the agility and energy expended. The old horse has started, and with a steady plod—plod—plod, the traveller is borne over the last stages of his journey. For 30 years this antiquated "piecart," as it is locally termed, or some substituted vehicle, has been running over the same route, and even the rabbits, which abound along the track, now hop complacently by the side of the conveyance or frisk across almost under the horse's feet without taking notice of it. The track is nine miles long, but it takes an hour and a half to cover. When a resident speaks of this "piecart" he does so with respect, for he considers that the ride the Railways Commissioner was given, in it was the factor that convinced him that a railway was really wanted. Let Mr. Young and other disbelievers try the same cure, say they, and the tram ride will act like magic on their convictions. This conveyance, by-the-way was mistaken by Mrs Verran at first sight for the laundry cart!

—The Goal at Last.—

Still, there is an end to all things, and the car at last emerges from the avenue of scrub, through which the line runs, into the streets of the township, ana the traveller straightens himself up and expands his chest as the cool sea breeze meets him. He finds all he has expected, and more. Businesslike stores, an institute that would do credit to any country town, a fine-looking coffee palace, and a really first-class hotel. This hotel was built last year by Mr. W. U. Wall, on to the original building erected in 1871 by his father, which, by the way was the second house constructed in the township. It cost £5,000 to build, and in its appointments and management—Mr. A, Addicoat is the present liceneee—it compares favourably with most hotels outside the city. The bedrooms are commodious, comfortable, and well ventilated, the bath and sanitary arrangements excellent, the furnishings tasteful, and the building is lighted throughout with gas. With decent means of approach Port Broughton would have full recognition as the sanatorium of the north for Crystal Brook, Port' Pirie, and other towns and residents claim that the influx of visitors alone would go a long way to justify the construction of a railway. The climate is salubrious and delightful, and there is a fine stretch of beach for holiday makers. Altogether the township is one of the most delightful places in the State for a holiday, and given easy means of access, its popularity from that point of view is assured.


The Mundoora back-to-school celebrations were a great success. Approximately 300 attended school in the afternoon, when 108 old scholars signed; the roll. The head teacher (Mr F. L. Allister), in disguise of a former teacher, put the old scholars through their drill course. Singing, arithmetic, and geography followed. Members of the former tin whistle band contributed an item to the program. Prize winners for fancy costume, originality, ; and -character were presented, to "Wil- i lie Aitchison, Nellie Trelor, Cecil Mil- j dren, and Ruby Button!" A public tea was provided in the institute, where over 300 were served. Many former residents were present. Old scholars acted as waitresses, and a special committee was in charge of the tea.

In the evening a concert arranged by Mr and Mrs Allister was a great success. The concert party consisted of old scholars, Misses D. Allen, K. Stringer,- V. Mildren, G. and V. Spackriian, R. and I. Arbon, J. Dolling, M. Stringer, D. Sims, E. Dolling, B. Aitchison ; Messrs M. Aitchison, C. Smith, K.. Dolling, M. and K. Dolling, J. Purdie, D. Ireland, L. Aitchison, G. and K. Spackman, andj .F. L. Allister., Mrs F, Allister was pianist.". A special item consisting of a mock school lesson was contributed by scholars who had left school over 20 years ago. A supper and dance followed, and Mrs Allister' provided the music. The gross proceeds, which are for school funds, exceeded £38. The concert will be repeated at Port Broughton. The Mundoora A tennis team easily defeated Wokurna at Broughton in the final match. The grand final will take place on Saturday between Broughton and Mundoora.

Who Remembers the Mundoorra to Broughton Mail?

DEAR ELEANOR BARBOUR— I must make another effort and write to our pages. I had made up my mind to write before Christmas, but the days just simply flew.

I spent a rather quiet Christmas. I think every one did this year, it didn't seem to have the same thrill about it as before. We had a real blackout here the other Wednesday — a duststorm, the first one ever experienced here although further up the coast they have them. I experienced one at Fowler's Bay once, and it was blowing stones. The duststorm here did a good bit of damage. Really the wind was the worst I had experienced, although I had seen many a storm over the other side of the sea at Mundoora. We sometimes had them day and night.

