Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Thursday 13 June 1935, page 48


Jubilee Celebration At Maitland

Between 400 and 500 children to-k part In the combined schools' Jubiiee Empire Day celebrations held at Maitland. The function was arranged by the Mid-Yorke Peninsula Public Schools' Association, which included the folio-wing schools: — Ardrcssan, Arthurton. Kilkerran, Maitland, Muloawurtle, Port Victoria, Raeburn, Roolama, Sandilands, Tiparra West, Wauraltee. Weetulta, Wheatleigh, and Urania. Previous to the opening c'f the celebrations, the children mached In procession from the Soldiers' Memorial, headed by the Maitland Municipal Band, to the Institute, where addresses were given and an excellent programme was given by the pupils of the various schools. The president of Uhe association (Mr. Claude H. King) presided, and the speakers were Mr. W. T Martin, whose subject was 'Empire Day';, Mr. Inspector Flint, 'The King's Jubilee': the Mayor of Maitland (Mr. J. S. Honner). 'The Laws We Live Under'; Mr. Davies, M.P., 'The Flag'; the Bishop of Adelaide (Dr. A. Nutter Thomas), 'Comrade-ship.' All the children sans community songs, after which a programme was given by the following schools: — Choir, 'Ye Mariners of England,' Ardrossan; play, 'A Strange MeetIng.' Maitland; song, 'Blue Bells of Scotland,' Cunningham; recitation, 'For England,' Wauraltee; national dance, 'Irish Jig,' Arthurton; flute selection, Ardrossan; recitation, 'The Flag o'l the Free,' Port Clinton; song, 'Changing Guard at Buckingham Palace,' Maitland; recitation, Yorke Valley. Recitations were also given by Maureen Davies, Uranda, and Patricia Andrew, Wbeatleigh. The celebrations in the hall were concluded with a two minutes' silence In honor of the fallen soldiers, and the sounding of the 'Last Post' by Trumpeter G. L. Tippet. The ceremony of saluting the flag was conducted, and the National Anthem sung. Luncheon was partaken of at the Maitland School. In the afternoon sports were conducted on the showground. Results: — Boys under 7— Evan Davies, Urania; Louis Arnold, Pine Point. Gtris — Thelma Francis, Yorke Valley; Dora Magor. Pine Point. Boys under 8 — Bdb LeMessurer. Clinton Centre; Colin McDonald, Ardrossan. Girls — Joyce Evans, Arthurton- Winnie Roads, Ardrossan. Boys under 9 — Reg. Rowntree, Ardrossan: Douglas Olds, Maitland. Girls— Betty Armfleld, Ardrossan; Audrey GregoT, Raeburn. Boys unlder 10 — Kevin Oats. Sandllands; Geoff. Barton, Ardrdssan. Girls — Kathleen Mafcar. Mount Rat; Marie Gerke, Maitland. Girls under 11, first heat — Irene Roads, Ardrossan; Loma Llnke. Sandllands. Second heat — Margaret Evans. Arthurton; Shtnley Wheare. Pine Point. Boys under 12— Cliff Willis, Port Victoria: Glen Smith, Sandilands. Girls — Margaret Mahar, Mount Rat; Kathleen Hart. Urania. Boys under 14 — Laurie Mahar, Mount Rat; Glen Walding. Arthurton. Girls — Magaret Mahar, Mount Rat; Kathleen Hart, Urania. Boys under 14— Laurie Mahar, Mount Rat- Ross Montgomery. Port Clinton. Girls, first heat — Kathleen Roads (Ardrossan; Daphne Henderson. Pine Point. Secotid heat — Margaret Mahar, Mount Rat: Mary Kenny, Ardrossan. Boys under 14, first heat — Doug. Walshj Ardrossan; Garth Kelly, Maitland. Second heat — Frank Lord, Ardrossan; Doug. Alvey, Maitland. Girls over 14, first heat — E. Gregor, Raeburn; Rhonda Cowan, Ardrossan. Second heat — Barbara Cane and Eveline Cowan. Ardrossan. Flag race (boysl — Ardrossan team: Maitland team. Girls — Ardrossan team, Port Victoria team. Sack race— Laurie Mahar. Mount Rat; Mick Carty, Clinton Centre. Skipping race, girls — E. Gregor, Raeburn; Margaret Mahar, Mount Rat. Barbara Cane. Ardrossan, tied for second place. Girls' three-legeed race, under 10, first heat — Clarice Poiland and Joan Bagshaw, Weetulta; Joyce Rowntree and Valda Douslass. Ardrossan. Second heat — Velda Koch and Melva Pfeiffer, Kilkerran; Batty Bowman and Irene Roads. Ardrossan. Wheelbarrow race, boys— Frank Lord and Doug. Walsh. Ardrossan- Keith Grwo'ry and George VerraJI. Tioarra West. Girls' plato and marble race, first heat-^-Dorothy BallUe, Port Clinton; Rhonda Ctowan. Ardrossan. Second heat — Doreen Jones, Port Victoria; May Noaeh, Arthurtoo. Boys' bicycle race — Frank Lord. Ardrossan; Graham Klopp, Maitland. Girls — Joan Cane, Ardrossan; Beryl Oatey, Maitland. Boys' three-legged race, under 10— Dong. OJds and Len Venus. Maltland; Jim GoMner and Niel Davtes, Urania. Under 14 — Keith Gregory and George Verral, Tiparra West; D'Arcy Walsh and Fulton Gibson, Ardrossan. Girls' three-Ieeeed race, under 14— Mona end Dorothy BallUe. Clinton; Pesary O'LougWln and Sheila . Hanrahan, Arthurton. Girls' thread-the-needle, first heat — Eveline Cowan, Ardrossan; Barbara Cane. Ardross&n. Saoond heat— Daphne Henderson, Pine Point; Doris Arnold, Pine Point. Boys' potato race— Doug. Walsh, Ardrossan; Laurie Mahar. Mount Rat. Girls— Eveline Ctfwan. Ardrossan: EVeUne Gregor, Raeburn. Boys' tunnel ball— Ardrossan team; Maitland. Girls' over-head ball — Ardrossan team; Tiparra West teaan. A football match was played between sides representing East and West. The former team was drawn from Ardrossan, Clinton, Price end district, and completely outclassed Hie Easterners (selected from Maitland. Pott Victoria. Arthurton and district), winning by 13 goals 13 behlnris to nil.

Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Thursday 9 May 1929, page 48


Ardrossan, Ma? 6.

The musical and elocutionary competitions In connection with the Ardrossan. Sandilands, Muloowurtie, DowllngvtHe, Price, Wlnulta, Port Clinton, Yorke Valley, Fort Victoria, and Cunningham public schools were held in the Ardrossan Soldiers' Memorial Hall, on May 1, 2, and 3. There was a large attendance each night. In

spector W. T. Martin was adjudicator. There were 109 entries. The committee were: — Messrs. R. Morris (chairman), A. J. Jarrett, E. M. Jarrett, A. Tomlinson, F. Wisdom, C. N. Cane, H. tlnderwood. G. Clough (hon. secretary), L J. Ward (association hon. secretary). Official accompanist was Mrs. M. T. Tiddy. Others who provided music were Misses E. Short, G. Sims, and Dulcie Duke, Mr. Fettit. The following marks were awarded (maximum 100): — Section 1, pianoforte solo for children under 12 years — Florence Lord (Ardrossan), 89; Allen Davey (Muloowurtie), 82; Frank Lord (Ardrossan), 78; Mary Short (Dowllngvllle), 74; Joffre Rowntree (DowlingviUe), 71,Section Section 2, pianoforte solo lor children over 12 years — Lawrence Short (Dowllngvllle), 68.Section Section 13, recital for boys under 11 years) — Deryck Davey (Muloowurtie), 88; Joseph Kelly (Yorke Valley), 82; Ron Ingram (Cunningham), 73; Keith Launer (Sandilands), 70. Section 4, song for girls tinder 10 years.-— Isabella Wuttke (Ardrossan),. 76; Edna Rowe (Sandilands), 73. Section 7, song for boys under 11 years — Allen Davey (Muloowurtie). 76. Section. 18, humorous recital for children under 10 years — Muriel Magor (Ardrossan), 93; Mary Watson (Petersville), 76; Hex Gersch (Yorke Valley). 73. Section 15, recital for girls under 10 years — Mary Watson (Petersville), 62; Verna Hollams (Sandilands), 90; Audrey Walker (Muloowurtie), 82; Muriel Magor (Ardrossan), 79; Jessie Henderson (Cunningham). 73; Merle Ingram (Ardrossan), 72. Section 3, pianoforte duet for childron, I no age limit — Frank Lord and Florence I Lord (Ardrossau), 86; Laurence Short and j Joffre Rowntree (Dowlingville), 80. Section 14, recital for boys over 11 years —Harold Smith (Yorke Valley), 89; Harold Darling (Yorke Valley), 83; Frank LorJ (Ardrossan), 82; Howard Hollams (Sandiland), 77; Eric Launer (Sandilands), 75. Section 5, song for girls under 12 yearsMary Short (DowltngvilJe), 84; Florenc-j Lord (Ardrossan), 77; Jean Hornsby (Ardrossan), 76; Edna Hall (Port Victoria), 75; Olive Sanders (Ardrossan), 74; Joan Green (Yorke Valley), 71; Roma Bray (Ardrossan), 71. ? Section 20, impromptu reading for children under 10 years — Edna Rowe (Sandilands), 89; Keith Launer (Sandilands), 8S; Maurice Shultz, 87; Ernest Hollams (Saudllands). 84; Rex Gersch (Yorke Valley),