Do any of our readers or writers remember the old 'pieeart' or 'tramcar' that used to take the mail from Mundoora to Port Broughton? I can remember it quite well. Drawn by a horse, it used to come from Port Broughton in the morning, and wait for the mail to come from Brinkworth and then back at night, a distance of 10 miles each way: — Although I saw the piecart every I never had a ride in it. It is now in the Adelaide Museum.

We were looking forward to a nice lot of fruit from our trees this year, but the wind has blown it nearly all off 'I would like to say cheerio to 'Cream Rose.' I received her letter, but have lost her address. Would she please let me have it again? I am rather late In. sending New Year's greetings, but do hope all our readers and writers have a peaceful one.


MUNDOORA October 9.

The part of the year that immediately precedes the bay harvest is usually seized upon as the time for agricultural shows, church anniversaries, and various festivals, and we have had our share, so much so that I shall not be able to detail them in a letter. The Mundoora people have been very successful at the shows, Messrs,. McDonald Bros, being particularly so, for as a rule they managed to annex about a dozen prizes at each show, and exhibited at seven of them, including Adelaide and Crawler. Their horse "Whynot" is a splendid jumper, and was fairly beaten in Adelaide alone, although he is aged.

In the latter part of September anniversary services were held by the Primitives at Port Broughton, when the services were conducted by the Bev. A. McDonald, and were followed by the children's picnic, tea, and public meeting. The children sang selections of music at each service, under the conductorship of Mr. George, and did it very well indeed. On the following Sunday the Wesleyans in this place celebrated their anniversary, the services being conducted by the Rev. Nield, the pastor, and on the Monday the children of the two Sundayschools went to Port Broughton by tram line to spend the day at the seaside.. A very enjoyable day it proved to be, and while the little ones and the old folks stayed on the beach the lads and lassies went a sailing on ! the waters of Mundoora Arm. All went well, but a serious boat accident was narrowly averted, as the boat was thrown over by a squall, and only righted herself by accident in time to prevent foundering. By 4 o'clock the busses returned to the sheds, where an ample spread was laid for all, and to which full justice was done by children and visitors alike. In the evening tbe usual public meeting waB held in the church, which was crowded. Speeches were given by the chairman (Mr.. Binney) Bev. McNield, Mr. G-eorge, and Mr. T. Watl. The children sane selections of music at each, service, and Miss McDonald presided at the organ. During Michaelmas week the Methodist churches at Redhill held an amalgamated picnic in the hills east of the town. It was a picturesque spot, a pleasant day, and a large gathering of sociable and merry people, so that everybody seemed to get a good measure of enjoyment. That same evening—but not in connection with the Methodist picnic—a ball was held in the Institute Hall, and was also a success.

Last Friday evening, the 3rd inst., the Port Broughton Dramatic Club gave the drama *'Blow "for Blow" in the Port Broughton Institute. The hall was packed, and the drama was got through without a hitch, and was much appreciated by the audience. Much credit fa due to Mr. Robinson, the stage manager, for the efficiency of the performers— several of whom were making I heir deb&t—for their attire, which was all that could be desired, and for the scenery, which had been specially prepared by a local artist, whose ideas of perspective, ho werer, tended too much to illustrate the kind of street that the inebriate fancies be sees rising into the air. The parts were all well sustained, but I can only refer to the principal performers- Mr. Robinson as Spraggs was particularly good in each of the characters that individual assumes ; Miss Wyatt wits happy in her effort to impersonate the stately housekeeper Mr. j Win. Harris (of Mundoora) won golden opinions as Dr. Grace; Miss Robinson, as Spraggs favorite young woman, was lively, natural, and coquettish ; Mr. Gardner made a very good representation of the characters lieutenant and Baron, and Miss Paterson, as his wife, very nicely displayed a trustful character in a dutiful wife under trying circumstances ; Mr. Furling as the adventurer displayed an aptitude for giving a blow much better than receiving one, and with good interest added; and Miss Furling as Alice io the latter part—as well as the other sister in the first—was verj good except in the very emotional parts ; a little more lifelike interest was wanting in one or two instances, otherwise her acting accorded with the characier. After the entertainment the hall was cleared, and the actors aod friends had a pleasant dance.

The equinoctial gales have been very severe this year, and houses and sheds have suffered severely by their violence. The public school, which is a wooden one, was much injured and narrowly escaped demolition, for the whole structure is started in every joint and leaning over quite a foot.