82; Colin Darling (Yorke Valley), 79: June Bishop (Mtuoowurtie), 78; Don Bourne (Ardrossan), 74; Ruth Hornsby (Ardrossau), 73; Jack Radford (Ardrossan), 69. Section 19, humorous recital for children over 10 years — Shirley Wuttke (Ardrossan), 90; Frank Lord (Ardrossan), 89; Florenca Lord (Ardrossan), 88; Gwen Blrklns (Dowlingville),1 81; Nellie Hare (Ardrossan), 30; Mary Short (Dowlingvllle), 80; Jeff Bowman (Ardrossan), 73; Lois Walker (Muloowurtie), 78; Harold Smith (Yorke Valley) 78. Section 21, Impromptu reading for children over 10 years — Allen Davey (Muloowurtie), 86 — 89; Harold Darling (Yorke Valley), 94—80; Frank Lord (Ardrossan), 86—75; Wilfred Cane (Ardrossan). 85—79; Nellie Wheare (Muloowurtie), 85; NeUie Hare (Ardrossan), 84; Lois Walker (Muloowurtie), 8V, Florence Lord (Ardrossan), 79; Jean Hornsby (Ardrossan), 75; Den'ck Davey (Muloowurtie), 75; Howard Hollams (Sandilands), 73; Gwen Birkins (Dowlingvllle), 71; Elvin Richards, 70; Kathleen Edwards, 67: Gerald Edwards, 65 Section 25, five solo for boys, any ageMurray Edwards (Ardrossan), 86; Fraiik Lord (Ardrossan), 81; Cyril Magor (Ardrossan), 78.Section Section 12, vocal duet lor children, no age limit— Frank Lord and Florence Lord (Ardrossan), 90. Section 17, recital for girls over 12 years — Erna Kleeman (Cunningham), 80; Nellie Hare (Ardrossan), 78; Nellie Wheare (Ardrossan), 71.Recital Recital for girls under 12 years — Gwen Blrklns (Dowlingvllle), 86; Lois Walker (Muloowurtie), 85; Florence Lord (Ardrossan), 84; . Irene Brown (Ardrossan). 34; Mary Short (Dowlingvllle), 80; Shirley Wuttke (Ardrossan), 77; Elvln Richards (Ardrossan), 77; Kathleen Edwards, 75; Linda Reynolds (Ardrossan), 62. Section 23, school choir (roll exceeding 40)— Ardrossan seniors. 77—82; Ardrossan Juniors, 73—78. Section 6, song for girls over 12 years — Nellie Hare (Ardrossan), 80; Mary Gibson (Port Victoria), 71. Section 8, song for boys over 11 yearsFrank Lord (Ardrossan), 91; Reg. Roads (Ardrossan), 87; Murray Edwards (Ardrossan), 85.The The first prize essay for boys was won .by Harold Darling, of Yorke Valley, end for girls by Bessie Plate. ? Both cssbjs were read by Miss Jessie Mclntosh.

Chronicle (Adelaide, SA : 1895 - 1954), Saturday 25 May 1907, page 52

BACHELORS' BALL ^ J^BOS^/Cti^ Th? bachelore of Ardrossan gave their annual fancy dress ball in the local institute on May, 0., The guests included residents of Maitland, Curramulka, Pine Point, tmd.DowIingville, The hall had been effectively decorated 'for 'the ' occasion with foliage and flowers. Mr *:J. Wilson acted as M.C., whilst Mr. Darniody was pianist. The success of the ball was due to the committee, consisting of Messrs. W. McDonald, S. 'O. Henderson, J.H. Henderson, J. O. Tate, J. Coombs, S. Watson, and H. Wilson. A dainty supper web afterwards partaken of. Some pretty and fanciful dresses were worn. ? ? Among those present were:— Mr. and Mrs. W. Morgan, Mr. and Mrs. W. Barton, Mrs. E. J. Barton, Miss O. Daniel, Mrs. C. Huckvalle, Mrs. T. Hogarth, Miss IL Hood, Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Daniel, Mrs. Tl. Winter, Mr. and Mrs. G. Kerrinon, Miss P.. Douglas, Captain Germein, Misses A. and N. Graves, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Bowman, Mrs. and Miss McLoughlin, Mrs. «. Wilson, Mr. and. Mrs. A. Hfll.'Mr. and Mrs. P. M. Ryan, Mr. P. Ford, Mrs. K. W. Elphick, Mr. W. McDonald, Mr. W. il. Thompson, Miss N. Whittiker, Mrs. A. Ihomas, Mrs. *C. Cane. Mr^ C Graves, Mfes O.-Pnvey, Miss B. Smith, Mr. Taven«ier, Mr. D. Montgomery, Mr.- U. McLoney, Mrs. and Misses Lucas, Mrs. A. Harper, Mrs. W. Alderman, Misses Lodge, Mr. H. and C. Bowman, Mr. R. Twelftree, Mr. Hunter, Mrs. J. and Miss Pavey. ~ Miss A. Huckvalle appeared as a 'Fairy Godmother;'1 Miss N. Wilson. 'Waitress;' Aliss L. Wilson, 'Japanese Girl;' Miss 1 . Alderman,- 'Queen of Hearts;' Miss O. Henderson, 'Sailoress;' Miss J. Wilson, 'Witch;' Mrs C. Newlyn, 'Viceroy Tea;' Miss G. Newlyn, 'Blue Bell;' Miss G. Newlyn, 'Little Red Riding Hood:' Miss R.^Huckvalle, '?Italian Peasant Girl;' Miss O. Daniel looked well as a fairy queen; Mr. R. D. Hogarth, 'Cap-tain Starlight;' Mr. A. Rundle, 'Mephis. topheles;' Mr. J. O. Tate, 'French Hussar;'' Mr. J. Wilson, 'Cricketer;' Mr. O. Henderson, 'Toreador:' Mr. J. Coomlw, 'Harlequin;' Mr. S. Watson, 'Toreador: Mr. W. Henderson,' 'Gondolier]' Mr. VV. Alderman, 'Stockman;' Mr. J. H. Henderson, 'Man from Snowv River;' Mr. W. Wilson and..Mr. C. Endersby, Jockey.' AN 'AT HOME.' -On Saturday, May 18, the ~Rev. W. E. Perrin and Mrs. Perrin gave a most enjoyable 'at home' at the rectory, Dnley. Guests were entertained with music in the drp.wing-room, which looked very pretty with the folding doors thrown open. Ua-fortunately all idea of lingering in the garden was quite spoilt by the deluge of rain early in -the afternoon. Mis3 Young sang very sweetly: Mrs. D'Areuberg gave n recitation, and 'The minuet'/' was recited in a charming manner by Miss Heather Hammond, who was dressed in appropriate costume. The Rev. L. Maund also contributed a song. Afterwards tea was served in the dining-room. Among the guests were the Dean and Mrs. G. E. Young, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Bruce, Canon Hornabrook, Mrs.. Hornabrook, Mrs, Dc N. Lucas, Mr. and Mn, W. Honevwill, Mr. and Mrs. W. Ham

mond, Mrs. W. Mortlock, Rev. L. Maund, Mrs. Maund, Mrs. F. Williams, Mra. Reg. Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. T. Poole, Rev.. Hewgill, Dr. and Miss Sweetapple, Miss L. Webb, Mr. L. Williams.