Snakes are rather numerous, and a great number have been killed. Several persons have had to kill more than one, and one man has killed seven near his home. This week one riggled into our store, and the storekeeper promptly shot it. A lady going into Port Broughton stepped on one and it sprang back against her clothes but did not get a chance to bite her. Yesterday one tried to cross the line while the tram was running and got run over, and another was courageous enough to chase a dog, but found the dog's master more than a match. Although often seen at this time of the year, they are not to be seen much after hay harvest, and generally seem anxious to get out of one's way at any time.


From our Mundoora Corresnondent.

The largest, and, probably, the most destructive, fire that has occurred in the Hundred of Redhill swept over the Barunga Hills and adjacent country on Friday, the 6th inst. It started hear a paddock belonging to Mr. Stringer, which had been, burnt on the previous evening. A dense mass of smoke first attracted the attention of the Mundoora residents at about 10 o'clock a.m. and very soon it was evident that the country at the foot of Barn Hill—the mountain-Iike mass in which the range culminates—was on fire. A strong wind was blowing, and consequently it soon reached Mr. Hake's and Mr. S, Harris's properties, the fire in its progress sweeping everything perishable out of its path. In the meantime Barn Hill was being transformed from a huge grey mound into a veritable black mountain—like a pyramid in mourning. By this time Mr. Berkley's property had been attacked, and grass, sheds, and fences fell a prey to the devouring element. Here a band of workers from the village saved the house, and Mr. Stringer had managed to keep, it from his own. All hands were called off this side by the imminent danger threatening Keilli, which "was threatened with total destruction, Only prompt measures saved the houses and the school, far very soon the fire raged around them on ail sides, and leaped at the fences like a greedy demos. After this the fire burnt against the wind, for several hours, and when the sun was set it could be seen rushing along the crest of Barn Hill and over the eastern hills near Ingham's Gap. On its way to the latter it cleared the sheds, yards, and house on Mr. Darling's property. These yards are said to have been the best in the district. The house was uninhabited. Altogether thousands of acres of fine feed was destroyed, several miles of fencing burnt, and other valuable properties, making a costly total. The fire burnt slowly for about three days on the tops of the hills, but on the first evening the light refracted by a bank of clouds quite dispelled the darkness for more than seven miles from the locality it raged in, and the miles of burning posts, with the fires on the hills above, forcibly reminded all who have seen Broken Hill of that town by night.

An inquest was held on Saturday, Mr. Wm. Brock, J.P., was coroner, and Mr. T. Watt foreman of the jury of six.

Mr. Stephen Stringer deposed—He was burning stubble on Thursday! the 5th inst., in his section No. 552. He finished about 7.30 p.m. He had chaff heaps in the paddock, but did not burn any of them, and all the fire was out at 9 o'clock at night when he took the horses away. Did not see any fire on the following day, and did not know how the fire originated, First noticed the fire at 10 a.m. on the 6th inst. Proceeded to the fire at once, but there was no one to assist him. Saw a man travelling with sheep towards Keilli, and afterwards saw the flock crossing his paddock. By the coroner—Ploughed three farrows and cleared the width of the horserake around the paddock.

Mr. John McDonald, farmer, deposed— Saw the smoke at 8 a.m. on the 6th inst. .Thought it was issuing from one of the chaff heaps in Mr. Stringer's paddock. Know the position of the chaff heaps, and was quite sure the smoke was from them. Noticed . the smoke when near Mr. Gardiner's, and next saw it in Mr. Blake's, By the coroner—Was about a mile and a half away when he first saw the smoke. Thought he could speak positively as to its issuing from a chaff heap.

Mr. Jas. Barnet, in the employ of Mr. Freebairn, deposed—Was coming from Keilli with sheep on the 6th inst. Saw smoke starting up in a paddock about two or three hundred yardsfrom him. Thought it was about 9 o'clock a.m. The fire was travelling south towards him. Itwasacross the road in front of him. Turned the sheep and took another road. On returning passed the spot where he first saw the fire. Crossed the paddock and saw a chaff heap burning. By the coroner—Had not been smoking that morning.

Five other witnesses were examined, but their evidence did nothing more than corroborate that of previous witnesses.

The jury found that the fire originated near the corner of Mr. Stringer's paddock, but that the evidence was not sufficient to prove how it originated, and no blame was attached to anyone.

While the people of Mundoora were engaged with the big fire another broke out on the Government lands west of the town, but, fortunately, a road prevented it going far before the wind, and when it had burnt back towards the School—about a mile— the teacher and big boys extinguished it.



The Sunday-school anniversary services here were celebrated on Sunday and Monday, Septmber 6 and 7, in the Institute. There were large congregations at all services. The Rev. C. B. Holmes was the preacher on Sunday, and was helped by a bright choir consisting piincipaily of the Sundayschool scholars and teachers. On Monday the children asembled in full force, and were well catered for. They helped in the public meeting with singing and reciting. Mr. A. E. Trengove occupied the chair, and the secretary's report showed that whilst at the beginning of the school year there had been 56 scholars on the roll, with an average attendance of 25, there were now 77 scholars, with an average atendance of 60, besides having several on the teachers' roll who were scholars last year. This report showed much to be thankful for, especially in the establishment of the kindergarten department. Mr. Holmes took advantage of the large assembly of parents to urge upon them the importance of example to all these little ones who represented so much of valuable possibilities to our Church. Miss Stephenson, who in the absence of any capable men, had undertaken to superintend the Sunday-school during the year, spoke a few words of thanks to the parents for co-operation in sending the children so regularly, and to her loyal band of lady teachers for their unswerving devotion to the school's interests. The meeting closed with the National Anthem, all feeling the anniversary had been a great success.


Mundoora, January 22.

Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Stringer, of this district celebrated their golden wedding on Monday, January 15, when a large number of friends and relatives assembled. Mr. R. Harris, in proposing their health, mentioned the esteem and respect in which Mr. and Mrs. Stringer were held by the residents of the district, aud complimented them on the way in which they had brought up their family, the sons having all settled in the surrounding district. Mr. Stringer, in responding to the toast, mentioned that he, with his wife and family, came out in the ship Mary Shepherd, and arrived here on April 23, 1863. Mr. and Mrs. Stringer, who are natives of Glastonbury, Somerset, were married there, and after coming to the colony lived near Gawler, till the areas opened, when Mr. Stringer selected land on the Brough ton Extension, where he has carried on farming and grazing successfully. They have 8 children and 55 grandchildren. They visited England in 1890, returning here in the following year. Mr. John Stringer, the eldest son, is a councillor in the Snowtown District Council, and their five sons and three daughters are all married, and were represented or present at the wedding.


Mundoora. Fabruary 3.

An inquest was held on Monday before Mr. J. Blake on the body of George Boughen, who was found dead with his throat cut on Sunday morning in one of the rooms of the Mundoora Hotel. Evidence was given that the deceased had been drinking at the hotel on the previous night, and a verdict was returned that the deceased committed suicide whilst in a fit of temporary insanity brought on by excessive drinking.


The Mundoora Annual sports were held as usual on New Year's Day, on the grounds of Mr Jos. Paterson, It is now ten years since the first sports were held in Mundoora and with only one exception they hare been held every year since, so this is the ninth meeting; and although not so good in attendance and from a monetary point of view, as the meetings of palmier days it was nevertheless, considering the times, a thorough success. Between 300 and 400 persons assembled to see the sights and witness the feats of the athletes. No doubt the weather was the principal cause of the small attendance, as old Sol was completely veiled the greater part of the morning, and a few light showers were flying about. The afternoon was remarkably warm, with ever and anon a distant peal of thunder, announcing the birth of a New Year, no doubt. All appeared to be in a pleasant mood, aud judging from the number of times a " Happy new year to you, and the same to you" were uttered there ought not to be much misery in 1885. The sports were fairly contested. The winner of the champion race was either too heavily handicapped, or else out of form, as he was nowhere in the other races. We would venture to suggest that three local ex-aib letes woold exhibit the best judgment in handicapping in future, la the boys race Master C Shipway, a diminutive specimen of humanity, in conspicuous stockings, by his plucky running elicited admiring cheers. And in the girls race the winner cleared the rope with deer-like bound amidst peale of laughter. For the old men's race there were no entries. Doubtless the " old buffers' felt bashful as one side of the straight was lined %ith the " loveable and fair, radiant and rare.'' In the walking match G. Adams' walking was much admired, Jno. Touchell also had his admirers. Divers sorts of amusements were on the ground. " Aunt Sally" and Twos-and-threes, Drop hankerchief and such like. M. C. Turner, of Bed Hill, was present but his services were not called into requisition. The only incident wor'h relating was that of a man in his. anxiety to knock a pipe out of Aunt-Sally's mouth, hitting an onlooker across the noBe. The man that threw the stick had to apologise. Host Patterson of the Mundoora Hotel, bad a booth on the ground, to allay the pangs of thirst. And many resorted there to. The Redhill Brass Band was conspicuously parched on a waggon, the dulcet strains of which (the Band, not the waggon) filled the intervals between, the events, with selections from jig-tempting airs, down to the plaintive " Weeping for Home and Mother," Messrs G-. A. White and R. Darling, J.E's., as judges, gave general satisfaction, while the more arduous duties of Secretary and Treasurer were satisfactorily performed by Messrs Archd. McDonald and John Blake respectively. Subjoined are the events.

Maidens, 100 yards, S.jStruger, 2ls. Bay's Race-H. Hewett, 15s; O. Mildren, 0s; C. Shipway, 5s; Banning High J amp-I. Whitstone, 15s; Or. W. Young, 5s ; (4 feet 11 in). . Handicap Hurdle Bace-250 yards., ?L W. Young, £1 10s; S. Stringer, 15s ; 4 entries. Boys Bace, under 12 years-Mayaard, 1G& ; B. Dolling, 5a ; 13 entries. Standing High Jump-GL W. Young, £1; H. Matthews, 10s. Girl? Bace-MIbb S. Masters, 15s; Miss A. Sims, 5s.; 6 entries. Champion Bace, 220 yards-:Haggerty, £2; 5 entries. Quoit Match, (18 'yards)-Andrews and Ingereoh, £1 j Chappie and Colman, 10s. 10 -entries. Three-Legged JJace-^rJIaggerty and ff. ^Tailon £1; Whits tone and Young, 10s, Walking, Match, one mile-G-. Adams, £1 j .Jehu, Tobohell, 10s. Hard earned, money. .Nine! entries. Handicap, 440 yards, flat; raceQ-. W. Young, £1 10s; Jos. Flowers, 10s. Too easily won. Pour entries.. Quoit M4tcb, .21 i yards - A, and 0. Catderwogfl,* ^1*S: Chappje and Ppipian, |fls. $ight ^ntrie?. Tilting-H. Eustcoff,£l 10s ; Ji Cummins 15s. Forty entries entrance 's each.


Kapunda Herald (SA : 1878 - 1951), Friday 2 September 1904, page 3

Feoxt Bow (seated), from left to right —G Hughes T. Watts. A E. Gardiner Hon. Sec.) R Harris (Chairman), W Aitchison (Vic-Chairman, W D Tonkin, and J Lovridge.

Back Row (standing) —I Blake, F J Mil--en. WM Mitchell, T Dick, D Stringer and W J Shearer.


Agricultural Bureaus, we believe, are the outcome of a proposal made some years ago by Mr A Molineux, whose name has been closely associated with agriculture and horticulture in South Australia. These bureaus have been the means of disseminating a large amount of information amongst farmers, by the mutual exchange of results of experience and the discussion of matters relating to the occupation of the producer generally. Today they are stronger than they have ever been, and the scope of their work is gradually getting more comprehensive. Very much, more can yet be done by the farmers to assist each other, and it is to be regretted that the work of the bureau does not meet with more ready approba tion by those who are not members of it. Though the meetings are open to the attendance of visitors, to whom a cordial welcome is always extended, it is the exception for visitors to put in an appearance at the meetings. The recent widening of the membership by the adoption of an honorary member-ship roll is a step which will be largely for the advantage of the bureaus, as by admitting other than full member is it will tend to break down the belief that the meetings are entirely in the hands of a few persons, who regard themselves as enjoying some special privilege in meeting together and airing their knowledge. Honorary members have all the privileges that a full member has (except holding office) and by this means persons whom the membership number limit of fifteen would otherwise shut out, have the opportunity of practically becoming, members and give the community the benefit of their experience and general knowlege concerning agriculture, horticulture, and kindred subjects. There is a very useful future before agricultural bureaus. The accompanying photograph is of a group of members of the Mundoora branch of the bureau.